16 research outputs found

    Laparoscopy-Assisted Percutaneous Cholangiography in Biliary Atresia Diagnosis: Comparison with Open Technique

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    Introduction. Biliary atresia is a surgical cause of prolonged jaundice, which needs to be diagnosed with cholangiography that has traditionally been performed via laparotomy. Laparoscopic assistance has lately been introduced to avoid unnecessary laparotomy. We aim to evaluate the benefits of the laparoscopy-assisted cholangiography and compare it to the traditional procedure via laparotomy. Patients and Method. The medical records of the cases who had undergone cholangiography for prolonged jaundice between 2007 and 2014 were analyzed. The patients were grouped according to cholangiography technique (laparotomy/laparoscopy). The laparoscopy and laparotomy groups with patent bile ducts were focused and compared in terms of operation duration, postoperative initiation time of enteral feeding, and full enteral feeding achievement time. Results. Sixty-one infants with prolonged jaundice were evaluated between 2007 and 2014. Among the patients with patent bile ducts, operation duration, postoperative enteral feeding initiation time, and the time to achieve full enteral feeding were shorter in laparoscopy group. Conclusion. Laparoscopic cholangiography is safe and less time-consuming compared to laparotomy, with less postoperative burden. As early age of operation is a very important prognostic factor, laparoscopic evaluation should be an early option in work-up of the infants with prolonged jaundice with direct hyperbilirubinemia, for diagnosis/exclusion of biliary atresia

    Intraabdominal Hemorrhage Due to Spontaneous Rupture of Superior Mesenteric Artery

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    Spontaneous rupture of mesenteric vessel is an extremely rare entity in children. We describe a 14-year-old boy who was presented with an acute abdomen and hemorrhagic shock without any history of trauma. Rupture of superior mesenteric artery was found at laparotomy. An attempt of vascular repair was failed due to vascular fragility. As whole midgut necrosis was developed, extended intestinal resection from 3th duodenal segment to descending colon and closure of duodenal and colonic ends were performed. Abdominal compartment syndrome, duodenal fistula and sepsis were encountered as major postoperative complications during his early postoperative period. Both abdominal compartment syndrome and duodenal fistula ceased after three weeks. Diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type IV could be established according to his specific facial features, thin translucent skin, propensity to bleeding, rupture of mesenteric vessel and histopathological findings. Total parenteral nutrition was applied for energy requirement . A spontaneous femoral arteriovenous fistula was developed at the third month which was managed conservatively. He died 5 months later, while waiting for intestinal transplant. Ehlers Danlos Type IV diagnosis without any identical vascular lesion was also verified in his twin brother. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type IV should be kept in mind in cases of abdominal apoplexy. Repair of vascular complications could be impossible due to abnormal type III collagen leaded vascular fragility. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(2.000): 408-411

    Intraabdomınal Hemorrhage Due to Spontaneous Rupture of Superıor Mesenteric Artery

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    Mezenterik damarların spontan olarak rüptürü çocuklarda çok nadir bir durumdur. Bu çalışmada travma öyküsü olmaksızın akut karın ve hemorajik şok tablosu ile başvuran 14 yaşında ikiz eşi bir erkek çocuk sunulmaktadır. Acil laparotomide a. mezenterika superiorun rüptüre olduğu saptanmış, onarımı denendiyse de ileri derecede vasküler frajilite nedeni ile başarılamamıştır. Tüm orta barsakta nekroz geliştiğinden, duodenumdan inen kolona kadar geniş rezeksiyon yapılması gerekmiş, duodenal ve kolonik uçlar kapatılmıştır. Ameliyat sonrasında abdominal kompartman sendromu, duodenal fistül ve sepsis gelişen hastada üç hafta içerisinde hem kompartman sendromu, hem de fistül kaybolmuştur. İkiz eşinde ve hastamızdaki atipik yüz görünümü, ince cilt yapısı, kanamaya eğilim bulgularının eşliğinde, yapılan histopatolojik incelemenin de desteği ile ameliyattan 4 hafta sonra Ehler Danlos Sendromu Tip IV tanısı konulabilmiştir. Ameliyat sonrası 3. ayda spontan gelişen femoral arteriovenöz fistül konservatif tedavi edilebilmiş, ancak, hasta ince barsak nakli için bekleme listesinde iken beş ay sonra kaybedilmiştir. Abdominal apopleksi olgularında Ehler Danlos Sendromu akılda tutulmalıdır. Bu olgulardaki vasküler komplikasyonların onarımı tip III kollajen anormalliğine bağlı vasküler frajilite nedeni ile mümkün olmayabilir.Spontaneous rupture of mesenteric vessel is an extremely rare entity in children. We describe a 14-year-old boy who was presented with an acute abdomen and hemorrhagic shock without any history of trauma. Rupture of superior mesenteric artery was found at laparotomy. An attempt of vascular repair was failed due to vascular fragility. As whole midgut necrosis was developed, extended intestinal resection from 3th duodenal segment to descending colon and closure of duodenal and colonic ends were performed. Abdominal compartment syndrome, duodenal fistula and sepsis were encountered as major postoperative complications during his early postoperative period. Both abdominal compartment syndrome and duodenal fistula ceased after three weeks. Diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type IV could be established according to his specific facial features, thin translucent skin, propensity to bleeding, rupture of mesenteric vessel and histopathological findings. Total parenteral nutrition was applied for energy requirement . A spontaneous femoral arteriovenous fistula was developed at the third month which was managed conservatively. He died 5 months later, while waiting for intestinal transplant. Ehlers Danlos Type IV diagnosis without any identical vascular lesion was also verified in his twin brother. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Type IV should be kept in mind in cases of abdominal apoplexy. Repair of vascular complications could be impossible due to abnormal type III collagen leaded vascular fragilit

    First Identified Case in Literature: Association of Achalasia and Celiac Diseases

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    WOS: 000376566600033Celiac disease has been shown to cause problems related to gastrointestinal system motility such as reduction of the esophageal sphincter pressure and prolongation of gastric emptying time. Achalasia disease is a motor disorder that is characaterized by the absence of esophageal peristalsis and by incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. Association of achalasia and celiac diseases has not been reported yet. Our patient with growth and developmental retardation had vomiting effects which lasted for 3 years. Celiac disease was diagnosed serologically and histopathologically in our patient; we determined achalasia disease with esophagoscopic examination, upper gastrointestinal system contrast study, and esophageal manometer. Esophageal balloon dilatation was applied. This case is presented because of the interesting association between celiac disease and achalasia disease

    Jejunal Replacement of Stomach in Two Children with Total Gastric Necrosis

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    Çocuklarda total gastrektomi çok nadir ihtiyaç duyulan bir cerrahi işlem olduğundan mide replasmanı deneyimi de çok kısıtlıdır. Bu çalışmada total gastrik nekroz nedeni ile jejunum kullanarak mide replasmanı yaptığımız iki olgu sunulmaktadır. İlk hastamız yakıcı madde içen 2 yaşında mide perforasyonu ve total nekroz nedeni ile acil ameliyata alınmış ve jejunal ansla onarım yapılmış bir erkek çocuktur. İkinci olgumuz ise 11 yaşında sol doğumsal diyafragma hernisine bağlı akut gastrik volvulus nedeni ile total gastrektomi ve Hunt-Lawrence tip ösefagojejunostomi yapılmış bir kız çocuktur. İki olgu ile sınırlı deneyimimiz, çocuklarda midenin tamamının kaybedildiği durumlarda jejunum ile onarımın iyi bir seçenek olduğunu düşündürmektedirTotal gastrectomy is an extremely rare procedure in children and experience with its replacement is very limited. We present two patients who had jejunal replacement due to total gastric necrosis. The first patient was a- 2-year-old boy who admitted with a history of caustic ingestion. He was taken operation because of gastric perforation and necrosis. Anastomosis was applied by using jejunal segments. The second patient was an 11-years-old girl who left diaphragmatic hernia and acute gastric volvulus. At laparotomy, Total gastrectomy and Hunt-Lawrence type gastroesophostomy were made. Reconstruction with jejunum is thought as a good option in total gastric necrosis according to our 2 patient experience

    Jejunal Replacement of Stomach in Two Children with Total Gastric Necrosis

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    Total gastrectomy is an extremely rare procedure in children and experience with its replacement is very limited. We present two patients who had jejunal replacement due to total gastric necrosis. The first patient was a- 2-year-old boy who admitted with a history of caustic ingestion. He was taken operation because of gastric perforation and necrosis. Anastomosis was applied by using jejunal segments. The second patient was an 11-years-old girl who left diaphragmatic hernia and acute gastric volvulus. At laparotomy, Total gastrectomy and Hunt-Lawrence type gastroesophostomy were made. Reconstruction with jejunum is thought as a good option in total gastric necrosis according to our 2 patient experiences. [Cukurova Med J 2014; 39(2.000): 403-407

    Renal Sparing Surgery Using Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel in Patients with Bilateral Wilms’ Tumor: Case Report

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    Background: Bilateral Wilms’ tumor is rare and surgical treatment requires an individual approach. Surgical approach to the tumors located in the central part of the kidney represents a major challenge and nephrectomy is usually essential. Renal sparing surgery is difficult in such cases. Case Report: We describe a 3 year-old female patient with bilateral Wilms’ tumor arising in the central localisation of the right and foci in the left kidney enucleated successfully with a simple and comfortable renal preserving operative technique using Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel. Conclusion: In cases when tumors are located in the central part of the kidney and partial nephrectomy is consequently very difficult, the use of a Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel provides easy dissecting, enucleation, and excision of the tumor

    Renal Sparing Surgery Using Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel in Patients with Bilateral Wilms’ Tumor: Case Report

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    Background: Bilateral Wilms’ tumor is rare and surgical treatment requires an individual approach. Surgical approach to the tumors located in the central part of the kidney represents a major challenge and nephrectomy is usually essential. Renal sparing surgery is difficult in such cases. Case Report: We describe a 3 year-old female patient with bilateral Wilms’ tumor arising in the central localisation of the right and foci in the left kidney enucleated successfully with a simple and comfortable renal preserving operative technique using Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel. Conclusion: In cases when tumors are located in the central part of the kidney and partial nephrectomy is consequently very difficult, the use of a Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel provides easy dissecting, enucleation, and excision of the tumor

    Renal Sparing Surgery Using Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel in Patients with Bilateral Wilms' Tumor: Case Report

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    Background: Bilateral Wilms' tumor is rare and surgical treatment requires an individual approach. Surgical approach to the tumors located in the central part of the kidney represents a major challenge and nephrectomy is usually essential. Renal sparing surgery is difficult in such cases. Case Report: We describe a 3 year-old female patient with bilateral Wilms' tumor arising in the central localisation of the right and foci in the left kidney enucleated successfully with a simple and comfortable renal preserving operative technique using Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel. Conclusion: In cases when tumors are located in the central part of the kidney and partial nephrectomy is consequently very difficult, the use of a Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel provides easy dissecting, enucleation, and excision of the tumor.Background: Bilateral Wilms' tumor is rare and surgical treatment requires an individual approach. Surgical approach to the tumors located in the central part of the kidney represents a major challenge and nephrectomy is usually essential. Renal sparing surgery is difficult in such cases. Case Report: We describe a 3 year-old female patient with bilateral Wilms' tumor arising in the central localisation of the right and foci in the left kidney enucleated successfully with a simple and comfortable renal preserving operative technique using Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel. Conclusion: In cases when tumors are located in the central part of the kidney and partial nephrectomy is consequently very difficult, the use of a Focus Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel provides easy dissecting, enucleation, and excision of the tumor