4 research outputs found

    [Knowledge and Understanding of Students of The Sarawak Islamic Skills Institute (IKMAS) on The Basis of Hadith] Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Pelajar Institut Kemahiran Islam Malaysia Sarawak (IKMAS) mengenai Asas Ilmu Hadis

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    Hadith is the second source of legislation after the Qur'an as a guide and reference in Islam. The study of hadith is one of the subjects offered in Islamic studies courses in most institutions of higher learning. This study focuses on the mastery of IKMAS students on the basics of hadith knowledge. The objective of this study is to measure the basic knowledge and understanding of hadith knowledge of students. This study focuses on the students of Diploma Dakwah Islamiyyah which consists of 56 students of semester two (2) and 69 students of semester four (4). A total of 125 students were selected as respondents. Researchers chose to use a quantitative approach with survey and questionnaire design. Data were analyzed descriptively to find the frequency and percentage values. The results of the study found that the students of the Diploma in Islamic Da'wah have a good mastery, understanding and knowledge regarding the basics of hadith. Hadis merupakan sumber perundangan kedua selepas al-Quran sebagai petunjuk dan rujukan dalam agama Islam. Pengajian ulum hadis adalah antara salah satu subjek yang ditawarkan dalam kursus pengajian Islam di kebanyakan institusi pengajian tinggi. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pelajar IKMAS mengenai asas ilmu hadis. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengukur pengetahuan dan pemahaman asas ilmu hadis para pelajar. Kajian ini memberi tumpuan kepada pelajar-pelajar Diploma Dakwah Islamiyyah yang terdiri daripada 56 orang pelajar semester dua (2) dan 69 orang pelajar semester empat (4). Seramai 125 orang pelajar terpilih menjadi responden. Penyelidik memilih menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk tinjauan dan soal selidik. Data dianalisi secara deskriptif iaitu mencari nilai kekerapan dan peratusan. Hasil kajian mendapati para pelajar Diploma Dakwah Islamiyyah mempunyai penguasaan, pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang baik berkenaan dengan asas ilmu hadis

    Mountaineering and altitude sickness: a study of AMS prevalence among climbers of Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia

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    Introduction: Adventure tourism has become one of Malaysia’s most attractive tourism demands, and mountain climbing is rapidly becoming a popular recreational sport. Exploring mountain adventures offers a dynamic experience, preserving this fascinating activity, yet the climbers are exposed to the risk of altitude sickness, such as Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of AMS and investigate the effects of high-altitude sickness on the climber profile associated with climbing at Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia. Methods:. The Lake Louise acute mountain sickness LLS score questionnaire collected 95 climber’s data at four different altitudes. SPO2 and Pulse rate was (PR) measured using a finger pulse oximeter. In a cohort study, AMS was measured on day one at 1866m (1st station), 3622m (2nd station), and day two at 3810m (3rd station), and 4095m (4th station). Results: At the altitude of 1866 (Timpohon Gate), the prevalence of AMS was 0%, 30% at 3622m (Laban Rata), 34.7% at 3810m (Sayat-Sayat), and 37.9% at 4095m (Low’s Peak). The overall prevalence of AMS was 37.9% and the majority of AMS cases were moderate in severity and the LLS score is significant with Pulse Rate and peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SPO2). Conclusion: Concisely, this finding has triggered a need for consideration from multi agencies to enhance mountaineering guidance, especially for beginners or inexperienced hikers, for a suitable package for climbing attempts to reduce the incidence of AMS among Mount Kinabalu climbers

    The impact of outdoor education camp program in building resilience among university students

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    Resilience is gained through life experiences that local university students lack from a classroom environment. This study investigated the effect of outdoor education camp programs on the levels of resilience among Physical Education students from two selected universities in Malaysia. A questionnaire was utilized as the primary research tool in this study to assess the participants' perceptions and knowledge acquisition as well as their level of resilience toward the outdoor education camp programs. A total of 162 undergraduate students were studied using a pre-test and post-test approach and a modified version of the Connor-Davidson in a 25 items self-report scale. Analysis of paired t-test showed differences in factors involved in resilience variables, personal competence, instincts and tolerance of negative behavior, positive acceptance of change, control, and spiritual influence. The findings indicated a positive effect towards resilience upon completion of the 14-day outdoor education camp program. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was carried out to evaluate if participation in the outdoor education program influenced participants' perceived level of resilience. Overall, there were statistically significant increases in resilience levels from the pre-test to the post-test stage. These results lead to the need for in-depth research into the assessment of internal factors in an outdoor camp program to provide valuable information on the effect of the intervention and implications towards enhancing resilience of the participants in low to high-risk activities