15 research outputs found

    Kerajaan Indragiri Pada Masa Pemerintahan Paduka Maulana Sri Sultan Alauddin Iskandar Syah Johan Zirullah Fil Alam (Narasinga II) Tahun 1473-1532

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    Indragiri Kingdom is a Malay Kingdom that stood around the end of the XII century, this kingdom is located on the banks of the same named river. With the first King of Merlang I, Narasinga I, Merlang II and arrived at Narasinga II who held Paduka Maulana Sri Sultan Alauddin Iskandar Syah Johan. Who ruled from 1473-1508 were in Malacca, 1508-1532 were in Indragiri. The purpose of this study are (1) To know the beginning of the founding of Indragiri Kingdom (2) To find out the process of picking King Narasinga II from Melaka to Indragiri (3) To find out what reason King Narasinga II moved the royal center (4) To know how the history of King Narasinga II's resistance (5) Know the end of the reign of King Narasinga II. This study uses historical method. The result of this research is Originally Indragiri Kingdom called Keritang Kingdom whose kingdom is located in Keritang Village Indragiri Regency. Called Indragiri because Narasinga II began to return to Indragiri picked by Datuk Patih using Raft Kulim and move the royal center from Keritang to Pekantua. Then moved again to the Old Town Village to avoid attacks from the Portuguese. Narasinga II married Dang Purnama and blessed with 2 children one of whom became the successor to the throne of Indragiri Kingdom

    Peranan Imam Syahid Hasan Al-banna Dalam Mengembangkan Ikhwanul Muslimin Di Mesir Pada Tahun 1928-1949

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    The background of this thesis is the founder Hasan al-Banna an organization\u27s largest Muslim movement that was first established in Egypt, namely the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded as a form of community dissatisfaction with the Egyptian government at that time. The purpose of this study was to determine the short history of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, to find out the history of the life of Hasan al-Banna, to know the history of the Muslim Brotherhood, to find out the struggle Hasan Al-Banna alongside the Muslim Brotherhood, to determine the role of the Muslim Brotherhood against independence Indonesia, to seek out the end of the struggle of Hasan al-Banna, to figure out which forms part of Hasan al-Banna carried out in developing the Muslim Brotherhood. Penelit method is the method of Historical and Descriptive. The aim is to reconstruct, analyze, evaluate, and explanation of evidence to get the facts reach conclusions that can be justified. The results showed that the Muslim Brotherhood is an organization Jihad, Propagation, and Politics by pemehaman Syumuliah al Islam (Islamic Universalism) kehidupan.mengenai covering all aspects of this case, as evidence of Martyrs Imam Hasan Al - Banna has established a charitable foundation, education, politics and Jihad for establishing the Muslim Brotherhood. In the field of education for example has many established foundations of Islamic-based educators to print cadres Propagation successor Jihad movement in the world . And in the political sphere of the Muslim Brotherhood was greatly feared by opposing political elite at the time, the Muslim Brotherhood have participated in the elections that took place in Egypt and could win. This victory did not reduce their main intention, namely jihad in Allah\u27s way, but rather be part of the vision of the organization that brings the goodness of all life. The entry of the Muslim Brotherhood Political kemedan is a natural process that aims to fix a number of irregularities that occurred in Egypt

    Industrialisasi dan negara-negara dunia ketiga

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    Gurukah yang dipersalahkan? : menakar posisi guru di tengah dunia pendidikan kita

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    xiv,197 p,; 21 c

    Memajukan bangsa dengan pendidikan

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    ix, 107 p. : ill.; 21 c

    Perkembangan Muhammadiyah dalam Memajukan Pendidikan di Kecamatan Gunung Toar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi (2000-2020)”

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Perkembangan Muhammadiyah Dalam Memajukan Pendidikan Di Kecamatan Gunung Toar Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi (2000-2020)”. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) mengetahui sejarah berdirinya Muhammadiyah di Kecamata Gunung Toar. (2) mengetahui perkembangan Muhammadiyah dalam memajukan pendidikan di Kecamatan Gunung Toar (3) mengetahui faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambat Muhammadiyah  dalam  memajukan pendidikan di Kecamatan Gunung Toar. Penelitian ini menggunaan pendekatan historis, metode pengumpulan data dengan kajian lapangan berupa dokumentasi dan wawancara serta studi arsip dan pustaka. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah ketua Cabang Muhammadiyah Gunung Toar, Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) IV Koto Gunung, dan Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) Aisyiyah Bustanul Authfal. Setelah data di kumpulkan, pengujian data dilakukan dengan kritik sumber yaitu dengan menguji keaslian sumber dan membandingkan antara data yang satu dengan yang lain, seperti membandingkan hasil wawancara dengan bukti tertulis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa Muhammadiyah Cabang Gunung Toar pada awalnya merupakan Ranting dari Muhamamdiyah Cabang Lubuk Jambi Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik yang kemudian beridi setelah mekarnya Kecamatan Gunung Toar. Tahun 2008 didirkan TK ) Aisyiyah Bustanul Authfal guna mempersiapkan generasi yang berakhlak baik. Muhammadiyah Cabang Gunung Toar juga memiliki sekolah MTs IV Koto Gunung yang teah ada semenjang masih menjadi Ranting Gunung Toar. Faktor pendorong pendidikan Muhammadiyah di Kecamatan Gunung Toar yaitu dengan bentuk yayasan Muhammadiyah yang selalu ada dan andil dalam pembangunan dan perkembangan setiap pendidikannya. Faktor penghambat pendidikan Muhammadiyah di Kecamatan Gunung Toar yaitu keterbatasan Fasilitas dan sarana prasarana yang membuat minat peserta didik baru berkurang

    Pendidikan Terkini: Perpaduan Indonesia - Malaysia

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    Cooperative Learning Efektifitas Pembelajaran Kelompok

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    112 hlm, 21 c