106 research outputs found

    The preparation, delivery and outcome of COVID-19 pandemic training program among the Emergency Healthcare Frontliners (EHFs): the Malaysian teaching hospital experience

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    One of the strategies in strengthening the healthcare providers in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 pandemic is through training. Safety and disease unfamiliarity with COVID-19 was the main reason for developing this dedicated specialized training modules in order to address the issue. The training modules were developed based on three strategies that are learning from experience, design suitable dedicated module and identify weakness and vulnerability. The training modules created were donning-doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), airway management and cardiopulmonary resuscitation of suspected COVID-19 patients which were delivered through immersive life simulation technique. A total of 178 Emergency Healthcare Frontliners (EHFs) were trained. Each module was guided with a checklist that the participants found to be very useful. None of the participants reported developing symptoms of infection after undergoing the face-to-face simulation training even after two weeks of post-training periods. Seven important steps were found to be crucial that contributed to these findings which included room space, participants number per group, COVID-19 screening, taking of temperature, hand sanitization, PPE, and equipment sanitization before and after training. Hands-on training with guided-checklist was found to be very useful to the EHFs in managing an unfamiliar situation of COVID-19. In time-constraint-resource-limited conditions, training modules should be focused on addressing the pressing problem at hand. In conducting a face-to-face training, precautionary safety measures should be strictly adhered to prevent the spread of the disease

    Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument in Evaluation of Work-Based Learning (WBL) Elements

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    This study focuses on the evaluation of Work-Based Learning (WBL) elements on MTUN (assumed to be a specific institution or program) bachelor students. The objective is to assess the validity and reliability of the research instruments used in the evaluation process. WBL is an educational approach that integrates practical work experiences with academic learning to enhance students' skills and employability. Ensuring the validity of the research instruments is crucial to measure the intended outcomes accurately. Content validity is achieved through careful instrument design, aligning research questions with measures, and seeking expert input. Reliability is established by employing standardized procedures, clear instructions, and rigorous data collection training. This study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, to enhance the validity and reliability of the findings. Limitations and potential sources of bias are acknowledged and addressed. By maintaining validity and reliability in the evaluation, this study aims to provide accurate and trustworthy insights into the effectiveness of WBL elements, contributing to the improvement of WBL programs and enhancing student learning outcomes and career readiness

    Ekstremisme: maksud dan konteks keganasan

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    Istilah dan maksud ekstremisme atau keganasan melampau adalah debat yang masih belum selesai. Hal ini adalah disebabkan secara operasi, istilah dan maksud perkataan ini turut terangkum di dalamnya ideologi, perbuatan, kategori, tindakan dan keputusan, serta aktiviti yang dianggap boleh menjurus ke arah keganasan fizikal, atau ideologi yang mendorong kepada perbuatan ganas. Artikel ini membincangkan maksud dan konteks keganasan yang perlu difahami dalam kalangan himpunan peristiwa keganasan yang mempunyai kontruksi definisi yang berbeza. Artikel ini membahaskan pengaruh lokal amat penting dalam memberi tafsiran keganasan secara konseptual. Beberapa peristiwa keganasan dibincangkan di peringkat antarabangsa dan ekstremisme di Malaysia adalah suatu yang di luar kelaziman radikalisme, fundamentalisme, puak pelampau, dan sebagainya. Peristiwa keganasan etnik hanya berlaku pada tahun 1969 dan pengalaman keganasan etnik ini mengubah pendekatan negara untuk mengelakkan peristiwa ini daripada berulang. Zaman penjajahan Jepun (1940-1942) menjadi titik tolak kepada punca keganasan kaum di Tanah Melayu yang berkait dengan konflik Sino-Malay sebagai fasa pertama dalam sejarah pembinaan negara. Konflik etnik ini menjadi asas kepada keperluan mentafsir istilah dan maksud keganasan berdasarkan peristiwa lalu dan realiti semasa yang melatarkan keperluan kepada menjaga keharmonian pelbagai kaum. Mekanisme dan strategi mencegah, mengawal dan membasmi keganasan diusahakan sebagai langkah mengekang keganasan daripada berulang atau meluas. Teknik ‘process tracing’ digunakan bagi mengenal pasti peristiwa lalu dan menghubungkait beberapa peristiwa penting sebagai faktor yang menghasilkan keganasan dalam pelbagai konteks. Kaedah kualititaf ini sangat berguna bagi pengoperasian bahan-bahan sekunder

    Students’ acceptance towards kahoot application in mastering culinary terminology

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    Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform used to review students’ knowledge, for formative assessment and provides an opportunity not only to assess students' conceptual understanding but also to build new knowledge through further clarification during or after the game. The objective of this study is to assess the acceptability of culinary students in the use of Kahoot! application for mastery the culinary terminology. This study aimed to identify students' acceptance of learning applications, to identify students' acceptance of Kahoot! use in terms of memory as well as students' level of mastering Kahoot! in the learning process. This study is a descriptive study that used a five-point Likert scale questionnaire as an instrument. A total of 48 second year students from the Catering program were used as the study sample. The collected data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science Version 23.0 for Windows (SPSS). The results show that the aspect of students' level of mastering the culinary terminology using Kahoot! application is high with a mean score of 4.55. Whereas the students’ acceptance of Kahoot! as a learning application, was also high with a mean score of 4.44. Finally, the students’ acceptance of the culinary terminology tested using Kahoot! is high with a mean score of 4.45

    Examining Relationships between Employees’ Attributes and Act of Whistleblowing

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the connection between employees’ attributes and the act of whistleblowing. The study was conducted at Penang Port Sdn Bhd by using quantitative method and purposive sampling data gathering. A total of 117 employees from Penang Port Sdn Bhd participated in the survey. The data gathered was processed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25. The results indicate a positive correlation between all variables of whistleblowing. The findings highlight that only two characteristic which is attitudes towards whistleblowing and internal control, have a meaningful association with the act of whistleblowing. Alternate hypotheses (H1) are accepted for hypotheses 1 and 2 but rejected for hypotheses 3. The implications of the findings for the organization are examined, as well as future study directions

    Effects of Melatonin Premedication on the Hemodynamic Responses and Perfusion Index During Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation

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    Abstract Context Rational: Several techniques have been proposed to prevent or attenuate the hemodynamic responses following laryngoscopy and intubation, preoperative melatonin has a significant analgesic and anxiolytic effect for patients undergoing surgery. Melatonin may play an important role in controlling hypertension also in humans. The current study aimed at assessing the usefulness of melatonin in attenuating the pressor response to direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. Methods: After approval of the ethics committee and informed written patients consent the study was carried out at rotine surgical theatre of the Suez Canal University Hospital, during the peroid from 2011 -2012 on 90 patients with ASA physical status I, II scheduled for any elective surgery under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. Patients were randomly allocated according to computer-generated randomization into three groups: Group I (control group); Group II (melatonin 6mg tablet group) and Group III (melatonin 9mg tablet group). Primary outcome measures include; Heart rate (HR, Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood: pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MBP) and perfusion index were recorded before drug premedication, pre-induction, preintubation, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 minutes after laryngoscopy and intubation. Moreover perioperative anxiety was evaluated by recording the preoperative and postoperative verbal anxiety score (VAS) of the sample patients. Results: Significant decrease in blood pressure in group II and group III receiving 6mg and 9mg of oral Melatonin 1 hour preoperative at 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 minutes after intubation as regard SBP, DBP and MBP compared to group I. As regards to heart rate, no significant difference was found between the three groups throughout different time of measurement except for a significant difference at 1 minute after intubation measures for group II and group III compared to the control group. Moreover postoperative verbal anxiety score (VAS) was decreased significantly group II and group III compared to the control group. Correspondence to: Dr. Hosam M. Atef, E-mail: [email protected] Conclusion: Preoperative administration of melatonin one hour before surgery provided a significant decrease hemodynamic response of direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation as regard hemodynamic parameters and perfusion index

    Research, development and innovation in business enterprises: experience from Egypt

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    This paper addresses the linkages between research and development (R&D) and innovation on the one hand and the socioeconomic impact of research, development and innovation (RDI) on the other hand. More specifically, the paper suggests a two-stage methodology directed to analyse the performance of RDI in business enterprises and assess their development impact. A conceptual four-dimensional model and an integrated analytical framework were developed. This approach is complemented by the development of a statistical survey mainly designed to generate appropriate indicators for analysing the vital role of RDI in business enterprises. The survey results revealed several analytical points as well as specific imbalances of RDI system in business enterprises that need to be addressed by policymakers. Furthermore, the analytical results stress the need for Egyptian business enterprises to enhance and diversify their cooperation with other RDI-producing institutions to benefit from comparative advantages and improve the quality of RDI outputs

    Development of a Survey Instrument for Measuring Firefighter Ergonomic Factors in Hose Rolling Activity A Pilot Study

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    The hose is an essential piece of equipment for firefighters on the job. Flaking, roll and coil, dutch roll, and figure eight are all methods of rolling the hose. Hose rolling requires a combination of uncomfortable postures, repetitive motions, and forceful exertion, which can be stressful on firefighters' bodies. Several firefighters' work duties include the application of high physical loads to the human body. High force demands require muscles to work harder, increasing tiredness and the risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). The main objective of this paper is to present the development and validation of a survey instrument for measuring firefighter ergonomic factors in rolling activity for a pilot study. A set of survey instruments was developed, which consisted of four sections: the demographic profile of the respondent, the Cornell musculoskeletal discomfort survey (CMDQ), hose rolling activity among firefighters, and the design criteria for ergonomic hose rollers. The survey instruments's content was obtained from extensive literature research and expert input. A pilot study was conducted at Pagoh Fire Station. The reliability and validity of the instrument were determined through Cronbach’s alpha, face validity, and content validity. Cronbach’s alpha values for each section of the survey instruments range from 0.741 to 0.928, while the value for Cronbach’s alpha for all 26 standardized items is 0.854. Finally, the findings suggested that this instrument had appropriate reliability and validity to accomplish its aims. The survey instrument is now complete and ready for the distribution of larger amounts of data
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