26 research outputs found


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    Coconut crop is main cost of economics of public in district of Kei Besar Maluku Tenggara. But in the year 2002, pest raid Aspidiotus destructor at coconut crop causes ugly chartered investment counsel impact to public. Handling of chartered investment counsel social impact as result of depressed [by] it effort for plantation of coconut faces various constraints, between of knowledge and skilled of limited public and government programs that is unsatisfying comprehends sometimes not effective. This article aim to determine alternative of effort for agriculture in integrating farming and diversification [by] commodity for the planning of overcomes of economic depressing impact post coconut pest raid . Based on opportunity, local constraint and agroecosystem character, there is 12 alternative of effort for agriculture suggested, that is ( 1) Rejuvenation of Coconut In, ( 2) Farm of cashew, ( 3) Mix crop farming, ( 4) Pulses and feed forage, ( 5) Orange and Pineaple farm ( 6) Duck and native chicken farm ( 7) local cow farm ( 8) goad and sheep farm ( 9) Fishery of Demersal Rock, ( 10) Fishery of Lobster and crap, ( 11) Fishery of Small Pelagis, and ( 12) Fishery of Green Cockle.   Key word : Farming integration, commodity diversification, Aspidiotus destructo


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kelayakan finansial teknologi introduksi usahatani kedelai setelah padi sawah, yang telah dilakukan pada petani kedelai lahan sawah irigasi di Desa Waekasar, kecamatan Mako, kabupaten Buru pada Tahun 2006. Digunakan metode pemahaman pedesaan secara partisipatif terhadap dua kelompok petani yaitu petani kooperator dan non-kooperator. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data komponen produksi.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usahatani petani kooperator dengan menerapkan teknologi introduksi mampu memberikan keuntungan yang lebih besar (Rp 2.557.000) dibandingkan dengan usahatani petani non-kooperator (1.165.000), dengan nilai R/C masing-masing yaitu 1,40 (petani kooperator), 1,33 (petani non-kooperator). Hasil analisis marginal B/C sebesar 1,36 menunjukkan bahwa perubahan komponen teknologi petani yang disesuaikan dengan teknologi introduksi secara finansial layak dilakukan karena setiap Rp 100 tambahan biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh petani kooperator akibat mengganti komponen teknologi menyebabkan tambahan penerimaan sebesar Rp 136.  Usahatani pola introduksi layak diterapkan dengan titik impas tambahan produksi yaitu 556,60  kg/ha atau produktivitas minimal yang harus dicapai 1.486,60 kg/ha. Dengan tambahan produksi sebesar 850 kg/ha pada petani kooperator maka perubahan komponen teknologi tersebut layak dilakukan jika penurunan harga tidak sampai dibawah titik impas harga yaitu Rp 3.274,12/kg. Kata kunci : Analisis finansial, Introduksi teknologi, Kedelai, Waekasar - Bur

    Keanekaragaman Herba di Kawasan Mangrove Muara Aluh-Aluh

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    Herbs are plants with moist stems that grow wild along roadsides or on the unmaintained ground. Herbs are more commonly associated with plants that are harmful to civilization, even though they have numerous uses in life, including traditional medicine, ornamental plants, and contextual instructional resources. People are unaware of herbs and plants categorized as herbs, which is one of the reasons why they are considered hazardous plants. A mangrove forest is a type of forest with a tidal environment; plants that may grow in mangrove forests are characteristic vegetation, notably salt-tolerant plants. The goal of this research was to describe the plant variety in the Muara Aluh-Aluh Mangrove Area. The data was gathered in the 500-meter-long Muara Aluh-Aluh Mangrove Area, which was divided into ten locations separated by 50 meters. A plot of 1 m x 1 m with as many as 4 pieces was made at each place using the line transect method and oriented diagonally. The quantity and varieties of herbaceous plants found in the plot were counted as samples. According to the findings of the study on herbaceous plant diversity in the Muara Aluh-Aluh Mangrove area, there are 21 different varieties of herbaceous plants with a diversity index of 2.66, putting them in the medium diversity category.Keywords - Diversity, Herbs, Mangroves, Muara Aluh-Alu

    Production and Cost Efficiency Analysis Using Frontier Stochastic Approach, A Case on Paddy Farming System With Integrated Plant and Resource Management (IPRM) Approach In Buru District Maluku Province Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of production and cost efficiency on paddy farming system with integrated plant and resource management (IPRM) approach in Buru District Maluku Province. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method was used to estimate parameters in both frontier stochastic models. 120 respondents was determined by using simple random sampling method. The empirical finding shows that the varies of the error term in both models are mostly influence by inefficiency factors (g production= 0.933; g cost = 0.948) rather than stochastic factors. The average technical efficiency is 0.855 and 75.83% respondent already operates in this level of efficiency. The average cost efficiency is 0.86 and 80% of respondent already achieve this level of cost efficiency. These findings indicate that rice farming system with integrated plant and resource management approach in the research area are efficient and profitable. Keyword: Rice, Production efficiency, Cost efficiency, IPRM approach, Indonesia, Stochastic frontie


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    ABSTRACT Economies of scale and allocative efficiency of rice farming has been conducted i

    Dampak Program Raskin terhadap Konsumsi Gizi Rumah Tangga di Pulau Jawa

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    Distribution of subsidized rice for a low-income household has been one of the government policies to improve food insecurity and eradicate poverty.  From 1998 to 2015, this policy was implemented to distribute subsidized rice for the poor (Raskin) program. Impact evaluation of this program on household nutrition consumption is very important because the level of nutrition consumption is one of the instruments for welfare assessment in Indonesia. One of the problems in this program implementation was the inaccuracy of the target recipient, that was some small part of the poor and near-poor did not receive subsidized rice, and vice versa. Based on these findings, this study aimed to analyze Raskin's impact on household nutrition consumption for both target recipients and nonrecipient. In this study, the data used was Susenas 2015 from Statistics Indonesia, with the scope of analysis covering Java Island. Data were analyzed using the treatment effect method, with the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Endogenous Switching Regression approaches (ESR). Statistically and significantly, estimation results using PSM and ESR stated that the distribution of Raskin increased energy and protein consumption in each household recipient group, meaning that this program could reduce malnutrition and food insecurity of the poor. To increase the benefit of this subsidized food distribution, it is suggested that the target recipient's data should be improved, and the inaccuracy of household recipients should be minimized. AbstrakPenyaluran subsidi beras untuk rumah tangga berpendapatan rendah menjadi salah satu kebijakan pemerintah dalam mengatasi kerawanan pangan dan pengentasan kemiskinan. Pada priode 1998 sampai 2015 kebijakan ini dilaksanakan melalui program penyaluran beras subsidi untuk rumah tangga miskin (Raskin). Evaluasi dampak Raskin terhadap tingkat konsumsi gizi rumah tangga sangat penting, karena kecukupan tingkat konsumsi gizi menjadi salah satu instrumen penilaian kesejahteraan di Indonesia. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam implementasi program ini adalah adanya ketidaktepatan penerima sasaran program, yaitu ada sebagian kecil rumah tangga miskin dan rentan miskin yang tidak menerima Raskin, dan sebaliknya.  Dengan latar belakang hasil penelitian tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak Raskin terhadap konsumsi gizi rumah tangga penerima dan bukan penerima. Data yang digunakan adalah data Susenas 2015 dari Badan Pusat Statistik, dengan cakupan analisis meliputi Pulau Jawa.  Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode efek perlakuan (treatment effect), dengan pendekatan Propensity Score Matching (PSM) dan Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR). Secara statistik dan signifikan, hasil estimasi menggunakan PSM dan ESR menyatakan penyaluran Raskin dapat meningkatkan konsumsi energi dan protein pada setiap kelompok rumah tangga penerima Raskin, berarti program ini dapat mengurangi malnutrisi dan kerawanan pangan rumah tangga miskin. Untuk meningkatkan manfaat dari program penyaluran subsidi pangan, disarankan dilakukan perbaikan data rumah tangga penerima dan kesalahan target rumah tangga penerima ditekan sekecil mungkin