51 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Aid in Developing Countries: Does Aid Work?

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    This paper focused on the effectiveness of foreign aid in developing countries. The background of the paper is that as a developing country received and continues to accept foreign aid but is still underdeveloped. The effectiveness of aid can only be addressed if people’s livelihoods are changed. This research is conducted by a qualitative point of view. Secondary data is collected from available books, publications, research studies, journals, websites, and articles. The findings show that aid is effective for the developing countries for ensuring economic growth and increasing human development rate. Keywords: Aid, Bilateral Aid, Multilateral Aid, Developing Country DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/75-02 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Islamic Lifestyle Applications: Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Modern Muslims

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    We evaluated contemporary Islamic lifestyle applications supporting religious practices and motivation among Muslims. We reviewed 11 popular applications using self-determination theory and the technology-as-experience framework to assess their support for motivation and affective needs. Most applications lack features that foster autonomy, competence, and relatedness. We also interviewed ten devoted Muslim application users to gain insights into their experiences and unmet needs. Our findings indicate that existing applications fall short in providing comprehensive learning, social connections, and scholar consultations. We propose design implications based on our results, including guided religious information, shareability, virtual community engagement, scholarly question-answering, and personalized reminders. We aim to inform the design of Islamic lifestyle applications that better facilitate ritual practices, benefitting application designers and Muslim communities. Our research provides valuable insights into the untapped potential for lifestyle applications to act as religious companions supporting Muslims' spiritual journey.Comment: 23 page

    Analisis Isi Berita Sejarah Ka’bah di Media Massa Serambinews.com

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    Tujuan penelitian ini berusaha menelusuri berita yang ada kaitannya dengan sejarah ka’bah dalam surat kabar online serambinews.com dan menelusuri jenis beritanya sekaligus menganalisis isinya. Dalam hal ini adalah berita yang disajikan dalam media massa online, dengan pendekatan kualitatif, menjadikan penelitian yang relevan sebagai bagian referensi dan teori yang digunakan adalah teori new media. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat beberapa berita yang berkaitan dengan sejarh ka’bah dalam media masa serambinews.com yaitu berita dengan judul 1). Sejarah Perluasan Masjidil haram dari masa ke masa, 2) Tambah kuota haji dari tahun ke tahun Video Jelang Idul adha 1442 H, 3). Imam Sudais bagikan video kain penutup ka’bah diganti Arab Saudi ganti Kiswah Penutup Ka’bah, ini sejarahnya 4). Batu Hajar Aswad, Berbingkai Perak, Mengalami Sejumlah Kejadian, Ini Sejarahnya. Keempat judul berita tersebut dikemas sederhana dan singkat namun mengungkap pelelusuran dari aspek historisnya. Dikemas dengan bentuk berita straight news dan interpretative news, ada yang disajikan secara ringan, singkat dan jelas, ada yang disajikan dengan menyuguhkan fakta diambil dari beberapa sumber, ada yang ditunjau dari beberapa aspek lain secara singkat dan ada yang disertai interpretasi penulis. Semuanya tidak mengurangi esensi sejarah ka’bah yang kita ketahui dari berbagai sumber lainnya.Berita, Sejarah, Ka’bah, Media Massa

    Penyuluhan Hukum Tentang Penyelesaian Perkara Kekerasan Terhadap Anak di Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unit BKPSDM Lombok Timur

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    Kekerasan terhadap kelompok marjinal akhir-akhir ini mengalami peningkatan. Hal tersebut tentu merupakan salah satu bentuk ketidakadilan bagi mereka dan tidak mencerminkan semangat dari konstitusi Negara Indonesia yang menjamin hak asasi setiap  warga negaranya. Kelompok marjinal merupakan kelompok-kelompok rentan, diantaranya adalah anak, perempuan, kelompok disabilitas, dan orang-orang yang sudah lanjut usia (manula). Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sumbangsih pengetahuan dan masyarakat berperan aktif dalam upaya perlindungan terhadap anak agar terhindar dari tindakantindakan yang dapat menganggu tumbuh kembang anak. Pengabdian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan kolaboratif sebagai metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu penyuluhan hukum (untuk mengedukasi masyarakat) dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) guna menggali pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat terhadap penguatan pemahaman mengenai perlindungan anak dan penyelesaian perkara kekerasan yang menimpa anak dalam perspektif penghormatan terhadap kelompok marjinal. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat memahami peraturan perundang-undangan terkait perlindungan anak seperti Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak dan Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak, berikutnya mitra memiliki kemampuan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan mengedepankan penghormatan terhadap kelompok marginal. Hal ini penting sebagai bagian dari pengabdian civitas akademika ke masyarakat. &nbsp

    Penguatan Budaya Hukum Masyarakat Desa Gerung Selatan Guna Mengedepankan Mediasi Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa

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    Penyelesaian sengketa melalui non litigasi diakomodir melalui keberadaan Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa. Di Pengadilan, Lahir Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2008 yang kemudian diganti dengan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Mediasi di Pengadilan dan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Mediasi di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik. Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara barat kemudian membentuk Bale Mediasi yang kemudian diikuti oleh pembentukan bale mediasi di setiap kabupaten/ Kota di Nusa Tenggara Barat.  Di kabupaten Lombok Barat, Bale Mediasi dibentuk berdasarkan peraturan Bupati (Perbup) No 47 tahun 2019 telah membentuk bale mediasi sebagai lembaga yang memfasilitasi penyelesaian sengketa di luar Pengadilan. Keberadaan Bale Mediasi di Lombok Barat ditujukan agar masyarakat lebih mengutamakan penyelesaian melalui mediasi dibandingkan melalui jalur litigasi atau Pengadilan. Disamping penyelesaian yang relative cepat, dan biaya yang terjangkau, penyelesaian melalui Bale Mediasi juga mengutamakan win-win solution sehingga sengketa yang terjadi tidak menyisakan konflik berkepanjangan dan para pihak berdamai, rukun kembali

    Neuropilin-2 regulates androgen-receptor transcriptional activity in advanced prostate cancer

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    Aberrant transcriptional activity of androgen receptor (AR) is one of the dominant mechanisms for developing of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Analyzing AR-transcriptional complex related to CRPC is therefore important towards understanding the mechanism of therapy-resistance. While studying its mechanism, we observed that a transmembrane protein called neuropilin-2 (NRP2) plays a contributory role in forming a novel AR-transcriptional complex containing nuclear pore proteins. Using immunogold electron microscopy, high-resolution confocal microscopy, chromatin immunoprecipitation, proteomics, and other biochemical techniques, we delineated the molecular mechanism of how a specific splice variant of NRP2 becomes sumoylated upon ligand stimulation and translocates to the inner nuclear membrane. This splice variant of NRP2 then stabilizes the complex between AR and nuclear pore proteins to promote CRPC specific gene expression. Both full-length and splice variants of AR have been identified in this specific transcriptional complex. In vitro cell line-based assays indicated that depletion of NRP2 not only destabilizes the AR-nuclear pore protein interaction but also inhibits the transcriptional activities of AR. Using an in vivo bone metastasis model, we showed that the inhibition of NRP2 led to the sensitization of CRPC cells toward established anti-AR therapies such as enzalutamide. Overall, our finding emphasize the importance of combinatorial inhibition of NRP2 and AR as an effective therapeutic strategy against treatment refractory prostate cancer

    Neuropilin-2 in Advanced Prostate Cancer and its Targeting with Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors

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    Despite the development of new therapies, clinical management of advanced metastatic castrationresistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) still remains challenging owing to the emergence of therapy resistance. Resistance to the therapies is driven by both AR and non-AR pathways. Non-AR pathway is characterized by a lineage switch that leads to the development of neuroendocrine-like (NE-like) prostate cancer (PCa), which has a fulminant clinical course due to the lack of effective treatment strategy. Therefore, novel molecular targets need to be identified to develop effective therapeutic regimen to improve the outcomes in advanced PCa patients including NE-like PCa. Recent investigation on advanced PCa patients revealed that a set of genes regulating important neuronal functions and implicated in the poor cancer prognosis are upregulated in patients with NE-like phenotype. This opened an avenue to identify a potential molecular target in NE-like advanced CRPC. Neuropilin-2 (NRP2), a transmembrane, non-kinase protein, is involved in vascular and nervous system development by regulating angiogenesis and axon guidance cues. Several published reports have established NRP2’s role in tumorigenesis. In addition to the cancer cells, NRP2 is expressed in endothelial and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment and promotes functions such as lymphangiogenesis and immune suppression important for cancer progression. The expression of NRP2 is increased with the prostate cancer (PCa) progression and is associated with poor cancer specific survival. In addition, published reports showed that NRP2 depletion sensitizes mCRPC PCa cells to chemotherapy. In view of the above, the current study was carried out to evaluate NRP2’s function in NE-like PCa and devise a strategy to target NRP2 expressing advanced PCa. We have identified significant NRP2 expression in NE-like PCa patients by using bioinformatics and immunohistochemical analysis of patient tissues. To further understand NRP2’s role in advanced therapy resistant PCa, we have generated NE-like PCa cell lines from established adenocarcinoma CRPC lines. NRP2 expression has been detected to be significantly more in NE-like cells than the adenocarcinoma cells. In vitro and in vivo studies suggested the importance of the NRP2 axis in promoting growth and survival of NE-like PCa upon treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs. As an underlying mechanism, NRP2 was found to be required to regulate the secretory function of NE-like PCa cells and thus is important for establishing paracrine communication with neighboring NE-like and adenocarcinoma cells. By inhibiting the NRP2- dependent secretory function of NE-like PCa cells, we could sensitize both the neighboring adenocarcinoma and NE-like cells to the front line of chemotherapies. Therefore, this study identifies a novel NE-like PCa specific mechanism of NRP2 in conferring therapy resistance to cancer cells. However, there is no effective inhibitor of NRP2. Therefore, in this current project, we have performed computer aided drug discovery followed by biophysical characterization, in vitro and in vivo experiments to discover lead small molecule inhibitor of NRP2. We have also performed lead optimization and fragment-based drug discovery to develop novel small molecule inhibitors of NRP2 with higher efficacy, superior binding affinity and better specificity. Furthermore, we have performed molecular dynamics simulation study to gain structural insight of NRP2 functional inhibition by the novel small molecule inhibitors. In addition, we have developed LC-MS/MS based bioanalytical method to evaluate pharmacokinetic properties of the novel inhibitors including absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, and reported the novel inhibitor’s preliminary bio-distribution. Thus, this project raises an opportunity to develop future NRP2-axis targeting therapeutic strategy for enhanced efficacy against aggressive and therapy-resistant PCa

    Effects of COVID-19 on Livelihood, Health and Psychology of Hijra (Transgender) Population: Insights from Bangladesh

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    Background: The COVID-19 lockdown in Bangladesh has left hijra individuals at an increased risk of poverty and food insecurity due to the economic crisis. The lack of healthcare facilities and lack of awareness raises the looming fear of the budding influence of COVID-19 among the hijra population. COVID-19 challenges the fundamental foundation of the public health system, and now the hijra group is out of the system because of stigma and discrimination. Methods: This article features three Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) conducted by 23 respondents about their experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Objectives: The following research aimed to understand the health, mental stress, social and economic effects on the lives of deprived and marginalized hijra people in Bangladesh of the COVID-19 lockdown. However, in the aftermath of the pandemic, their disadvantaged and socially excluded status makes hijra population more vulnerable to being affected by the virus and facing the economic and social impacts. Results: The results reflect the effect of COVID-19 in terms of social, health care and mental health problems on the hijra community in Bangladesh. Conclusion: The conclusion also presents valuable recommendations for policy practitioners during the COVID-19 situation to support the hijra community. Hijra people are assumed to suffer under the severity of the pandemic even more than the general population due to the intersections between their status as a vulnerable social group, and their high amount of medical risk factors. The COVID-19 pandemic can potentiate these vulnerabilities, add new challenges for hijra individuals, leading to devastating consequences, like severe physical, and mental health issues

    Violence Against Women and Role of Economic Performance- The Nexus: A Study on Contemporary Bangladesh

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    Background: Violence against women has been a consistent phenomenon in all societies, regardless of its’ demographic characteristics. Especially in a developing country like Bangladesh, where society is going through rapid change with inequality being constant between males and females, this social melancholy is even severe. Inevitably, violence against any entity is caused by the subordination of that very entity. Through the lens of naked eyes, violence against women can be prevented if women have access to education and participate in economic activity. Multiple pieces of research absconded this phenomenon by quoting, ‘employment is not empowerment.’ Methods: Considering violence against women as one of the severe forms of disempowerment, the authors further extended this concept by using different sets of data to unmask how different types of violence against women are being impacted by the role of the economic performance of both men and women. With the numerical data of different sources i.e., World Bank and Ain o Salish Kendro, the authors have opted for Pearson correlation and ordinary least squared (OLS) method of regression to unveil the associations followed by magnitudes. Results: This study finds that unemployment of men impacts on violence against women (domestic, dowry induced, and rape) in proportional and of women in inversely proportional manner with non-monolithic magnitude in this regard. Conclusion: This paper suggests immediate deterrence prior to understanding the contextuality and the pedagogy

    Violence against women and the role of economic performance: a study on contemporary Bangladesh

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    Background: Violence against women has been a consistent phenomenon in all societies, regardless of its demographic characteristics. Especially in a developing country like Bangladesh, where society is going through rapid changes with constant inequality between males and females, this social melancholy is even more severe. Inevitably, violence against any entity is caused by the subordination of that very entity. In a general sense, violence against women can be prevented if women have access to education and are able to participate in economic activity. However, multiple pieces of research abscond this phenomenon by quoting that ‘employment is not empowerment.’ Methods: Considering violence against women as one of the severe forms of disempowerment, the authors further extended this concept by using different sets of data to unmask how different types of violence against women are being impacted by the role of economic performance of both men and women. With numerical data from different sources i.e., the World Bank and Ain o Salish Kendro (ASK), the authors have opted for Pearson correlation and ordinary least squared (OLS) methods of regression to unveil the associations followed by magnitudes. Results: This study finds that the unemployment status of men proportionally affects violence against women (domestic, dowry induced, and rape) and the unemployment status of women is inversely proportional with non-monolithic magnitude in this regard. Conclusion: This paper suggests immediate deterrence/ and sufficient change of current policies to empower women. To limit the occurrences of violence against women, re-examining the causal factors are now pivotal. In depth analysis for each type of violence against women is to be done prior to formulating any policy. The authors argue, no one solution can serve efficiently. As such, size in this context and close monitoring is as it is already proven that current policies and practices hardly limits the occurrences of violence against women in Bangladesh
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