9 research outputs found

    Stable expression and functional characterization of a Na+-taurocholate cotransporting green fluorescent protein in human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells

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    Sodium-dependent uptake of bile acids from blood is aliver-specific function which is mediated by theNa+-taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide(Ntcp). We report the stable expression of aNa+-taurocholate cotransporting green fluorescentfusion protein in the human hepatoblastoma cell lineHepG2, normally lacking Ntcp expression. Ntcp-EGFPassociated green fluorescence colocalized with Ntcpimmunofluorescence in the plasma membrane. Intransfected HepG2 cells, the fusion protein mediatedthe sodium-dependent uptake of the bile acidtaurocholate (Km: 24.6 ÎĽmol/l) and of the anionicsteroids estrone-3-sulfate and dehydroepiandrosteronesulfate. We conclude that the Ntcp-EGFP fusion proteinfollows the sorting route of Ntcp, is functionallyidentical to Ntcp and could be used to monitor proteintrafficking in living HepG2 cell

    No major effects of vitamin D3 (1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3) on absorption and pharmacokinetics of folic acid and fexofenadine in healthy volunteers

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    PURPOSE: In Caco-2 cells, folate uptake via the proton-coupled folate transporter (PCFT) increases significantly by a 3-day treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3). Additionally, mRNA content and protein expression of the transporter OATP1A2 were increased up to ninefold with 1,25(OH)2D3. We investigated whether these in vitro findings can be confirmed in humans in vivo. METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers (six women) received 5 mg folic acid orally once before and once together with the last intake of a 10-day course of 0.5 μg 1,25(OH)2D3 orally. One hundred twenty milligrams fexofenadine, an OATP1A2 substrate, was taken in 1 day before the first folic acid intake, and again on the ninth day of 1,25(OH)2D3 intake. Duodenal biopsies were taken for transporter mRNA assessments once before and once on the ninth or tenth day of the vitamin D3 course. Serum folic acid and fexofenadine concentrations were quantified with a chemiluminescence immunoassay and LC-MS/MS, respectively. Pharmacokinetics were compared between periods with standard bioequivalence approaches. RESULTS: While geometric mean folic acid AUC0-2h, which mainly reflects absorption, was 0.403 and 0.414 mg/L·h before and after the vitamin D3 course (geometric mean ratio (GMR), 1.027; 90 % confidence interval (90 % CI), 0.788-1.340), the geometric mean fexofenadine AUC0-2h was 1.932 and 2.761 mg/L·h, respectively (GMR, 1.429; 90 % CI, 0.890-2.294). PCFT- and OATP1A2-mRNA expressions in duodenal biopsies were essentially unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: No significant changes in folic acid and fexofenadine absorption were observed after a 10-day course of 1,25(OH)2D3 in humans in vivo. This study underlines the importance of confirming in vitro findings in vivo in humans

    Interactions of glycyrrhizin with organic anion transporting polypeptides of rat and human liver

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    Glycyrrhizin (GL) is used in Japan for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Following intravenous administration, GL is eliminated mainly by excretion into bile. Hepatocyte uptake of GL is a carrier-mediated process with characteristics resembling the organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs, solute carrier gene family SLC21A). We, therefore, studied whether GL is a potential transport substrate of the OATPs of rat and human liver. Because transport of GL could not be measured directly, GL-mediated cis-inhibition of [3H]estrone-3-sulfate or [35S]bromosulfophthalein uptake was analyzed kinetically in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with cRNA coding for OATPs. GL inhibited [3H]estrone-3-sulfate uptake by 75-100% in oocytes expressing rat Oatp4, human OATP-C or human OATP8, members of the OATP1B subfamily that are expressed predominantly in hepatocytes. Dixon plots indicated a non-competitive type of inhibition, with Ki values of 6.1, 15.9 and 12.5 ?mol/l, respectively. In contrast, GL inhibition of rat Oatp1, Oatp2 and Oatp3 and human OATP-A and OATP-B was only between 0 and 53%. In conclusion, GL is an inhibitor and, therefore, potentially a transport substrate of the liver-specific OATPs in rat and man. The rate at which GL is taken up into the liver may depend upon the function and expression levels of these hepatocellular OATPs

    Localization of organic anion transporting polypeptides in the rat and human ciliary body epithelium

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    PURPOSE: To identify and localize the expression of multispecific organic anion transporting polypeptides (Oatps/OATPs) in the ciliary body epithelium and to investigate their possible involvement in the transport of the antiglaucoma agent unoprostone. METHODS: Oatps/OATPs were detected by immunoblot analysis and by immunofluorescence microscopy in homogenized and fixed rat and human ciliary body samples using specific polyclonal antibodies. Transport of 3H-labelled unoprostone was measured in Oatp/OATP expressing Xenopus laevis oocytes. RESULTS: Immunoblots of ciliary body extracts were positive for rat Oatp1a4, Oatp1a5 and Oatp1b2 and for human OATP1A2, OATP1C1, OATP2B1, OATP3A1 and OATP4A1. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy localized Oatp1a4 and Oatp1b2 as well as all immunoblot positive human OATPs at the basolateral plasma membrane of the non-pigmented rat and human ciliary body epithelium, respectively. However, for human OATPs additional regional differences in expression were found with OATP1A2 and OATP1C1 being expressed only in the pars plana of human ciliary body epithelium. Furthermore, OATP1C1, OATP3A1 and OATP4A1 were also expressed at the basolateral plasma membrane of the pars plana pigmented epithelium. And finally, deesterified unoprostone carboxylate was found to be transported by OATP1A2, OATP2B1 and OATP4A1 with approximate K(m)-values of 93, 91 and 132 microm, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Several multispecific organic anion transporting polypeptides are expressed at the basolateral plasma membrane of the non-pigmented, and to a lesser extent also of the pigmented, epithelium in rat and human ciliary body. These Oatps/OATPs can account for the previously suggested 'liver-like' transport functions of mammalian ciliary body epithelium

    Hepatic uptake of cholecystokinin octapeptide by organic anion-transporting polypeptides OATP4 and OATP8 of rat and human liver

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a major gastrointestinal peptide hormone that is released postprandially from the small intestine and exerts marked effects on gallbladder and gastrointestinal motility. The smaller isoforms CCK-8 and CCK-4 are rapidly taken up into hepatocytes, metabolized, and excreted into bile. Our aim was to identify and characterize the hepatocellular CCK-8 uptake system. METHODS: CCK-8 uptake was measured in Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing the organic anion-transporting polypeptides of rat liver (Oatp1, Oatp2, Oatp3, or Oatp4) and of human liver (OATP-A, OATP-B, OATP-C, or OATP8) and in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. RESULTS: Rat Oatp4 and human OATP8 efficiently mediated CCK-8 uptake in oocytes, with Michaelis constant (Km) values of 14.9 +/- 2.9 micromol/L and 11.1 +/- 2.9 micromol/L, respectively. CCK-8 uptake by hepatocytes was also saturable, with a Km of 6.7 +/- 2.1 micromol/L. The Km value in rat hepatocytes is consistent with Oatp4-mediated transport. CONCLUSIONS: CCK-8 is selectively transported by rat Oatp4 and human OATP8, both of which are exclusively expressed at the basolateral membrane of hepatocytes. These 2 transporters are the first and probably the predominant hepatic uptake systems for CCK-8 and may be critical for the rapid clearance of this hormone from the circulation