29 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Belakangan ini  permasalahan lingkungan menjadi isu strategis yang hangat dibicarakan berbagai pihak dan berbagai kalangan. Persoalan-persoalan lingkungan yang timbul sekarang  ini tentu tidak lepas dari cara pandang, pemahaman, sikap dan perilaku manusia terhadap alam. Oleh sebab itu mengobati persoalan tersebut harus dari akar permasalahannya, yaitu manusia itu sendiri. Bertitik tolak dari pemikiran di atas, sekolah  merupakan satu unit lingkungan yang unik yang dapat dijadikan sebagai model pembentukann keperibadian yang didasari oleh pembentukan  pemahaman dan perlakuan  attau  tindakan. Sekolah sebagai satu unit lingkungan merupakan tempat belajar, mendidik  sekaligus ruang praktek yang nyata dalam pembentukan pemahaman, sikap dan perilaku yang sadar terhadap lingkungan

    Tourism Object Development Strategy Sosopan Simpanglolo Hot Water

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    This study aims to analyze the strategy for developing one of the tourist objects in Nagari Rabi Jonggor, Gunung Tuleh District, West Pasaman Regency. The Sosopan Simpanglolo Hot Springs is one of the health tourism destinations that is unique, different from other hot springs. This study shows that by using the quantitative SWOT analysis method which emphasizes the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix which includes strengths and weaknesses with a resulting score of 3.60. As for the External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), which includes opportunities and threats with a resulting score of 2.75. This shows that the Sosopan Simpanglolo Hot Springs has a sufficiently strong internal capacity to continue efforts to develop supporting infrastructure for tourism objects, by improving access to road facilities to tourist objects it will be able to increase internal resources which are its strengths. In its external capacity, Sosopan Simpanglolo Hot Springs can respond and take advantage of existing opportunities by encouraging the growth and development of the tourism industry and utilizing the natural potential of tourist attractions, to attract tourists to increase external resources which become opportunities by minimizing threats that exist at the location of tourist attractions. The results of this research study are expected to have implications for all parties to pay serious attention to the development of the Sosopan Simpanglolo Hot Springs tourist attraction

    Characteristics of Residents' House in Bukit Malintang Village, Sungai Aur Subdistrict, West Pasaman Regency

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    This study aims to determine the condition of the characteristics of the residents' houses in Bukit Malintang village, Sungai Aur Subistrict, West Pasaman Regency. This type of research is descriptive with survey methods and quantitative analysis with a total sample of 40 residential houses. Based on the research, it was found that 52.4% had a ceiling height of ≥ 2.4 m and 5% had a height of ≤ 2.4 m and all the ceilings of these residents' houses were easy to clean. Most of the residents' houses have a rough cement floor of 70%, some houses already use ceramics and granite with a percentage of 17.5%, 5% plank flooring, the condition of the floor is also easy to clean, for the condition of doors, windows and ventilation as much as 100% functioning properly and in good condition. Clean water sources from PAM are 60%, water sources from wells are 27.5% and there are several houses that have two sources of clean water as much as 12.5%. From one house to another, the number of family members varied greatly, the number of family members with more than 4 people was 70% and the number of family members with less than 4 people was 30%. The number of rooms in each house is of course also different where as much as 5% have 1 room, 52.5% have 2 rooms, 37.5% have 3 rooms and as much as 5% have 4 rooms but all of them do not have a minimum area of 8 m2. The average house area is 6 x 12 m2 , 6.5 x 12 m2 and 6.5 x 11 m2 . At home residents also already have a source of lighting / artificial lighting (electricity). Disposal of household waste, on average, already has a safe distance from the house so it doesn't smell and contaminate clean water. There are still a number of houses that do not have proper sanitation and still live in mosques or prayer rooms around their home

    The Effect of the Use of Blended Learning-Assisted Learning Module on Learning Outcomes

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    The  burden  of  Education  Law  No.  20/2003  article  1  paragraph  1 education  forms  students  to actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble  character,  and  the  skills  needed  by  themselves,  society,  nation,  and  country.  To  achieve  this  goal the teachermust be professional to create a conducive learning atmosphere for the creation of maximum learning.  For  the  social  studies  field  of  junior  high  school,  the  study  load  to  be  achieved  by  students  is very dense so the teacher feels overwhelmed in conveying all the material. For this reason, a way must be found so that all existing material can be conveyed in full. And the Blended Learning learning model with the help of E-Modules is very appropriate. With the E-module that uses IT, students can learn repeatedly until they can understand and understand.Keywords:Blended Learning, E Module, Learning Outcome

    Analysis of Household Potentials in Fertile-Aged Couplesof Bukit Malintang Family Planning Village, Pasaman Barat

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    This study aims to look at the potential of fertile-aged couple’s households and develop strategies to improve the quality of fertile-aged couple’s households in the Family Planning Village of Bukit Malintang. This study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches, with a population of all fertile age couples in the Family Planning Village of Bukit Malintang (90 fertile-aged couple) and all of them are sampled. The results showed that the quality of human resources (HR) of FAC families was relatively low, which was indicated by the relatively low education, health, expertise, and skills of family members. Likewise, with agricultural land ownership, that not all FACs have agricultural land and, also with low land productivity. Ownership of securities, especially land certificates, is used as collateral, mainly used for consumption and not for production. As an effort to improve the welfare of the community (fertile-aged couple’s), several alternatives were proposed, and discussed in a group discussion forum (FGD) with the relevant agencies/institutions of the West Pasaman Regency Government, namely 1). Socialization about genre and family planning 2). Skills training for youth and community members 3). Training/application on agriculture, plantation, fishery, and animal husbandry. 4). Increased yard usage 5). Establishment of Jorong Malintang as a tourist village       &nbsp

    Design Of Tourism Area Development Siteplan in Rabi Jonggor District, Mountain Tuleh District Pasaman Barat District, West Sumatra Province

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    Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor, Gunung Tuleh District, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province, has various natural potentials that can be developed to become a tourist and research destination for academics. Potential hot springs containing minerals such as sulfur can be found at several points in the Jorong Sitabu Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor area, Gunung Tuleh District, West Pasaman Regency. The hot springs in Jorong Sitabu Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor, Gunung Tuleh District, West Pasaman Regency originate from a meeting between groundwater and magma in a magma chamber in a volcanic path. Some of these hot springs have been used as hot springs and some have not been developed into hot springs. Added to this is the existence of a living sea lake which is currently viral on social media, which makes nature lovers curious to come to it, not to forget the panoramic view of the protected forest which really spoils the eye, which is termed the heaven of West Pasaman. Infrastructure for supporting facilities for tourism objects is not yet available in accordance with existing regulations. This potential can be developed into several hot spring baths so that later the Jorong Sitabu Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor area, Gunung Tuleh District, West Pasaman Regency can become a tourist area for tracking, hiking, camping, outbound and education. Based on the problems above, the goal to be achieved from this research is to design hot spring tourism areas, protected forests and marine lakes to live with the 3A concept. In this study a qualitative approach was used by means of field observations, interviews and literature studies. The results of this study are zoning for the development of natural tourist attractions, zoning for natural and man-made attractions, zoning for accessibility between supporting tourism objects and zoning amenities (facilities) that can be developed in order to support the achievement of a comfortable and managed tourist area in Jorong Sitabu Kenagarian Rabi Jonggor, Gunung Tuleh District, West Pasaman Regency with the problem seeking and problem solving method, then developed with AutoCAD software in the form of a Landscape Overlay, so that the results of this study produce a design based on the results of field analysis which at least is able to answer the weaknesses and deficiencies of existing facilities in this tourist area, which if realized by related parties, will indirectly improve the regional economy and help improve the quality of life of the local community


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    Abstrak   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas air sungai dan menentukan arahan kebijakan mitigasi pengendalian pencemaran air sungai terhadap penambangan batubara di Sub DAS Hilir Sungai Bengkulu. Analisis kualitas air dengan menentukan setatus mutu air dengan baku mutu air sungai sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah No.82 Tahun 2001 kemudian menentukan indeks pencemaran air sungai dengan menggunakan metode Storet sesuai Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.115 Tahun 2003 dan menentukan arahan kebijakan mitigasi terhadap pengendalian pencemaran air dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam pada steakholder dengan teknik analisis AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Proces). Hasil penelitian (1). Analisis kualitas air sungai Sub DAS Hilir Sungai Bengkulu tercemar berat berdasarkan nilai indeks storet sungai bagian hulu, tengah dan hilir adalah -80, -75 dan -58, (2). Arahan kebijakan mitigasi difokuskan pada aspek ekologi yang didukung dengan pembentukan RAPERDA DAS melalui peningkatan peran pemerintah Provinsi, Kota dan Kabupaten Bengkulu dalam upaya pengendalian pencemaran air


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    Abstrak Dilatar belakangi kurang optimalnya pengelolaan pariwisata yang ada di Kabupaten Lahat khususnya Objek Wisata Taman Wisata Alam Bukit Serelo sehingga berdampak belum adanya sumbangsih PAD dari kegiatan Pariwisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif-alternatif strategi dan menyusun arah kebijakan Pengembangan Objek Wisata Taman Wisata Alam Bukit Serelo Kabupaten Lahat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Mixed Methods yang dilakukan pada Dinas Priwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Lahat, Kecamatan Merapi Selatan, Masyarakat, dan wisatawan. Penentuan informan dilakukan secara Purposive. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, FGD dan pengisian angket analisis hirarki proses. Pengolahan Data dilakukan dengan analisis SWOT dan AHP. Hasil penelitian dapat dirumuskan sebelas strategi dan kebijakan pengembangan yang harus dilakukan pemerintah, yang menjadi prioritas utama kebijakan pengembangan objek wisata TWA Bukit Serelo adalah peningkatan sumber daya manusia birokrasi di lingkungan dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Lahat

    Socio-Economic Analysis And Education Level of the Community in Bukit Malintang Village, Sungai Aur Subdistrict, West Pasaman Regency

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    Study This aim know description condition social economics and description level education in Bukit Malintang Village , Sungai Aur District , District West Pasaman in West Sumatra Province . Analysis is done using secondary data and surveys field . Research _ This use approach descriptive qualitative Study This focus analysis on conditions social and economic public Bukit Malintang Village which includes amount population , number of households, background behind ethnicity , religion, interaction social , age , level education , income , and employment ( eyes livelihood ). explain existing phenomenon _ with give description in a manner clear and appropriate with facts on the ground in detail later served in form map , As for the method data collection , namely primary data and secondary data , which was carried out with method survey right on location research and obtained through Bappeda . As for the results analysis performed _ in Bukit Malintang Village The nationality of the Aur River is village resident transmigrants _ originate from The majority of Lolo intersections resident dominant is ethnic group mandailing and a small portion ethnic group java . Livelihoods are dominated by farmers _ garden palm with with percentage of 57.5 %, as farmer besides palm ie paddy fields or fields by 35%, percentage  resident as civil servants 5% and residents as head elementary school 2.5%. Resident own income per month with amount Rp . 2,000,000, - the most dominating with percentage of 57.5%. Group working age and as _ head the average family is dominated in the group aged 45-49 years with percentage of 57.5%. At the average education level of the population in Bukit Malintang Village is school elementary (SD) with the percentage is 62.5% and the education level of children in Bukit Malintang Village is also at the highest level Elementary School (SD) but already 17.07% of the population has children Already up to Undergraduate Education (S1).   Keywords: Condition Social , Economic, Education, Village transmigrant


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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the types, location and that management in Indigenous Forests Rantau Kermas. The method used in this study was a blend of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research methods used are collecting data about the inventory of trees that can be used as a Tree Adoption and that location. Whereas qualitative research methods, explained and described the indigenous forest management and Tree Adoption in Indigenous Forest of Rantau Kermas. The determination of research informant was done by using Purposive Sampling. The data were collected through the documentation study, field surveys and interviews. The data analysis technique used was Overlay, Buffer, and Clip. The results of the study revealed that there were 743 trees could be used as Tree Adoptions and there were 124 as Tree Adoption. Based on researcher there were 372 eligible for Tree Adoptions candidate and 104 Tree Adoptions. Indigenous Forest Management and Tree Adoption in Indigenous Forest of Rantau Kermas still used the traditional system was included rules of Indigenous Forests Kara Jayo Tuo. The criteria taken in the management of Tree Adoptions are: a) the tree caregivers were the donors who concerned with environmental issues. b) the tree managers were the villagers of Rantau Kermas commanded by a Indigenous Forest Management Group. Indigenous forest management and Tree Adoption had ecological benefits, economic sides, and socials sides.ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis, lokasi, dan pengelolaannya di Hutan Adat Rantau Kermas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah perpaduan antara metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk inventarisasi calon pohon asuh dan lokasinya. Metode kualitatif, digunakan untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan tentang pengelolaan hutan adat dan pohon asuh di Hutan Adat Rantau Kermas. Penentuan informan penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik Purposive Sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi dokumentasi, survey lapangan dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu Overlay, Buffer, dan Clip. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa ada 743 batang calon pohon asuh dan 124 pohon asuh.  Berdasarkan pertimbangan peneliti, jumlah calon pohon asuh yang memenuhi syarat berjumlah 372 pohon dan pohon asuh 104 pohon. Pengelolaan Hutan Adat dan Pohon Asuh masih menggunakan sistem adat yang terdapat di dalam peraturan pengelolaan Hutan Adat Kara Jayo Tuo. Kriteria pengelola pohon asuh adalah: a) donatur yang peduli dengan masalah lingkungan b) warga desa Rantau Kermas yang dikomando oleh Kelompok Pengelola Hutan Adat. Pengelolaan Hutan Adat dan pohon asuh mempunyai manfaat secara ekologis, ekonomis, dan sosial