4 research outputs found

    Comparative Population Genomics and Biophysical Modeling of Shrimp Migration in the Gulf of Mexico Reveals Current-Mediated Connectivity

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    The Gulf of Mexico experiences frequent perturbations, both natural and anthropogenic. To better understand the impacts of these events, we must inventory natural variability within the ecosystem, communities, species, and populations, and contextualize these findings in relation to physical features. Here, we present an integrated study of comparative population genomics and biophysical oceanography. Targeting three species of mesopelagic shrimp common to the Gulf of Mexico midwater (Acanthephyra purpurea, Systellaspis debilis, and Robustosergia robusta), we analyzed genetic diversity and population connectivity as proxies for species health and resilience, respectively. We also simulated a range of vertical migratory behaviors for the shrimp to infer the relationship between diel vertical migration and horizontal transmission between the Gulf of Mexico and the greater Atlantic Ocean. This study aims to establish biological baselines and characterize these values in terms of the prevailing oceanographic feature of the midwater: the Gulf Loop Current. Generally, the oplophorid species (A. purpurea and S. debilis) exhibit lower genetic diversity and higher interpopulation homogeneity compared to the sergestid (R. robusta). Biophysical simulations suggest the differences in vertical migratory regimes between these two groups have important implications for horizontal transport out of the Gulf of Mexico. Because of the difference in vertical migration patterns, access to the Gulf Loop Current varies across taxa and impacts inter-basin migration. Our findings suggest a negative correlation between surface abundance and genetic diversity in these three shrimp species. We hypothesize that this correlation may be due to the relationships between surface abundance and access to the fastest moving waters of the Gulf Loop Current

    Stony coral tissue loss disease: a review of emergence, impacts, etiology, diagnostics, and intervention

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    Stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) is destructive and poses a significant threat to Caribbean coral reef ecosystems. Characterized by the acute loss of coral tissue, SCTLD has impacted over 22 stony coral species across the Caribbean region, leading to visible declines in reef health. Based on the duration, lethality, host range, and spread of this disease, SCTLD is considered the most devastating coral disease outbreak ever recorded. Researchers are actively investigating the cause and transmission of SCTLD, but the exact mechanisms, triggers, and etiological agent(s) remain elusive. If left unchecked, SCTLD could have profound implications for the health and resilience of coral reefs worldwide. To summarize what is known about this disease and identify potential knowledge gaps, this review provides a holistic overview of SCTLD research, including species susceptibility, disease transmission, ecological impacts, etiology, diagnostic tools, host defense mechanisms, and treatments. Additionally, future research avenues are highlighted, which are also relevant for other coral diseases. As SCTLD continues to spread, collaborative efforts are necessary to develop effective strategies for mitigating its impacts on critical coral reef ecosystems. These collaborative efforts need to include researchers from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups to provide additional perspectives for a disease that requires creative and urgent solutions

    Annotated genome and transcriptome of the endangered Caribbean mountainous star coral (Orbicella faveolata) using PacBio long-read sequencing

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    Long-read sequencing is revolutionizing de-novo genome assemblies, with continued advancements making it more readily available for previously understudied, non-model organisms. Stony corals are one such example, with long-read de-novo genome assemblies now starting to be publicly available, opening the door for a wide array of 'omics-based research. Here we present a new de-novo genome assembly for the endangered Caribbean star coral, Orbicella faveolata, using PacBio circular consensus reads. Our genome assembly improved the contiguity (51 versus 1,933 contigs) and complete and single copy BUSCO orthologs (93.6% versus 85.3%, database metazoa_odb10), compared to the currently available reference genome generated using short-read methodologies. Our new de-novo assembled genome also showed comparable quality metrics to other coral long-read genomes. Telomeric repeat analysis identified putative chromosomes in our scaffolded assembly, with these repeats at either one, or both ends, of scaffolded contigs. We identified 32,172 protein coding genes in our assembly through use of long-read RNA sequencing (ISO-seq) of additional O. faveolata fragments exposed to a range of abiotic and biotic treatments, and publicly available short-read RNA-seq data. With anthropogenic influences heavily affecting O. faveolata, as well as its increasing incorporation into reef restoration activities, this updated genome resource can be used for population genomics and other 'omics analyses to aid in the conservation of this species