710 research outputs found

    Wireless Sensor Network Exploiting High Altitude Platform in 5G Network

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    Technology development and socio-economic transformation have increased the demand for 5G cellular networks. They are expected to send information quickly and support many use cases emerging from a variety of applications. One of the use cases on the 5G network is the massive MTC (Machine Type Communication), wherein wireless sensor network (WSN) is a typical application. Challenges faced by a 5G cellular network are how to model an architecture/topology to support WSN and to solve energy consumption efficiency problem in WSN. So, to overcome these challenges, a HAP system integrated with WSN which uses Low Energy Adaptive Hierarchy routing protocol is implemented. The HAP system is designed to be used at a 20-km altitude, and the topologies used are those with and without clustering. It uses 1,000 sensor nodes and Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol. This system was simulated using MATLAB. Simulations were performed to analyze the energy consumption, the number of dead nodes, and the average total packets which were sent to HAP for non-clustered topology and clustered topology. Simulation results showed that the clustered topology could reduce energy consumption and the number of dead nodes while increasing the total packet sent to HAP.*****Perkembangan teknologi dan transformasi sosial-ekonomi telah menyebabkan bisnis jaringan seluler 5G mengalami Perubahan, sehingga jaringan seluler 5G diharapkan dapat mengirim informasi dengan cepat dan mendukung kasus penggunaan yang banyak bermunculan dari berbagai aplikasi. Salah satu kasus penggunaan pada jaringan 5G adalah massive Machine Type Communication (MTC). Salah satu aplikasi massive MTC adalah jaringan sensor nirkabel (JSN). Tantangan bagi jaringan seluler 5G ini adalah bagaimana memodelkan arsitektur/topologi untuk mendukung JSN dan bagaimana mengatasi masalah efisiensi konsumsi energi di JSN. Untuk menjawab tantangan ini, maka diterapkan sistem HAP yang terintegrasi JSN dan menggunakan protokol routing Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy. Sistem HAP dirancang untuk digunakan di ketinggian 20 km dengan topologi tanpa dan dengan clustering, menggunakan 1.000 node sensor. Sistem ini telah disimulasikan dengan menggunakan MATLAB. Simulasi dilakukan untuk melihat konsumsi energi, jumlah node yang mati dan rata-rata total paket yang dikirim ke HAP untuk topologi tanpa dan dengan clustering. Dari serangkaian simulasi, terlihat bahwa topologi dengan clustering dapat mengurangi konsumsi energi dan jumlah node yang mati, sekaligus meningkatkan total paket yang dikirimkan ke HAP


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     Pembahasan tentang perilaku seorang produsen digunakan untuk melihat sejauh mana sebuah usaha yang dimiliki oleh perorangan atau perusahaan dalam memproduksi kebutuhan-kebutuhan konsumennya. Sehingga produsen dapat melakukan pengambilan keputusan mengenai seberapa banyak peralatan produksi dan jumlah tenaga kerja untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen-konsumennya terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Secara garis besar, perilaku produsen dapat dijelaskan melalui 3 komponen yaitu ; personal service berkaitan dengan kejujuran seorang produsen, kedua kemampuan komunikasi yang lebih cenderung penggunaan tutur kata yang santun seorang produsen, dan yang ketiga ESQ yaitu seorang produsen sepatutnya memiliki kecerdasan mengelola emosi dan kecerdasan spiritual. Dengan melakukan tiga langkah tersebut, maka seorang produsen secara otomatis akan memberikan service excellence kepada para konsumen dan pelanggan. Pelayanan prima yang diharapkan seorang produsen tidak hanya pada aspek profit oriented melainkan juga people oriented. Ketiga konsep tentunya akan mempengaruhi pemberdayaan produk berbasis kearifan lokal Tangerang Selatan mulai dari tingkat daerah sampai tingkat pusat. Produk lokal Tangerang Selatan yang masih eksis sampai sekarang di antaranya yaitu batik, jeruk baper, dodol, dan masih ada beberapa produk lokal lainnya yang perlu dipertahankan. Kata kunci: Perilaku Produsen, Produk Loka

    Information Technology Service Management with Cloud Computing Approach to Improve Administration System and Online Learning Performance

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    This work discusses the development of information technology service management using cloud computing approach to improve the performance of administration system and online learning at STMIK IBBI Medan, Indonesia. The network topology is modeled and simulated for system administration and online learning. The same network topology is developed in cloud computing using Amazon AWS architecture. The model is designed and modeled using Riverbed Academic Edition Modeler to obtain values of the parameters: delay, load, CPU utilization, and throughput. The simu- lation results are the following. For network topology 1, without cloud computing, the average delay is 54 ms, load 110 000 bits/s, CPU utilization 1.1%, and throughput 440 bits/s. With cloud computing, the average delay is 45 ms, load 2 800 bits/s, CPU utilization 0.03%, and throughput 540 bits/s. For network topology 2, without cloud computing, the average delay is 39 ms, load 3 500 bits/s, CPU utilization 0.02%, and throughput database server 1 400 bits/s. With cloud computing, the average delay is 26 ms, load 5 400 bits/s, CPU utilization email server 0.0001%, FTP server 0.001%, HTTP server 0.0002%, throughput email server 85 bits/s, FTP server 100 bits/sec, and HTTP server 95 bits/s. Thus, the delay, the load, and the CPU utilization decrease; but, the throughput increases. Information technology service management with cloud computing approach has better performance

    Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran terhadap Penjualan Batubara pada PT. Cahaya Mantingan Nusantara Jakarta

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    The research aims is to collect a complete and accurate data and information concerning about the impact of marketing strategy. This study conducts an analysis to examine and analyze the execution of marketing strategy and sales and also to analyze how big the impact of marketing strategy determine the sales of coal in PT Cahaya Mantingan Nusantara Jakarta, in order to anticipate an intense competition. Correlation analysis concludes a strong and significant correlation between sales and marketing strategy. The determination coefficient shows that 52,25 percent of sales determined by marketing strategy

    Perangkat Ajar Interaktif Tentang Hukum Tajwid Untuk Pembacaan Al – Qur'an

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    Tulisan ini berisikan tentang perangkat ajar interaktif tentang hukum tajwid untuk pembacaan al-quran, bertujuan untuk membantu proses pembelajaran dalam pembacaan al-quran yang baik dan benar (tartil). Aplikasi ini dibuatkan agar pengguna dapat memahami bagaimana cara membaca al-qur'an yang baik dan benar. Media yang digunakan tidak hanya terdiri atas unsur teks dan atau gambar saja, tetapi terdiri dari kombinasi teks, grafik atau gambar, animasi, audio atau suara dan video yang dikenal dengan istilah Multimedia. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasi adalah Adobe Flash digunakan untuk membuat gambar vektor maupun animasi gambar, Adobe Captivate untuk demo perangkat lunaknya, Untuk analisis dan perancangannya menggunakan UML

    Kerjasama Teknik Militer Indonesia Dan Rusia Dalam Pembelian Pesawat Sukhoi Su-30mk2 Tahun 2006-2010

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    This research explains about Militery Technique cooporation between Indonesia and Russia in term of the trade agreement of Sukhoi Su-30MK2 in 2006-2010. The agreement if Security Cooperation is written in Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which was agreed on 21 in April 2003.The data of this research were acquired from journals, offical documents, minithesis, books, and internet to analyze cooperation of military technique in term of the trade agreement of Sukhoi Su-30MK2 aircraft between Indonesia and Russia. This research use'a Realist point of view and International Cooperations Theory.This research proves that the history between the two countries takes the main role in this cooperation. On the other hand the Military technique cooperation between Indonesia and Rusia has an effect in air military measures power which includes purchasing Sukhoi Su-30MK2. This trade will increase the capabilities of Indonesia's national security. The prime benefit that Indonesia will achieve the increasing of the air measure capability

    Kajian Sistem Dan Posedur Manajemen Persediaan Barang Milik Negara Pada Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Gorontalo

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    Absrtact The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of how the implementation and Inventory of State Property, as well as how to assess whether the fixed assets and inventories are in line with Government Regulation No. 6 of 2006 on the management of state property / area. The research was conducted at the Agency for Education Quality Assurance of Gorontalo. The data used in this study was secondary data, namely implementation of Recording Fixed Assets and Inventory of State Property Authority which implemented by User and Administrator of Goods as well as Good Inspection Reports conducted by the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The methodology used in this study was a descriptive approach. The study description was intended to create a systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts and the properties of certain populations, and because of the use of qualitative data in descriptive study, most of the data rely on the written words or behavior, and interviews that can be observed from the informants. An in-depth interview was conducted to 15 informants referred to the Head of Sub Division of General and Section Chief and staff. The results of this study show that the Recording of Fixed Assets and Inventory of State Property held by the Goods user authority, the Board of Goods was not fully in accordance with Government Regulation No. 6 Year 2006 on the Management of Goods, while the report and the procurement of goods, the administration of goods, adherence to applicable regulations, and the assessment of effectiveness and assessment of achievement of the program , have not been done thorough audit of the items that would produce the number of the existing units, and the value of in rupiah against the goods. The assessment property and equipment was done using the cost method, and the assessed value. The assessment of supplies has not been implemented

    Jenis-Jenis Ikan Indonesia yang Kritis dan Terancam Punah: The Indonesian Fish Species That Are Critical and Threatened

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    ABSTRACTIndonesia has a high diversity of fish species. Some fish species are critical and endangered. Information on Indonesian native and endemic fish species needs to be disseminated to the public. Such information is available in various sources and is generally in a foreign language. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to inventory and distribute information about several species of fish native to Indonesian public waters that need special attention because they are endangered and critically endangered. Species of fish, especially species that have been critically endangered, do not rule out turning into extinct in the wild (extinct in the wild). The decline in the status of the above from vulnerable (vulnerable) to endangered (endangered) and critical (critically endangered) or even become extinct in the wild (extinct in the wild) caused by various factors, including the existence of fisheries activities that tend to exploit natural resources without offset by conservation activities and increasing pollution of water conditions. With this information, it is expected to anticipate the extinction of these species. The study was conducted using the literature study method. Based on the search results, there were 22 endangered fish species and 15 critically endangered fish species. The Indonesian government has designated 20 protected fish species. Domestication of endangered and critical species is urgent to do, to prevent the extinction of these species. ABSTRAKIndonesia memiliki keanekaragaman spesies ikan yang tinggi. Beberapa spesies ikan sudah kritis dan terancam punah. Informasi jenis-jenis ikan asli dan endemik Indonesia perlu diserbarluaskan ke masyarakat. Informasi tersebut terdapat diberbagai sumber dan umumnya berbahasa asing. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginventarisasi dan mendistribusikan informasi tentang beberapa spesies ikan asli penghuni perairan umum Indonesia yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus karena berstatus terancam punah (endangered) dan kritis (critically endangered). Spesies-spesies ikan tersebut terutama spesies yang sudah berstatus kritis terancam punah, tidak menutup kemungkinan berubah menjadi punah di alam liar (extinct in the wild). Terjadinya penurunan status diatas dari rentan (vulnerable) ke terancam punah (endangered) dan kritis (critically endangered) atau bahkan menjadi punah di alam liar (extinctin the wild) disebabkan oleh berbagai macam faktor, diantaranya adanya kegiatan perikanan yang cenderung mengeksploitasi sumber daya alam tanpa diimbangi dengan kegiatan konservasi serta meningkatnya pencemaran terhadap kondisi perairan. Dengan adanya informasi ini diharapkan dapat melakukan antisipasi pencegahan kepunahan spesies tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran, diperoleh 22 spesies ikan yang terancam punah (endangered) dan 15 spesies ikan yang sudah kritis (critically endangered). Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan 20 spesies ikan yang dilindungi. Domestikasi spesies-spesies yang terancam punah dan kritis sudah mendesak untuk dilakukan, untuk mencegah kepunahan spesies tersebut.&nbsp
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