63 research outputs found

    Faktor Daya Tarik Dan Kinerja Pelayanan Menurut Persepsi Mahasiswa : Studi Fe Unnes

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    The objective of the research was to find the factors of the Economic Faculty s magnetism for Students Candidates to continue studying at the Economics Faculty, Semarang State University. Then, this study assessed the performances of those factors after they became Economics students. The sample of the study were Economics Faculty students from three departments; Accounting, Management, and Development Economics which consisted of 64 students on different semesters as th respondents. The data were analyzed by factor analysis to find the factors which became the Economics Faculty's magnetism. Then, the data were analyzed by Wilcoxon Rank Test to test the performances of those factors with the level of certainty was 95%. The result of the study showed that there were 4 main factors which became Economics Faculty' magnetism, they are; 1) Superiority, 2) Promotion, 3) Location and 4) Performance. Furthermore, the respondents stated that the performance of superiority factor was not satisfying while the performances of promotion, location and per formance factors were satis fying

    Pemanfaatan E-learning E-lena Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Dasar Statistika Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran Fakultas Ekonomi Unnes

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    It is a pre-experiment study. The study used two classes, the first class was the treatment class using E-lena learning system and the second class was the control class without using E-lena learning system. The subject of this study was students of Office Administration of Economics Education Department, Economics Faculty, Semarang State University. The data were collected by test, and then analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The result of this study showed that using E-lena learning system could improve students' self awareness in learning, but unfortunately the system still had some problems related to the application

    Kepuasan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Terhadap Pelayanan Perpustakaan Di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Semarang

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    The attributes of library services need to be analyzed in order to satisfy the students needs. The objective of this study were (1) to know the factors that determine Economics Education's student satisfaction and, (2) to know the most dominant factor in determining their satisfaction of the library‘s services in Economics Faculty, Semarang State University.The data were collected by questionnaire, documentation and interview. Then the data were analyzed by factor analysis and descriptive percentage. The result ofthe factor analysis showed that the 28 analyzed variables were reduced to 23 variables. They were grouped into 8 new factors that determined student satisfaction was 62.668%. Meanwhile, 37.332% was influenced by other factors that are not defined in this model. (1) The convenience and the main products factor was17.971%, (2) the interaction factor was 8.878%, (3) the cleanliness factor was 7.830%, (4) the neatness factor was 6.731%, (5) the means of support factor was 6.348%, (6) the technical performance factor was 5.597%, (7) the building area factor was 4.918% and (8) the complementary product factor was 4.396%

    Pemanfaatan Nanobentonit sebagai Bahan Tambahan pada Formula Grease, Kosmetik dan Nanokomposit Polimer

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    Bentonit merupakan salah satu Sumber daya mineral Indonesia dengan jumlah yang sangatmelimpah. Beberapa wilayah penghasil bentonit adalah Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan. Bentonitmerupakan suatu jenis tanah liat, yang tersusun dari berbagai mineral phyllosilicate, dengankandungan utama monmorilonit. Karena kandungan mineral yang beragam, maka bentonitmerupakan bahan baku yang penting bagi berbagai macam aplikasi industri. Selama ini bentonitbanyak digunakan sebagai adsorben zat warna maupun pengotor-pengotor minyak atau limbah cair.Kegunaan lain adalah sebagai katalis baik dengan modifikasi bentonit maupun tidak. Kajian inimerupakan kajian deskriptif dari data sekunder mengenai pemanfaatan lain bentonit sesuai dengankarakteristiknya, yaitu (1) Sebagai thickenergrease, (2) Rheological Modifier oleh dispersi bentonitdi dalam pelarut organik kosmetik, dan (3) filler pada nanokomposit polimer yang ditinjau daripeningkatan kinerja pada aplikasinya dan peningkatan nilai tambahnya. Metode penambahannanobentonit pada setiap formula adalah dengan cara dicampur pada temperatur dan kecepatanputaran tertentu. Aplikasi nanobentonite pada berbagai formula menghasilkan peningkatanperformansidan reologi. Sebagai thickener pada grease dapat menghasilkan grease yang memilikiketahanan terhadap temperatur tinggi dan memiliki stabilitas kerja baik,dengan ukuran droppingpoint,hal ini terjadi karena bentonit bersifat tidak meleleh pada temperatur tinggi. Pada formulakosmetik mampu mendispersikan bentonit dalam pelarut organik yang banyak digunakan padakosmetik berbentuk gel dan kinerja diukur dengan shear test. Selanjutnya peran nanobentonitsebagai filler pada formula nanokomposit polimer adalah dapat meningkatkan beberapa sifat dasarpolimer seperti sifat ketahanan termal dan sifat mekanik, dan diantaranya diukur besarnya tensilestrength,hal ini disebabkan karena adanya sifat fisik bentonityaitu tingginya daya serap, derajatplastisitas, maupun faktor ukurannya

    Kajian Komparatif Pelayanan Angkutan Umum Antara Kota Semarang Dan Kota Surakarta

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    Semarang and Surakarta have different characteristic on structure and urban growth. This difference affects on urban public transport service in those cities. Aim of this research is to know the difference characteristic of urban public transport service between Semarang and Surakarta. The analysis method is comparing urban public transport service generally with transportation service and especially with public transport service, those are effectiveness and efficiency. Result of this research can be used for local government as one of the review on making of urban public transport system insight. The result of this research shows that the difference on urban structure of Semarang and Surakarta affect on urban public transport service. The urban structure of Semarang with concentric design and add with its ring radial road network cause almost all of public transport track through the down town area as the centre of all activities, mean while the urban structure of Surakarta with its grid road network tendency to spread the movement into all over the town that cause people activity spread relatively. These circumstances cause urban public transport track also spread all over the town following road network up to its hinterland. Some proposed to ascend urban public transport system service in Semarang needs an evaluation of urban public transport service more efficient with reduce or change public transport moda with that whose have bigger capacity so that can reduce traffic problem in down town area, mean while Surakarta needs to cooperate with its hinterland because almost all of urban public transport that are operating in Surakarta having the beginning and ending terminals outside of its jurisdiction

    Pengaruh Kadar Minyak Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Kulit Boks

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    The aimed of the study of oil content on upper leather is to know the influence of oil content both on the Tensile strength on upper leather. Materials used in this study were of test result data taken from test carried out at Quality Control and Normalisation for leather good section leather and leather product Development Devision, IRDLAI since Januari 1 st 1984 till December 31, 1990. The data were statistically analysed using regression and correlation method to obtain the influence of oil content content and tensile strength of upper. The oil content and tensile strength have mutual relation ship, i.e the higher the oil content is, the better the tensile strength will be, and contrary INTISARI Penelitian tentang Pengaruh Kadar Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Kulit Boks bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadar minyak terhadap kekuatan tarik untuk kulit boks. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan mengambil data pengujian yang ada di Seksi Pengawasan Mutu dan Normalisasi Barang Kulit, Balai Pengembangan Barang KUlit dari tanggal 1 Januari 1984 sampai dengan 31 Desember 1990. Analisa Data statistik menggunakan regresi korelasi, diperoleh hasil pengaruh kadar minyak terhadap kekuatan tarik sebanding, artinya semakin tinggi kadar minyak maka kekuatan tarik menjadi semakin tinggi, begitu pula sebalikny

    Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Transportasi Darat Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Di Jakarta

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    Transportation is the backbone in creating social welfare in Jakarta. Therefore, if there are problems in the transportation system, it will have an impact on the smooth traffic flow and will ultimately hamper the achievement of public welfare. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method. This study refers to the theory proposed by Anderson (in Tachjan, 2006: 23) and Sarana, et al (2009: 9). The results of the study are as follows. Policy implementation transportation system in Jakarta has been able to improve the social welfare of most citizens, which means some people have to feel and enjoy the outcome of transportation development in Jakarta. However, others have not optimally felt the positive impact of the policy. Even, it is perceived negatively; such as traffic jams which are almost evenly distributed throughout Jakarta causing high air pollution, hampered economic activity and generated high economic costs that social welfare was also weakened. This is reinforced by the increasing poverty rate in 2014 that reached 393,980 people thousand compared to previous years
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