21 research outputs found

    Grid Cells Encode Local Positional Information

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    The brain has an extraordinary ability to create an internal spatial map of the external world [1]. This map-like representation of environmental surroundings is encoded through specific types of neurons, located within the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, which exhibit spatially tuned firing patterns [2, 3]. In addition to encoding space, these neurons are believed to be related to contextual information and memory [4-7]. One class of such cells is the grid cells, which are located within the entorhinal cortex, presubiculum, and parasubiculum [3, 8]. Grid cell firing forms a hexagonal array of firing fields, a pattern that is largely thought to reflect the operation of intrinsic self-motion-related computations [9-12]. If this is the case, then fields should be relatively uniform in size, number of spikes, and peak firing rate. However, it has been suggested that this is not in fact the case [3, 13]. The possibility exists that local spatial information also influences grid cells, which-if true-would greatly change the way in which grid cells are thought to contribute to place coding. Accordingly, we asked how discriminable the individual fields of a given grid cell are by looking at the distribution of field firing rates and reproducibility of this distribution across trials. Grid fields were less uniform in intensity than expected, and the pattern of strong and weak fields was spatially stable and recurred across trials. The distribution remained unchanged even after arena rescaling, but not after remapping. This suggests that additional local information is being overlaid onto the global hexagonal pattern of grid cells

    Нуклидная терапия радия-223 хлоридом. Штрихи к портрету пациента

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    Radium-223 is the 1st nuclide medicine from the group of alpha emitters, its use is associated with an increase in overall survival, a delay to bone complications and a significant improvement the quality of life, proven placebo-controlled randomized studies in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer in the presence of bone metastases and no visceral ones. Perhaps the еarly use of radium-223 in combination with enzalutamide or abiraterone in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients with bone metastases, before the start of treatment with taxanes is reasonable.Today, the issue of embedding modern nuclide therapy in the accepted system of treating castration-resistant prostate cancer.Первый и в настоящий момент единственный препарат из группы альфа-эмиттеров — радий-223 (223Ra). По данным плацебо-контролируемых рандомизированных исследований, у пациентов с кастрационно-рефрактерным раком предстательной железы при наличии костных метастазов и отсутствии висцерального распространения применение 223Ra увеличивает показатели общей выживаемости, период до развития костных осложнений и существенно улучшает качество жизни. Имеющиеся данные свидетельствуют о целесообразности раннего применения 223Ra в сочетании с энзалутамидом или абиратероном у больных кастрационно-рефрактерным раком предстательной железы с костными метастазами до начала лечения таксанами. На сегодняшний день остается нерешенным вопрос о встраивании современной нуклидной терапии в принятую систему лечения пациентов с кастрационно-резистентным раком предстательной железы

    Наблюдательное многоцентровое исследование по оценке эффективности и безопасности терапии больных раком предстательной железы с применением препарата дегареликс® в реальной клинической практике

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    Background. Prostate cancer (PCa) is an actual disease and a frequent oncological pathology in men. The main methods of radical treatment of patients with PCa are radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy. Radical prostatectomy s the most commonly used method of therapy in patients with localized PCa. Adjuvant hormone therapy after surgical treatment is the standard method of therapy in patients with the presence of lymph node metastases. At the same time, the standard approach of treatment of patients with metastatic PCa is combination therapy with medical (using of analogues or antagonists of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) or surgical castration in combination with chemotherapy with docetaxel or new generation antiandrogens (enzalutamide or apalutamide)). Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of achieving minimum testosterone levels at all stages of drug therapy in patients with PCa. It has also been shown that the use of LHRH analogues may be less effective to the use of LHRH antagonists (degarelix) in relation to the effectiveness of testosterone suppression. Thus, conducting a study aimed at studying the effectiveness of testosterone suppression using LHRH antagonists in various clinical situations and patient populations in real clinical practice is a very actual task.Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of castration therapy using degarelix in real clinical practice and in various clinical situations.Materials and methods. The object of an observational non-interventional study was 132 patients with PCa from 13 cancer centers of Russian Federation who were treated with LHRH antagonist degarelix. The study was non-interventional (observational), retrospectively-prospective, open multicenter and not randomized. In accordance with the design of the study, depending on the clinical situation, patients were divided into 3 groups: group A (n = 52; 39.4 %) – patients with primary metastatic hormone-sensitive PCa, who were shown to undergo combined drug treatment with castration therapy as one of the components; group B (n = 43; 32.6 %) – patients, who underwent combined hormonal and radiation treatment (ADT + radiation therapy); group C (n = 37; 28 %) – patients who underwent surgical treatment (radical prostatectomy with extended PLND) with the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes identified by the results of a morphological examination (pN1).Results and conclusion. As a result of a non-interventional observational study, high efficacy of androgen-deprivation therapy with the use of degarelix was demonstrated in relation to the suppression of testosterone and PSA in patients with primary metastatic and locally advanced PCa in various clinical situations, as well as low toxicity and satisfactory tolerability of this variant of hormonal treatment.Введение. Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ) является актуальным заболеванием и частой онкологической патологией у мужчин. Основные методы радикального лечения больных РПЖ – радикальная простатэктомия и лучевая терапия. Радикальная простатэктомия – наиболее часто применяемый метод терапии у больных локализованным РПЖ. Адъювантная гормональная терапия после хирургического лечения является стандартным методом лечения больных с наличием лимфогенных метастазов. В то же время стандартным подходом к терапии пациентов с наличием метастатического РПЖ считается комбинированная терапия с применением кастрации (медикаментозной с использованием аналогов или антагонистов лютеинизирующего гонадотропин-рилизинг-гормона (ЛГРГ) или хирургической в комбинации с химиотерапией доцетакселом или антиандрогенами новой генерации (энзалутамид или апалутамид)). В многочисленных исследованиях продемонстрирована важность достижения минимальных значений уровня тестостерона на всех этапах проведения лекарственной терапии у больных РПЖ. Также было показано, что применение аналогов ЛГРГ может быть менее действенным, чем использование антагонистов ЛГРГ (дегареликса), в отношении эффективности супрессии уровня тестостерона. Таким образом, проведение исследования, направленного на изучение эффективности супрессии уровня тестостерона с использованием антагонистов ЛГРГ в различных клинических ситуациях и популяциях больных в реальной клинической практике, является весьма актуальной задачей.Цель исследования – оценить эффективность и безопасность кастрационной терапии с применением препарата дегареликс в реальной клинической практике и в различных клинических ситуациях.Материалы и методы. Объектом наблюдательного неинтервенционного исследования стали 132 больных РПЖ из 13 онкологических центров России, которым проводили терапию с использованием препарата дегареликс. Исследование являлось неинтервенционным (наблюдательным), ретроспективно-проспективным, открытым, многоцентровым и нерандомизированным. В соответствии с дизайном исследования в зависимости от клинической ситуации больных распределили на 3 группы: группа А (n = 52; 39,4 %) – больные с первично выявленным метастатическим гормоночувствительным РПЖ, которым показано проведение комбинированного лекарственного лечения с применением кастрационной терапии в качестве одного из компонентов; группа В (n = 43; 32,6 %) – больные, которым проведено комбинированное гормонолучевое лечение; группа С (n = 37; 28 %) – больные, перенесшие хирургическое лечение, с наличием метастазов в лимфатических узлах, выявленных по результатам планового морфологического исследования.Результаты и заключение. Продемонстрированы высокая эффективность андрогендепривационной терапии с применением препарата дегареликс в отношении супрессии нативного уровня тестостерона и уровня простатического специфического антигена у больных с первично выявленным метастатическим и местно-распространенным РПЖ в различных клинических вариантах, а также низкая токсичность и удовлетворительная переносимость данного варианта гормонального лечения

    Investigation of various pipe materials for riser operation in the arctic seas

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    А riser, which is an offshore water separation column is the main difference between offshore drilling and onshore drilling. The idea of the research is to calculate the stressed-deformed state of a riser made of various materials to identify technological advantages during drilling on the shelf and at sea in the Arctic. The article is the result of research conducted in the Mathematica application program to determine the operating stresses that depend on the drilling process conditions and the external environment. Modern drilling technologies are designed to increase the capacity of the equipment or to use alternative materials. Given the pace of development of the fields of the Northern Shelf of Russia, there is a need to explore the use of alternative materials for such marine equipment as risers

    Comprehensive studies of aluminum drill pipe materials

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    The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need to use high quality material of drilling and rock cutting tool for developing remote regions of the Far North and Arctic offshore. The main aim of the study is the enhancement of Light Alloy Drill Pipe material properties based on the results of the comprehensive studies of the aluminum alloy samples series, including its tribological tests on friction machines. The methods used in the research: study of light alloy drill pipe specimens wear in contact with the steel casing (45 D group) on the friction machine UMT 2168 and tester FANN in fluid medium-work-study of light alloy drill pipe specimens in contact «metal-rock» on the friction machine AI-3M in fluid medium-work-study of light alloy drill pipe specimens in «casing - drill pipe» system on the friction machine II-5018 in fluid medium. The results. The paper demonstrates that the methods based on machines UMT-2168, II-5018, AI-3M and tester FANN allow simulating friction process of drill pipe made of light alloy providing physical similarity of tribological process of «drill pipe - casing», «drill pipe - rock» pairs in various drilling fluids. The authors have studied the effect of the applied drilling fluids with lubricants and polymeric additives on performance of tribological drilling fluids properties in relation to the friction pair «metal-rock». It is recommended to apply the severe deformation technique, in particular the equal channel angular pressing, to obtain ultra-fine grain structure in aluminum alloys with the given physical and mechanical properties required to improve the tribotechnical features and increase of operating life of drill pipes

    Obtaining drill reagents by modification of neutral-sulphite alkali phosphonic compounds

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    Relevance of the work is determined by the task of developing low-toxic, biodegradable and inexpensive reagents for water based drilling muds chemical treatment. In this connection, the paper considers the methods for increasing the reactivity of neutral-sulphite liquors used as the basis of such reagents. The aim of the research is to study the feasibility of using phosphonic compounds in preparation of reagents based on neutral-sulphite liquors for treatment of drilling flushing fluids in order to improve their technological parameters Research methods: instrumental methods for determining drilling fluids parameters for taxiway 39-00147001-773-2004 ([ro] is the density, RV is the relative viscosity, [ita]pl is the plastic viscosity, [tau]0 is the yield point, the SSS is the static shear stress, IF is the index filtration, pH is the index of hydrogen ions content) supplemented with neutral sulfite liquors phosphonic compounds in acid nitrilomethylenephosphonic, sodium tripolyphosphate for both separate and combined entering into composition of drilling liquid Results. It was ascertained that inclusion of phosphonic compounds in composition of drilling reagents based on the neutral-sulfite liquor allows improving quality indicators of drilling fluids, contributing to sustainability of drilling system parameters to exposure of higher downhole temperature and mineral aggression providing high-thinning ability and reducing the drilling mud filtration rate. These properties of drilling reagents, modified by phosphonic compounds, allow converting low-reaction liquors used as the basis, to the part of the advanced resource-renewable domestic raw materials. Conclusion. Investigation of physicochemical properties and characteristics of liquors of neutral-sulfite digestion showed that, in spite of the reduced reactivity, they are a very promising component for reagents obtaining, especially in conditions of increased demand for renewable raw materials sources

    Investigation of tribotechnical and corrosion behaviour of material for light-alloy drill pipes

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    Special aluminum alloys appear to be promising materials for manufacture of high-strength light-alloy drill pipes (HSLADP) that can be used in areas with a severe climate and challenging geology. The effect of using light-alloy drill pipes (LADP) depends directly on the properties of the aluminum alloys from which such pipes are made. As the wells become deeper and horizontal wellbores get longer, use of LADPs becomes more relevant. Since light-alloy pipes are 2.8 times softer than steel pipes, LADPs offer the same performance as steel drill pipes of the lowest strength grade even in the case of rotary drilling. The materials from which such pipes are made have a number of unique advantages: extra light weight in the drill mud, allowing the coefficient of sliding friction between the pipe surface and the borehole wall to be reduced; high corrosion resistance in aggressive media with A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide; and high magnetic inductive capacity that allows LADPs to be used as a housing for MWD (measurement while drilling) and LWD (logging while drilling) telemetry systems during well-drilling operations. This study suggests methods for industrial production of submicrocrystalline (SMC) structure in aluminum alloys with the help of severe plastic deformation. Through the example of model aluminum-lithium alloys 1420 (Al-Mg-Li-Zr) and 1460 (Al-Сu-Li-Zr), the researchers demonstrate that SMC structure helps significantly increase resistance to wear and reduce the rate of corrosion depending on the pH value. The research team also states that severe plastic deformation methods may be used to develop highly promising technologies for manufacture of high-strength LADPs with advanced strain-stress properties for use during operations in the Arctic

    Radionuclide therapy with radium-223 chloride. A few strokes to the patient’s portrait

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    Radium-223 is the 1st nuclide medicine from the group of alpha emitters, its use is associated with an increase in overall survival, a delay to bone complications and a significant improvement the quality of life, proven placebo-controlled randomized studies in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer in the presence of bone metastases and no visceral ones. Perhaps the еarly use of radium-223 in combination with enzalutamide or abiraterone in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients with bone metastases, before the start of treatment with taxanes is reasonable.Today, the issue of embedding modern nuclide therapy in the accepted system of treating castration-resistant prostate cancer

    Comprehensive studies of aluminum drill pipe materials

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью в использовании высококачественных материалов бурильного инструмента для поиска трудноизвлекаемых углеводородов Крайнего Севера и освоения арктического шельфа. Цель работы: совершенствование свойств материала легкосплавных бурильных труб (ЛБТ), основанное на результатах комплексного изучения серии образцов алюминиевых сплавов, включая их триботехнические испытания на машинах трения. Методы исследования: анализ процесса изнашиваний: образцов ЛБТ в контакте со стальной (45 группы прочности «D») обсадной колонной с использованием машины трения УМТ 2168 в среде промывочной жидкости и на тестере Fann; образцов ЛБТ в контакте «металл - горная порода» в среде промывочной жидкости на машине трения АИ-3М; тестирование образцов легкосплавных бурильных труб в системе «обсадная колонна - бурильная труба» в среде промывочной жидкости на машине трения ИИ-5018. Результаты. Показано, что методы, базирующиеся на установках УМТ-2168, ИИ-5018, АИ-3М и тестере Fann, позволяют моделировать процесс трения бурильных труб, изготовленных из легкого сплава, обеспечивая физическое подобие процесса трения пары «бурильная труба - обсадная колонна», «бурильная труба - горная порода» в среде различных буровых промывочных жидкостей. Проанализировано влияния применяемых в бурении растворов с полимерными и смазочными добавками на показатели триботехнических свойств различных буровых промывочных жидкостей применительно к паре трения «металл - горная порода». Рекомендовано применение методов интенсивной деформации, в частности равноканально-углового прессования, для получения ультрамелкозернистой структуры в алюминиевых сплавах с заданными физико-механическими свойствами, необходимых для улучшения триботехнических свойств и увеличения срока службы бурильных труб.The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the need to use high quality material of drilling and rock cutting tool for developing remote regions of the Far North and Arctic offshore. The main aim of the study is the enhancement of Light Alloy Drill Pipe material properties based on the results of the comprehensive studies of the aluminum alloy samples series, including its tribological tests on friction machines. The methods used in the research: study of light alloy drill pipe specimens wear in contact with the steel casing (45 D group) on the friction machine UMT 2168 and tester FANN in fluid medium-work-study of light alloy drill pipe specimens in contact «metal-rock» on the friction machine AI-3M in fluid medium-work-study of light alloy drill pipe specimens in «casing - drill pipe» system on the friction machine II-5018 in fluid medium. The results. The paper demonstrates that the methods based on machines UMT-2168, II-5018, AI-3M and tester FANN allow simulating friction process of drill pipe made of light alloy providing physical similarity of tribological process of «drill pipe - casing», «drill pipe - rock» pairs in various drilling fluids. The authors have studied the effect of the applied drilling fluids with lubricants and polymeric additives on performance of tribological drilling fluids properties in relation to the friction pair «metal-rock». It is recommended to apply the severe deformation technique, in particular the equal channel angular pressing, to obtain ultra-fine grain structure in aluminum alloys with the given physical and mechanical properties required to improve the tribotechnical features and increase of operating life of drill pipes