869 research outputs found

    Temperature-extended Jarzynski relation: Application to the numerical calculation of the surface tension

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    We consider a generalization of the Jarzynski relation to the case where the system interacts with a bath for which the temperature is not kept constant but can vary during the transformation. We suggest to use this relation as a replacement to the thermodynamic perturbation method or the Bennett method for the estimation of the order-order surface tension by Monte Carlo simulations. To demonstrate the feasibility of the method, we present some numerical data for the 3D Ising model

    Critical behavior of a non-equilibrium interacting particle system driven by an oscillatory field

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    First- and second-order temperature driven transitions are studied, in a lattice gas driven by an oscillatory field. The short time dynamics study provides upper and lower bounds for the first-order transition points obtained using standard simulations. The difference between upper and lower bounds is a measure for the strength of the first-order transition and becomes negligible small for densities close to one half. In addition, we give strong evidence on the existence of multicritical points and a critical temperature gap, the latter induced by the anisotropy introduced by the driving field.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Europhys. Let

    The L1-Potts functional for robust jump-sparse reconstruction

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    We investigate the non-smooth and non-convex L1L^1-Potts functional in discrete and continuous time. We show Γ\Gamma-convergence of discrete L1L^1-Potts functionals towards their continuous counterpart and obtain a convergence statement for the corresponding minimizers as the discretization gets finer. For the discrete L1L^1-Potts problem, we introduce an O(n2)O(n^2) time and O(n)O(n) space algorithm to compute an exact minimizer. We apply L1L^1-Potts minimization to the problem of recovering piecewise constant signals from noisy measurements f.f. It turns out that the L1L^1-Potts functional has a quite interesting blind deconvolution property. In fact, we show that mildly blurred jump-sparse signals are reconstructed by minimizing the L1L^1-Potts functional. Furthermore, for strongly blurred signals and known blurring operator, we derive an iterative reconstruction algorithm

    Anthotroche truncata Ising

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    Region 3. Nullarbor. Coldea.Ariza Espinar, Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentin

    On the occurrence of oscillatory modulations in the power-law behavior of dynamic and kinetic processes in fractals

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    The dynamic and kinetic behavior of processes occurring in fractals with spatial discrete scale invariance (DSI) is considered. Spatial DSI implies the existence of a fundamental scaling ratio (b_1). We address time-dependent physical processes, which as a consequence of the time evolution develop a characteristic length of the form ξt1/z\xi \propto t^{1/z}, where z is the dynamic exponent. So, we conjecture that the interplay between the physical process and the symmetry properties of the fractal leads to the occurrence of time DSI evidenced by soft log-periodic modulations of physical observables, with a fundamental time scaling ratio given by τ=b1z\tau = b_1 ^z. The conjecture is tested numerically for random walks, and representative systems of broad universality classes in the fields of irreversible and equilibrium critical phenomena.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to EP

    On the center of mass of Ising vectors

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    We show that the center of mass of Ising vectors that obey some simple constraints, is again an Ising vector.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX; Claims in connection with disordered systems have been withdrawn; More detailed description of the simulations; Inset added to figure

    Diffusive Thermal Dynamics for the Ising Ferromagnet

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    We introduce a thermal dynamics for the Ising ferromagnet where the energy variations occurring within the system exhibit a diffusive character typical of thermalizing agents such as e.g. localized excitations. Time evolution is provided by a walker hopping across the sites of the underlying lattice according to local probabilities depending on the usual Boltzmann weight at a given temperature. Despite the canonical hopping probabilities the walker drives the system to a stationary state which is not reducible to the canonical equilibrium state in a trivial way. The system still exhibits a magnetic phase transition occurring at a finite value of the temperature larger than the canonical one. The dependence of the model on the density of walkers realizing the dynamics is also discussed. Interestingly the differences between the stationary state and the Boltzmann equilibrium state decrease with increasing number of walkers.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication on PR

    Statistically interacting quasiparticles in Ising chains

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    The exclusion statistics of two complementary sets of quasiparticles, generated from opposite ends of the spectrum, are identified for Ising chains with spin s=1/2,1. In the s=1/2 case the two sets are antiferromagnetic domain walls (solitons) and ferromagnetic domains (strings). In the s=1 case they are soliton pairs and nested strings, respectively. The Ising model is equivalent to a system of two species of solitons for s=1/2 and to a system of six species of soliton pairs for s=1. Solitons exist on single bonds but soliton pairs may be spread across many bonds. The thermodynamics of a system of domains spanning up to MM lattice sites is amenable to exact analysis and shown to become equivalent, in the limit M -> infinity, to the thermodynamics of the s=1/2 Ising chain. A relation is presented between the solitons in the Ising limit and the spinons in the XX limit of the s=1/2 XXZ chain.Comment: 18 pages and 4 figure

    Measurement-Based Teleportation Along Quantum Spin Chains

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    We consider teleportation of an arbitrary spin-1/2 target quantum state along the ground state of a quantum spin chain. We present a decomposition of the Hilbert space of the many body quantum state into 4 vector spaces. Within each of these subspaces, it is possible to take any superposition of states, and use projective measurements to perform unit fidelity teleportation. Any such superposition is necessarily a spin liquid state. We also show that all total spin-0 quantum states belong in the same space, so that it is possible to perform unit fidelity teleportation over any one-dimensional spin-0 many body quantum state. We generalise to nn-Bell states, and present some general bounds on fidelity of teleportation given a general state of a quantum spin chain.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, presented as posters at "Quantum entanglement in physical and information sciences", Pisa, 2004 and at the AIP Congress, Canberra, 200

    Geodesics for Efficient Creation and Propagation of Order along Ising Spin Chains

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    Experiments in coherent nuclear and electron magnetic resonance, and optical spectroscopy correspond to control of quantum mechanical ensembles, guiding them from initial to final target states by unitary transformations. The control inputs (pulse sequences) that accomplish these unitary transformations should take as little time as possible so as to minimize the effects of relaxation and decoherence and to optimize the sensitivity of the experiments. Here we give efficient syntheses of various unitary transformations on Ising spin chains of arbitrary length. The efficient realization of the unitary transformations presented here is obtained by computing geodesics on a sphere under a special metric. We show that contrary to the conventional belief, it is possible to propagate a spin order along an Ising spin chain with coupling strength J (in units of Hz), significantly faster than 1/(2J) per step. The methods presented here are expected to be useful for immediate and future applications involving control of spin dynamics in coherent spectroscopy and quantum information processing