3 research outputs found
Sardine (Sardinella sp.) Quality Based on Organoleptic Tests in Atapupu Waters, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara
One of the fish handling techniques needed to maintain fish freshness is the cold chain application. Cold chain system is very important to be applied in the post-catch handling process to extend the fish rigor mortis phase. Fishermen and fishmongers are people who play an important role in maintaining fish freshness. The purpose of this study was to determine the fresh sardine organoleptic quality after catching until reaching consumers or initial selling. The method used is a survey method through on board direct fish handling activity observation conducted by fishermen and fishmongers at selling locations, as well as fish organoleptic tests using score sheets for fresh fish with observations based on transit time starting from fishing vessel after catching, collectors, fishmongers to the first consumers. Organoleptic quality measurement of sardine taken from fishmongers in Atapupu waters showed that sardine quality fitted for consumption with an organoleptic value of >7
Experimental and numerical analyses of wind-induced noise in two-way radios
The generation of wind noise of entrance microphone cavities owing to turbulent airflow is an inherent problem with radio telecommunication systems, such as two-way radios. It will lead to a pressure fluctuation which is highly unpleasant and would degrade a two-way radio communication. This research aims to understand the relationship between noise level and the flow structure of the different parameters to the occurrence of noise during communication using a two-way radio device. A noise measurement is conducted to analyse the sound pressure level (SPL) within a cavity, in which computational fluid dynamic(CFD) is used to investigate the flow behaviour on the various effects of cavity positions at P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 and wind velocities of 0.75 m/s, 1.49 m/s, 2.24 m/s, 2.99 m/s and 3.75 m/s which corresponding to Reynolds number (Re) of 8694, 17389, 26083, 34777, and 43471 respectively. CFD result showed the presence of separation of the shear layer, the development of vortex shedding, the recirculation region and vorticity were present inside the edges of the cavity. SPL increased with an increase in wind velocity and, the cavity distance of P4. In the cavity position of P5, SPL is decreased due to the wind velocity exceeding the maximum level of a wind tunnel. Therefore, the cavity position of P5 is suitable for reducing wind noise. These parameters are significant for improving the design of two-way radio to reduce the noise during outdoor communication
Belu merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki potensi sumberdaya perikanan yang melimpah seperti pesisir pantai yang berpotensi dalam pengembangan budidaya rumput laut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek teknis dan finansial pada usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Belu provinsi Nusa tenggara Timur. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif dan kelayakan finansial dimana menggunakan indikator payback period (PP), B/C ratio danLaba/Rugi . Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa usaha budidaya rumput laut ditinjau dari aspek teknis sudah layak. Hasil analisis menyebutkan bahwa budidaya rumput laut di kabupaten Belu apabila dilihat dari tiga aspek finansial yaitu analisis Laba/Rugi, payback period (PP), dan B/C Ratio laut termasuk usaha yang menguntungkan dimana memiliki nilai PP pada angka 0,3 tahun, B/C ratio >1 yaitu 3,3 dan memiliki nilai pendapatan rata-rata padasetiap bualnya sebesar Rp 583.333 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa budidaya rumput laut merupakan kegiatan usaha yang menguntungkan. Namun rata-rata pendapatan bulanan tersebut masih di bawah ratarata UMK kabupaten Belu. Sehingga perlu adanya perhatian khusus agar kegiatan usaha budidaya rumput laut di kabupaten Belu dapat meningkat dan berkontribusi besar terhadap ekonomi daerah.