110 research outputs found

    Festival Citylink Brand Audit and Improvement

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    Festival Citylink (FCL) is a shopping center that using concept mixed-use integration between shopping center, hotels and convention center located in South Bandung area. The problem that faces by Festival Citylink is low on brand equity performance, brand history and the intense of competition. Based on survey result in 2011, Festival Cityink has low in brand awareness, recall and response. The negative perception brand image from predecessor Mollis as shopping center before Festival Citylink. The intense competition among shopping center in Bandung that account for 30 shopping centers. This lead to low market share which reaches only 5% compare to competitors and the average of customer traffic reach only 11.000 visitor/day considered below the company target for 20.000 visitor/day. The conceptual framework is using Customer Based Brand Equity (Keller,2008). The brand audit is done by searching source brand equity from customer and company perspective. From company perspective to find the brand strategy committed by company and from customer perspective to know what customer perception about brand, product and service offered by company. The focus of this final project is to provide solution to increase brand equity Festival Citylink in the midst of competition. the internal and external analysis conduct to find the root cause of the problems. The result shows that there are three problems consist of (1) Brand element considered less effective in create strong, unique and favorable association and low brand performance. (2) The effectiveness and efficiency of integrated marketing communication. (3) Low service environment performance for shopping center.              Some recommendation proposed for increasing brand equity consists of the change and maintain brand element that supports for brand equity performance, propose target market and positioning, increase integration marketing communication and improve servicescape to get positive experience and image. Keywords: Shopping Center, CBBE, Brand Equity, Association, Festival Citylin

    Evaluation of Bridge Coffee Customer Expexrience

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    Abstract. Along the years, we can not deny that coffee shop become a fast-growing business in Indonesia especially in urban city such as Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Surabaya, and other cities. There is a really huge market this sector since drinking coffee is not longer a necessity but lifestyle. Bridge Coffee is on of those coffee players which produce premium roasted Indonesian coffee beans and other beverages for cafes, restaurant, corporation, and especially for end-customer. They are currently planning to open their first coffee shop in Bandung, which they named it Bridge Coffee Boutique and Dining. Coffee shop is a very competitive business, and attracting new customers is a consistent challenge. One of the best ways to attract new customers to Bridge Coffee Boutique and Dining is to offer something of value to change their "normal" behavior and encourage them to try something new. Therefore, this research has the objective to examine experiential marketing program from Bridge Coffee’s potential customers and give recommendation to Bridge Coffee Boutique and Dining on the things the should do. To gather the data, focus group discussions were done three times. The result of this study shows that the customer already recognized some uniqueness of experience in Bridge Coffee Boutique and Dining. It highlights the coffee gallery, which show many information about coffee, coffee beans and coffee equipment showcase as the first experience that given to visitor. Another result is that Bridge Coffee Boutique and Dining overall service admitted higher than average compared with other cafe or restaurant. Therefore, the recommendation for Bridge Coffee is to provide the customer with a simple customization for their order to create a really pleasent experience. Keywords: Coffee, Coffee shop, Focus group discussion, Experiential marketing, Experienc

    Crossing Through The Information Barrier

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    In the present times, the advance technology has made media become accessible for almost everyone and eventually the excessive information makes people barricade themselves, including from marketing messages. As one of the world leading advertising agencies, Dentsu Inc. developed Cross Communication approach to create marketing strategy based on AISAS model. Dentsu’s Cross Communication marketing approach is designed to reach in through customer barrier and enticing them out from the solitary. Using the scenario idea and contact points, Cross Communication strategy delivers the message to consumers more efficient than the conventional Integrated Marketing Communication.   Key Words: Marketing, Dentsu, The Dentsu Way, Cross Communication, StrategyÂ

    The Practise of Brand Management on Small Culinary Enterprises, An Explorative Study Using In-Dept Interview

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    Brand has been a part of almost every company, especially a big one that exists nowadays. It is a statement, an image, a message, which packed and delivered to the customer, so that they know what the company stands for. Nowadays, intense competition of a small business requires each business to be able to "fly over the crowd" that will not make them go down with the other competitors whom not able to follow the current change regarding the situation on the market.  As for one SME, in order to be able to fly over the crowd, the owner needs to know how to build and maintain the corporate brand. It is vital to be different in the crowded market so that the brand will not easily forgotten by the customer. However some of branding literature states that many SME pay little or no attention at all on Branding ( Frank, 2005) also most of branding literature were based on multi-national company. The objectives of this research is to find out how small-medium entrepreneur focusing in culinary business in Bandung City takes action on branding activity.   In order to fulfill the objectives of this research, a qualitative case study method was undertaken with 12 SME focusing in culinary industry in Bandung city. This step was taken to understand the phenomenon of small-medium-culinary entrepreneur branding activity by analyzing the clearly defined step-by-step corporate brand building activity the SME do refer to the theory of previous research about corporate brand building activity through different stages of business growth. (Mari Jununten,2010) The research approach utilized an in-dept interview with the owner or manager of the business. The findings of this study reveal new activity such as building relationship with community, managing relationships with community and customer also reputation management system using social media which never been discussed in the existing theory used in the previous research and the findings will demonstrate a condition of how far the small-medium-culinary entrepreneur takes action about branding activity. Key Words : Brand, Brand Building Activity, Brand Management, Small to Medium Enterprises, Culinary. Category: Marketin

    Customer Insight Towards Start-Up Business OF the Early Three Months Period with SWOT and Marketing Mix of 4PS Tools: A Case Study OF Pippi Petite Company

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    Abstract -PIPPI PETITE is one of start-up business in F&B sector which sells panna cotta (dessert) that was established in 2014. To keep sustainable with its competitor, PIPPI PETITE needs to develop its business. PIPPI PETITE has to be able to perceive what the customer wants and also the problems being faced by customer regarding PIPPI PETITE, both are needed to boost the company performance and eventually to reach zero complaints from PIPPI PETITE customer.This research is also formed to know what kind of program development that suits PIPPI PETITE. To reach the conclusion of this research, SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) of PIPPI PETITE is implemented based on the customer insight. Customer insight are being used to identify what the they want and what they thought as a problem of PIPPI PETITE in order to increase the company performance. By giving appropriate solution to the problems that were being faced by PIPPI PETITE based on the customer insight, hopefully customer can feel satisfied towards the product and service that were being provided by PIPPI PETITE so that PIPPI PETITE could develop its business in a better way. This customer insight research resulted in operational problem. PIPPI PETITE was considered unable to reach the coverage area as promised. This was caused by the limited service capacity in the delivery service. Aside of that, customer also felt that the product availability of PIPPI PETITE is not yet stable so there comes complains from product availability. Product availability was caused by the limited production capability of the current kitchen owned by PIPPI PETITE. Based on the analysis conducted in both operational problems, can be concluded that PIPPI PETITE needs to add distribution channel (consignment) in area that is considered unreachable currently by the delivery service. Another solution for the operational management is to maximize the kitchen function and the product storaging so that the number of production reaches the customer’s desire. Keyword: Marketing Research, Consumer Insight, Business Developmen

    Perceptual MAP of Online Fashion Store

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    The main theme of this research is Fashion Marketing and focus on customers-driven marketing strategy and brand image marketing strategy. The purpose of this research is to map customers-based positioning of local online fashion companies, which are benchmarked by global leading fashion brands. In this research, multidimensional scaling is being applied to process the data. Multidimensional scaling is purposed to map the ordinal data and determine its spatial configuration based on the similarities and dissimilarities. The data applied in this research are obtained from 60 respondents in 600 cases with 10 brands as its objects. According to Tucker’s Coefficient of Congruence, the factors in the questionnaire are virtually identical but nevertheless, the questionnaire is good based on the normalized stress testKeywords: Consumer, Fashion, Local, Online, Marketing, Strategy, Targe

    Financial Planning in the Eyes of Traditional Store Owners at Mayestik Market Square, A Qualitative Study on market Potential

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    Financial planning is a progressive and cumulative attainment of which is designed to accomplish, develop strategies in a financial goal or set of life and its circumstances…â€. As in its term “financeâ€, financial planning is a product of financial services that has existed in Indonesia. In Indonesia, financial planning as a financial product is new and still in need of education. Educating market is needed because the user of this product is the party who are indeed in need of these services. The parties eligible for this service product are a party that has (1) a financial goal and (2) the financial capacity. Based on market conditions being seized by the financial planner, it can be seen that a segment of the market is still open and has not being touched by financial planners as the main target of their markets, namely middle-low income group and informal sector workers. It makes a group of traditional market storekeepers in Indonesia a group included into the market criteria that has not worked. The traditional market is a market that has a modest selling activity and where bargaining with the means of payment in the form of money is found (Dwi Utami, 2005). In order to fulfill the objectives of this research, a qualitative research with in-depth interview combined with observation are chosen. There are eighteen storekeepers, which has been interviewed as the object of this research. This research revealed the current characteristic of the storekeepers and its readiness to accept the financial planners presence. The findings is supported with the recommendation of the approach to marketing this financial product.Keywords: Financial Planner, Potential Market, and Traditional Market Storekeeper

    Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Using Service Quality Demension at D'Seuhah Da Lada Restaurant

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    D’Seuhah da Lada is a family restaurant that is located in Lembang, and was established to meet the needs of culinary connoisseurs of foods especially Sundanese cuisine and nuances of spicy food lovers. This restaurant has been running for about 3 years, which is necessary for a restaurant to have an evaluation and improvement in review their service quality in d’Seuhah da Lada. Previously, the study of Service Marketing in 2011, there was a final project in measuring the service quality gap of d’Seuhah da lada performance where in the result of the research, it shows that the weakness in the service quality dimension at the restaurant is the reliability, Assurance and Tangibles dimension. Based on the studies, this research focus to analyze and measure the service quality through evaluating the performance of the gap in the service quality that is crucial on the service in d’Seuhah da Lada. So for that, from the purpose of this research is to measure the influence of the service quality towards the customer satisfaction in d’Seuhah da Lada restaurant based on the dimension of Reliability, Assurance, and Tangible. The current study will be compared with the previous studies to analyze and measure the progress that has been achieved from this restaurant is anly in terms of quality service. The research method that is being used in this research is using descriptive method by distributing questionnaire with Linkert scale to customers who comes to d’Seuhah da lada then after that, this research continues the method using explorative more deeply using in depth interview towards the customer and the owner of d’Seuhah da lada in order to take the point of conclusion of this research problem. After examining the results of the process, and then it is being developed a strategy the performance evaluation in order to increase the service quality and direct the Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles dimension to improve with service recovery to be a better service, so it can be drawn into a conclusion and suggestions on the further steps ahead in a form of strategy to improve for the advancements of the service quality in d’Seuhah da Lada restaurant. Key Words: D’Seuahah da lada Restaurant, Service Quality, Service Quality Dimension, Customer Satisfaction, Service Recover

    Customer Insight Towards Start-Up Business OF the Early Three Months Period with SWOT and Marketing Mix of 4PS Tools: A Case Study OF Pippi Petite Company

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    Abstract -PIPPI PETITE is one of start-up business in F&B sector which sells panna cotta (dessert) that was established in 2014. To keep sustainable with its competitor, PIPPI PETITE needs to develop its business. PIPPI PETITE has to be able to perceive what the customer wants and also the problems being faced by customer regarding PIPPI PETITE, both are needed to boost the company performance and eventually to reach zero complaints from PIPPI PETITE customer.This research is also formed to know what kind of program development that suits PIPPI PETITE. To reach the conclusion of this research, SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) of PIPPI PETITE is implemented based on the customer insight. Customer insight are being used to identify what the they want and what they thought as a problem of PIPPI PETITE in order to increase the company performance. By giving appropriate solution to the problems that were being faced by PIPPI PETITE based on the customer insight, hopefully customer can feel satisfied towards the product and service that were being provided by PIPPI PETITE so that PIPPI PETITE could develop its business in a better way. This customer insight research resulted in operational problem. PIPPI PETITE was considered unable to reach the coverage area as promised. This was caused by the limited service capacity in the delivery service. Aside of that, customer also felt that the product availability of PIPPI PETITE is not yet stable so there comes complains from product availability. Product availability was caused by the limited production capability of the current kitchen owned by PIPPI PETITE. Based on the analysis conducted in both operational problems, can be concluded that PIPPI PETITE needs to add distribution channel (consignment) in area that is considered unreachable currently by the delivery service. Another solution for the operational management is to maximize the kitchen function and the product storaging so that the number of production reaches the customer’s desire. Keyword: Marketing Research, Consumer Insight, Business Developmen
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