658 research outputs found

    Apodized-Aperture Pixel Design X-Ray Detector for Improvement of Detective Quantum Efficiency at High Spatial Frequencies

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    The detective quantum efficiency (DQE) is a characteristic of x-ray imaging systems describing how well a system can produce high signal-to-noise ratio images compared to an ideal detector. In medical radiography, increases in DQE result directly in increases in image SNR for a given x-ray exposure, and improved SNR has been shown to improve breast cancer detection rates in screening programs. Typically, modern x-ray detectors have DQE values about 0.6 to 0.7 at low spatial frequencies and 0.2 to 0.3 or less at high spatial frequencies. We describe a method to improve the high frequency DQE by developing a novel apodized-aperture pixel (AAP) design that can be implemented with detectors having very small elements. We show theoretically that the high-frequency DQE can be doubled using this approach. Experimental validation shows an increase from 0.2 to 0.4 at the sampling cut-off frequency (2.5 cycles/mm) for a laboratory CMOS/CsI detector. It is predicted the high-frequency DQE of a Se-based detector for mammography could be increased from 0.35 to 0.7. Such increases would improve visualization of small objects and fine detail in x-ray imaging by a factor of two

    Prison Education Program Participation and Recidivism

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    This study utilizes logistic regression techniques to investigate the effect of prison education program participation on recidivism rates. I tested the hypothesis that inmates who actively participate in educational programs have a lower likelihood of being reconvicted. The purpose of this study is to help identify correctional programs that have a positive impact on recidivism, to then suggest policies that are directed at rehabilitating inmates and, ultimately, to reduce recidivism rates. I used pre-existing data from reputable sources so I did not have to survey inmates. The initial tests found that there were several variables that had a relationship with recidivism. The logistic regression test showed that inmates who participate in prison educational programs are less likely to be reconvicted upon release from prisons than those who participate in both educational courses and vocational training. Recommendations that result from this finding include an increase in the number and quality of educational programs in prisons. One hopes that these recommendations will help decrease the number of people who violate the law upon their re-entry into society

    Financial Investment Management for Forest Sustainability

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    This is paper is discussion about main problems of forest management, whether financial investment has a substantial impact on the long term perspective of forest landscape restoration and, more specifically, what strategy and what financial options are available to make the forest projects more sustainable. A few relevant questions to ask are: who are the main actors in the implementation of FLR projects; which steps have to be taken; and, which financial options would more suitable and would be feasible to implement. There are three main parts of this research to be investigated: forest issues along with their respective solutions, financial investment as an operational tool, and financial mechanisms for sustainable forestry. The description of the global problem of deforestation in the period of the end of the last century and the current time is area of interest, as well as, the influence of the deforestation on the environment and implementation of financial tools to make environmental management more sustainable. The main two subjects or themes that are going to be explored are: the problem of deforestation and the implementation of innovative financial tools to help in solving environmental issues. In recent years, interest in impact investing has grown substantially. Socially, oriented organizations are pursuing innovative financial solutions that address complex social problems. It requires great collaboration among philanthropists, government, and private investors. Financial investment is a representation of the significant and growing input of capital that can fund programs to address social or environmental problems and get effective sustainable output. While investing in the business, most investors would like to get their financial return in a short period of time. However, this tendency is gradually changing. A growing number of investors want to use their capital to make positive social and environment changes and is becoming a main stream financial approach (Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, 2009). This paper shows the possibility of implementation different types of methods of the real options approach to forestry investment analysis. The main objectives are to discuss the theory of real option and describe methods which can be applicable for uncertainty and managerial flexibility in forest management and investment. In addition, we will use the simulation method as a most flexible method to calculate the option values of timber contracts what could help managers of forest projects to make the proper decision. One of the main focus in current research paper is to implementation of the methodology which is applicable to value of the scale sale harvest contract. The value of a harvest contract with stochastic timber prices can be considered as expected cash flow as well as discounted profit from the forest yields at the optimal time (Petrasek & Perez- Garcia, 2010)

    Features of the Development of Adolescent Thinking in the Educational Process

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    This article describes the features of the development of adolescent thinking, the main parts of adolescent thinking, factors influencing the development of adolescent thinking in the educational process

    Mamlakat bank tizimining iqtisodiy xavfsizligini ta’minlash masalalari

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    Mazkur maqola bank xavfsizligini ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy mohiyati, bank biznesining iqtisodiy xavfsizligiga tashqi va ichki tahdidlar bank tizimining iqtisodiy xavfsizligi ko‘rsatkichlari, Markaziy bank tomonidan banklarning moliyaviy manfaatlarning himoyalanganlik darajasi masalalariga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, unda mamlakatdagi bank bozoridagi raqobat darajasi, Markaziy bank tomonidan bank faoliyatini tartibga solish va nazorat qilish sifatining darajasi, davlat bank tizimining kapitallashuv darajasi, moliyaviy xavfsizlik indikatorlari, jumladan, byudjet defitsiti, mamlakat milliy valyutasining barqarorligi tahlil qilingan. Shuningdek, O‘zbekiston Respublikasida Markaziy bank tomonidan bank tizimining iqtisodiy xavfsizligini yaxshilash uchun amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlarga e'tibor qaratilgan

    Pauli-principle driven correlations in four-neutron nuclear decays

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    Mechanism of simultaneous non-sequential four-neutron (4n4n) emission (or `true' 4n4n-decay) has been considered in phenomenological five-body approach. This approach is analogous to the model of the direct decay to the continuum often applied to 2n2n- and 2p2p-decays. It is demonstrated that 4n4n-decay fragments should have specific energy and angular correlations reflecting strong spatial correlations of `valence' nucleons orbiting in their 4n4n-precursors. Due to the Pauli exclusion principle, the valence neutrons are pushed to the symmetry-allowed configurations in the 4n4n-precursor structure, which causes a `Pauli focusing' effect. Prospects of the observation of the Pauli focusing have been considered for the 4n4n-precursors 7^7H and 28^{28}O. Fingerprints of their nuclear structure or/and decay dynamics are predicted
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