1,133 research outputs found

    The Effect of Situational Leadership Behavior Organizational Culture and Human Resources Management Strategy on Education and Training Institution Productivity (Survey on Educational and Vocational Training Institutions in West Java Province)

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    The aim of this research is to analyze: situational leadership behavior, organizational culture and productivity of vocational training institutes in west Java Province. The correlation between situational leadership behavior and organizational culture at vocational training institutes, the effect of situational leadership behavior and organizational culture toward productivity of vocational training institutes in west Java Province. This research uses organizational behavior and human resources management approach. The type of the research is descriptive and verificative, while the method used both descriptive and explanatory survey. Investigation type is casualty and time horizon in cross sectional. The sample size used is proportionate sampling by taking sample 115 vocational training institute of spread over 19 locations totally, all its population counted 719 vocational training institutes in west Java Province. The data analyzed by descriptive analytic and path analysis. The result of research shows, 1) situational leadership behavior and organizational culture in generalities, rather high score and the productivity at vocational training institutes to society, cooperation with company or industry in training program development, and placement of training graduate assessed by rather low, 2) there is correlation which significant between situational leadership behavior and organizational at vocational training institutes in west Java Province, 3) situational leadership behavior, organizational culture has significant effect simultaneously and partially productivity of vocational training institutes in west Java Province

    Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru dalam Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (Rpp) melalui Supervisi Klinis di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 001 Panipahan Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This school action research (PTS) aims to improve teachers' ability in making RPP through clinical supervision.This research is conducted in four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection, anddone in two cycles. The first cycle of researchers directly observed the increase in teacher competence in makingRPP. Results from the observation of the overall teacher's RPP assessment in cycle I showed a mean score of72,1% with good rating category. In cycle II the average value of teachers in making RPP is 86% with thecategory of assessment is very good. The improvement of teacher's RPP assessment per cycle also increased, ieclass I, II, IV, and V teachers showed an increase in scoring score of two points or 16,7 ,. while grade 3 andgrade 6 teachers showed an increase of one point or 8,4%. This proves that the implementation of clinicalsupervision can improve the competence of teachers in the preparation of learning tools

    Model Tafsir Fiqhi: Kajian Atas Tafsîr Al-munîr Fi Al-‘aqîdah Wa Al-syarî'ah Wa Al-manhaj Karya Wahbah Az-zuhaili

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    Fiqhi commentary is an attempt interpretation of legal texts. One interpretation is classified as a work of interpretation is fiqhi Tafsir Al-Munir, the greatest work of Az-Zuhaili Wahbah, a contemporary scholar who has a very broad insight. In the work of this interpretation, legal texts are described in the open, in order that people can understand all the issues at hand. The style and method of use has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other works fiqhi interpretation

    Pengaruh Umur Terhadap Persentase Karkas Dan Non Karkas Ternak Kerbau Jantan

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    The aim of this research was to investigate carcass and non-carcass persentation of buffalo bull slaughtered in Kota Jambi Slaughter House. Sixty buffalo bulls consisted of 30 two-pair incissor bulls (I2) and 30 four-pair incissor bulls (I4). The data collected were body weight, carcass weight, non-carcass weight. Body weight of I2 was 338.56 ± 18,5 kg and I4 was 397.48 ± 45,5 kg. The carcass weight were 148.56 kg (43.89%) and 169,36 kg (43.72%) for I2 and I4 respectively. Non-carcass weigth were 137,40 kg (43,89%) in I2 and 157,19 kg ( 40,57 %) in I4 . In conclusion, the age had no effect to carcass and non-carcass weight in buffalo bulls

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Individu, Beban Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Inspektorat Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    The objectives of the study are 1.) to define and analyze simultaneous influence of individual characteristics, workloads, and work enviroment on officials performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi; 2.) to define and analyze the influence of individual characteristics on ifficials' performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi; 3.) to define and analyze simultaneous influence of workloads on officials' performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi; 4.) to define and analyze simultaneous Influence of work environment on officials' performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi. The sample in this research consists of 75 officials in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi who are selected by using census method. Type of research is causal analysis with multiple regressions analysis. The results of the test show that; 1.) individual characteristics, workloads, and work environment simultaneously have significant influence on officials' performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi with Fvalue of 19.175 on the significant level of 0,000; 2.) Individuals' characteristics have a positive and significant influence on officials' performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi sig-t of 0,000<α 0,05; 3.) workloads have a negative and significant influence on officials performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi with sig-t of 0,001<α 0,05; 4.) work environment has a positive and significant influence on officials' performance in The Inspectorate Office of Central Sulawesi with sig-t of 0,000<α 0,05

    Kontekstualisasi Kebijakan Pengembangan Koleksi Dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Informasi Pengguna (Studi Kasus Di Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga YOGYAKARTA)

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    This study titled Contextualization of Collection Development Policy to fulfill the information need of users: A case study in the library of State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, researcher analyzed how contextualization of collection development policy of the Library of State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga have an impact to the suitability of information served to the users. This study uses qualitative descriptive approach. From the results of research conducted by the researcher, the result is the contextualization of collection development policy carried out by the Library of State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, is not maximized, because the librarian have not been given full authority in the management of the library budget

    Penggunaan Refutation Text Berbantuan Alat Peraga untuk Meremediasi Miskonsepsi Tentang Fluida Dinamis di SMA

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    This research aimed to know the effectiveness of using refutation text readings assisted simple props in remediating students' misconceptions about fluid dynamics in Taruna Bumi Khatulistiwa Senior High School Kubu Raya. This research was a quasy experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The sample was the students of class XI IPA 1 (N=33) as the experiment class 1 and XI IPA 2 (N=31) as the experiment class 2 were chosen by intact group. The instrument of data collecting used diagnostic test like multiple choices without reasons. The results showed that the percentage of students who misconception were 86.67% and 88.46% at pretest. There were declines in the number of students who misconception about 63.67% and 44.21%. Based on the Mann-Whitney U test, there was the significant difference of the number of students' misconceptions between the class remediated Refutation text assisted using simple props and without using simple props ( -2.44; 0,05). Remediation effectiveness showed by DQM price about 63.67% and 44.21%. This research is expected can be the alternative to remediate students' misconceptions especially in physics
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