3 research outputs found

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    Mangrove vegetation is one of the forest ecosystems that offers a potential of substantial greenhouse gases (GHG) emission mitigation, due to its ability to sink the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere through the photosynthesis process. Mangroves have been providing multiple benefits either as the source of food, the habitat of wildlife, the coastline protectors as well as the CO2 absorber, higher than other forest types. To explore the role of mangrove vegetation in sequestering the carbon stock, the study on the use of remotely sensed data in estimating carbon stock was applied. This paper describes an examination of the use of remote sensing data particularly Landsat-data with the main objective to estimate carbon stock of mangrove vegetation in Perancak Estuary, Jembrana, Bali. The carbon stock was estimated by analyzing the relationship between NDVI, Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and Below Ground Biomass (BGB). The total carbon stock was obtained by multiplying the total biomass with the carbon organic value of 0.47. The study results show that the total accumulated biomass obtained from remote sensing data in Perancak Estuary in 2015 is about 47.20±25.03 ton ha-1 with total carbon stock of about 22.18±11.76 tonC ha-1and CO2 sequestration 81.41±43.18 tonC ha-1


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    Indeso Joint Expeditions Cruise (IJEP) activity in 2016 measured some water quality parameters, one of them are dissolved oxygen and in vivo fluorescence for expressing biomass of phytoplankton community.Those parameters were measured for analyzing the important component of marine biogeochemical cycle used the titrimetric method and optical sensor.  Expedition of  IJEP was conducted on September 5-15, 2016 from the port of P2LD-LIPI Ambon into Bitung port, North Sulawesi. Measurement results of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at 21 stations showed varied values vertically and horizontally.  Vertical distribution of DO and fluorescence were measured at seven of depth water (10, 50, 60-150, 300, 500, 750 dan 1000 meter).  Distribution of DO decreased through ocean inventory with its range values was 3,334 – 7,321 mg/L.  Depletion of dissolved oxygen from surface layer into the upper of thermocline layers (50 – 400 meter).  The concentration of DO decreased after chlorophyll maximum layer (represent as in vivo fluorescence) at different of depth water with its range value was 0,4441 – 1,1376 mg/m3. The concentrations of dissolved oxygen were higher both vertically and horizontally in Sulawesi Sea than in Maluku Sea at this transitional season (September 2016) but inversely condition for the in vivo fluorescence in which it’s higher in Maluku Sea. There was an indication of internal upper water mass impacts on the highest concentration of in vivo fluorescence in Maluku Sea. These results indicate that Maluku Sea and Sulawesi Sea have the carrying capacity of the ecosystem for sustainability of their marine life.

    Permodelan Tsunami Untuk Penentuan Zona Mitigasi Dan Analisis Dampak Terhadap Kegiatan Perikanan Di Wilayah Pesisir Sendang Biru

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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu daerah yang aktif di dunia dari sudut geofisik karena terletak di ujung selatan lempeng Eurasia yang berbatasan dengan lempeng Indo-Australia memanjang dari Andaman sampai Selatan.Terdapat 106 kejadian tsunami dalam kurun waktu mulai tahun 1883 hingga tahun 2000, 90% disebabkan oleh gempa tektonik, 9% disebabkan oleh letusan gunung merapi dan 1% disebabkan oleh tanah longsor. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Januari sampai Maret 2011 di wilayah pesisir Sendang Biru, Malang Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengkaji dampak tsunami terhadap genangan, 2) membuat pemodelan simulasi tsunami, dan 3) membuat peta awal daerah rawan bencana untuk kegiatan perikanan. Metode diskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik pemodelan tsunami type Tunami N2, Unique Value Color ArcGis Analist untuk tampakan genangan dan enam skenario model simulasi berdasarkan kekuatan gempa yaitu 6,5SR, 7SR, 7,5SR, 8SR, 8,5SR dan 9SR dengan data primer berupa data topografi, bathimetri, rupa bumi serta data sekunder berupa data riwayat tsunami dengan mengambil lima titik (5 series) pengamatan RunUp (Ru2%). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa gempa 6,5SR didapatkan nilai Ru2% Series1-5 masing-masing sebesar 5,668m; 1,518m; 1,567m; 1,659m; dan 4,610m. Gempa 7SR dengan nilai Ru2% Series1-5 masing-masing sebesar 10,217m; 2,813m; 3,074m; 3.236m; 9.019m. Gempa 7.5SR dengan nilai Ru2% Series1-5 masing-masing sebesar 17,743; 5.020m; 5,473m; 5,667m; 15,792m. Gempa 8SR menunjukan Ru2% Series1-5 masing-masing sebesar 32,169m; 9,196m; 10,351m; 10,424m; 28,527m. Gempa 8.5SR dengan nilai Ru2% Series1-5 masing-masing sebesar 57,252m; 20,154m; 29,224m; 21,369m; 42,365m. Gempa 9SR dengan nilai Ru2% Series1-5 masing-masing sebesar 71,668m; 34,.413m; 33,352m; 31,535m; 45,813m. Hubungan RunUp awal dan skala gempa terhadap titik series pengamatan memilki keterkaitan yang sangat erat. Faktor – faktor yang dominan yang mempengaruhi yaitu kondisi batimetri, arah gelombang, dan sumber terjadinya tsunami. Parameter perencaan wilayah mitigasi mengadaptasi model genangan dari scenario gempa 9 SR. Wilayah mitigasi tersebut dibagi menjadi 5 zona aman yaitu zona aman 1 untuk batas kontur antara 30 – 75 meter, zona aman 2 untuk batas kontur antara 40 – 75 meter, zona aman 3 untuk batas kontur antara 50 – 75 meter, zona aman 4 untuk batas kontur antara 60 – 75 meter, zona aman 5 untuk batas kontur antara 70 – 75 meter. Lokasi mitigasi awal terletak pada titik koordinat 112°4033,2665"BT 8°2520,1594"LS; 112°4124,8594"BT 8°2448,4107"LS; 112°4228,5965"BT 8°2413,3784"LS; 112°4234,7728"BT 8°247,5233"LS dan 112°4141,8302"BT 8°2527,6184"LS. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan perlunya kewaspadaan terhadap bahaya tsunami pada skala gempa 7.5SR, 8SR, 8.5SR dan 9SR, karena efek genangannya mampu menurunkan produktifitas kegiatan perikanan dan perubahan beberapa struktur ruang pesisir sekitar