24 research outputs found

    Antecedents and outcomes of retailer reputation: Evidence from an emerging economy

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    Over previous years the construct of corporate reputation has received much attention among academics and business practitioners. Whereas researchers' interests have been mainly pointed to the implications of good corporate reputation, its antecedents have largely been understudied. Moreover, majority of previous research took part in the context of the U.S. and Western Europe, leaving service industries in emerging economies rather neglected area. Hoping to fill this void in marketing knowledge, the objective of this study is to propose and empirically examine a model of retailer reputation, by incorporating the construct into the framework of established relationships among key service evaluation constructs. Conceptual model has been examined on a sample of Serbian grocery retail customers by means of structural equation modeling (SEM). Results of the study point to significant effect of service quality and value on retailer reputation and the direct impact of reputation on customer loyalty. Limitations of the study have been discussed and directions for future research are provided

    New Approach to Multi-Criteria Ranking of the Copper Concentrate Smelting Processes based on the PROMETHEE/GAIA Methodology

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    Although the production of copper and its usage has been known for thousands of years, the search for the optimal process of its production is still in progress. The removal of the negative impacts of a certain technology could cost more, over a period of time, than the initial investment in the selection of the optimal technology process which would consider these effects. Hence, the selection should be supported by the innovative and modern tools, such as the applying of the multi-criteria analysis. This paper presents the implementation of the PROMETHEE/GAIA methodology for the ranking of the appropriate technological pyrometallurgical smelting process for the copper concentrate based on the eleven parameters which recognize the economic, ecological and technical aspects of the technological process. The implementation of the multi-criteria decision-making presented in this paper can be deemed as a contribution to the decision making tools, that is, to the one who makes a decision on the selection of the appropriate technological facility for smelting of the copper concentrates. The decision-makers faced with the practical need of evaluating and selecting the most appropriate technological process for pyrometallurgical copper extraction will get the greatest benefit from this multi-criteria model. The innovative contribution of this paper is also presented in the obtained model which systematically analyzes the ecological, economic and technical parameters of the copper extraction process

    The effects of quality certification in establishing and developing customer - supplier relationships

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    Customer-supplier relationship is extremely important for the success of the company which implies that it is necessary to maximize trust and cooperation when setting and achieving company goals. This study represents an analysis of customer –supplier relationship from the aspect of both “certified” and “non-certified” companies in Serbia. Although the number of non-certified companies in Serbia is much higher than the number of certified ones, companies that have showed interest in taking part in this research are those that have certified quality management system, even though they represent only 2.11% of the total number of companies in Serbia. The data collected in this study were analyzed in structural equation model (SEM), in which the multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) was used in order to perform comparative measurements using two samples from different companies- both “certified” and “non-certified” ones

    Bihevioralna namjera učenika u e-učenju tijekom pandemije Covid-19

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    Due to the appearance of COVID-19, the newly emerged situation has provoked numerous reactions in the field of education, both in the world and in Serbia. Prompted by this problem, the authors of this paper conducted a survey to determine students\u27 behavioural intention, as well as their readiness to use e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. E-learning has integrated technology and education and has proven to be a powerful tool that enables the education system to respond to the challenges of modern society. In this research, an online questionnaire was distributed to the students of the University of Belgrade. To process the results, the SEM methodology was employed, which enabled the testing of the proposed hypotheses. The obtained results showed the students’ behavioural intention can be directly and indirectly predicted by the joint influence of the role of authority, innovative orientation, user-friendly learning, expected performance, and quality of e-learning. This knowledge enabled a comprehensive analysis that encompassed the e-learning experiences students gained during a state of emergency.Zbog pojave virusa COVID-19, novonastala situacija izazvala je brojne reakcije u obrazovanju, kako u svetu tako i u Srbiji. Potaknuti ovim problemom, autori ovog rada proveli su istraživanje kako bi utvrdili namjere ponašanja učenika, kao i njihovu spremnost na korištenje e-učenja tijekom COVID-19. E-učenje je integriralo tehnologiju i obrazovanje te se pokazalo kao moćan alat koji obrazovnom sustavu omogućuje da odgovori na izazove modernog društva. U ovom istraživanju studentima Sveučilišta u Beogradu podijeljen je online upitnik. Za obradu rezultata korištena je SEM metodologija koja je omogućila provjeru postavljenih hipoteza. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da se Bihevioralna namjera korištenja e-učenja može izravno i neizravno predvidjeti zajedničkim utjecajem uloge autoriteta, inovativne orijentacije, učenja prilagođeno korisniku, očekivanog učinka i kvalitete elektroničkog učenja. Ovo saznanje omogućilo je provođenje sveobuhvatne analize koja je obuhvatila iskustva učenika u e-učenju tijekom izvanrednog stanja

    Satureja hortensis L. essential oil causes Acinetobacter baumannii membrane disruption

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    Essential oils are promising antimicrobial agents against various bacteria, including Acinetobacter baumannii, a highly resistant clinical opportunistic pathogen with an increasing prevalence. The traditional application of the aromatic and medicinal plant Satureja hortensis L. (Lamiaceae) as a natural remedy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, nausea, diarrhea, and various infectious diseases is well known. The aim of the study was to determine the antimicrobial activity and potential target site for S. hortensis essential oil against A. baumannii. The effect of the essential oil was determined using the microdilution broth method. The determined minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC=1 µl mL-1) showed that S. hortensis essential oil possesses a significant anti-A. baumannii effect. The A. baumannii reference strain ATCC 19606 cells in the exponential growth phase were treated for 3 h at 37 °C with MIC of S. hotensis essential oil and examined by scanning electron microscopy. The electron micrographs highlighted the occurrence of collapsed cells with perforations, cell content leakage, cell debris, but also cell autoaggregation (Fig. 1B). The autoaggregation was further confirmed by an autoaggregation test: untreated cells (Fig. 1A) were partially autoaggregative, while the treated cells were highly autoaggregative, as a result of changes of the cell surface properties. Thus, the essential oil affected the membrane systems of A. baumannii cells, causing structural changes of the bacterial cells. Since A. baumannii strains are susceptible to S. hortensis essential oil, the oil possesses a great potential in the control of growth of this species

    Позитрон - 20

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    Представљамо вам преглед важних дешавања на Хемијском факултету у протекла три месеца, међу које се убраја и избор новог декана, проф. др Горана Роглића. Како су недеље иза нас и даље обележене пандемијом, доносимо вам приче којима је управо то заједничко. Читајте како су се снашли овогодишњи дипломци, о КОВИД пројекту на Катедри за биохемију, али и о томе шта нас чека у предстојећем семестру у оквиру онлајн наставе (упознајте платформу Teams). О алумнистима сте већ чули, и овог пута вам доносимо још један занимљив разговор. У претходном броју смо започели причу о томе шта је потребно да постанете теоретичар завере, а други део интерјвуа са др Оливером Тошковићем можете прочитати у овом броју. Писали сте нам! Ако се питате шта је то микроинкапсулација или како су повезани уметност и хемија, ово издање часописа има одговоре за вас. Један недавно дипломирани хемичар дели са нама своје искуство о студирању на Хемијском факултету. Доцент др Милан Николић започиње могућу нову рубрику у којој упознајемо професоре и асистенте кроз музику коју слушају

    Standardized Aronia melanocarpa Extract as Novel Supplement against Metabolic Syndrome: A Rat Model

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    The aim of our study was to examine the effects of different dietary strategies, high-fat (HFd) or standard diet (Sd) alone or in combination with standardized oral supplementation (0.45 mL/kg/day) of Aronia melanocarpa extract (SAE) in rats with metabolic syndrome (MetS). SAE is an official product of pharmaceutical company Pharmanova (Belgrade, Serbia); however, the procedure for extraction was done by EU-Chem company (Belgrade, Serbia). Rats were divided randomly into six groups: control with Sd, control with Sd and SAE, MetS with HFd, MetS with HFd and SAE, MetS with Sd and MetS with Sd and SAE during 4 weeks. At the end of the 4-week protocol, cardiac function and liver morphology were assessed, while in the blood samples glucose, insulin, iron levels and systemic redox state were determined. Our results demonstrated that SAE had the ability to lower blood pressure and exert benefits on in vivo and ex vivo heart function. Moreover, SAE improved glucose tolerance, attenuated pathological liver alterations and oxidative stress present in MetS. Obtained beneficial effects of SAE were more prominent in combination with changing dietary habits. Promising potential of SAE supplementation alone or in combination with different dietary protocols in triggering cardioprotection should be further examined in future

    Позитрон - 24

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    Полазници Позитронове школе новинарства су били инспирисани љубављу, пожарима, тестовима на животињама и Месецом, и написали су своје ауторске текстове за овај број. Препоручујемо да прво прочитате њихове речи. Хемију смо пронашли и у иновативним овогодишњим Олимпијским играма, новом филму „Минамата“, али и животној средини, посебно пожарима на депонијама и новим пројектима експлоатације руде литијума у Србији. Желели смо да са вама поделимо шта мисле најбољи од нас: разговарали смо са четворо студената који већ планирају да даље студије наставе у иностранству, успели смо да разменимо речи са колегама из САД-а, а наши најбољи асистенти и професори су открили своју тајну успеха. Сви они су били превише скромни. Подсетите најважнијих догађаја у свету хемичара уз Ретросинтезу. Од вести издвајамо дочек бруцоша, студентске просторије, извештај о самовредновању, конференције, награде са хемијске олимпијаде, као и актуелне пројекте који се изводе на Хемијском факултету. Забавите се уз Позитиву

    The antecedents of SMEs' customer loyalty: Examining the role of service quality, satisfaction and trust

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    This study aims to propose and empirically examine a model of SMEs' customer loyalty. The study builds upon previously established relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty and enhances previous conceptualizations by incorporating the construct of trust. Hypothesized relationships have been simultaneously examined on a sample of SMEs' customers, by means of structural equation modelling (SEM) using maximum likelihood as the method of parameter estimation. Results of the study indicate customer satisfaction as the main direct determinant of customer loyalty, followed by trust, whereas the impact of service quality is mediated via satisfaction and trust. Implications of the study have been discussed and directions for future research are highlighted

    Cleaner production and technical effectiveness: Multi-criteria analysis of copper smelting facilities

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    The production and use of copper is continually increasing year by year. The modern concept of copper production involves the selection and use of technology which is aimed at preventing the production of large quantities of waste by-products. Increasing the efficiency of the technological process is also important during tendencies to decrease negative impact on the environment. The aim of this paper is to develop a multi-criteria model for selecting the optimal technological process for copper extraction. In order to achieve this goal, the analysis of thirty copper smelters in the world which are using various pyrometallurgical process technologies was performed. The model was developed on the basis of ranking the performance of operating copper smelters by systematically analyzing the technological, economic, and environmental parameters of the technologies applied. PROMETHEE/GAIA methodology of the multi-criteria analysis was used for the modeling. From the aspect of research findings, the results presented in this manuscript fill the literature gap. The major outcome of this research is the obtained model which can have practical merit. The decision-makers, faced with the need of evaluating and selecting the most appropriate technological process for pyrometallurgical copper extraction can benefit from this multi-criteria model. The ranking of available copper technologies applied in different production conditions was done by using the developed model. This resulted in the obtained rank of the available technologies. The findings of the research indicate that optimal results do not come from the best technology but from the best applied and the most appropriate one, depending on the practical conditions, in order to achieve sustainable production, sustainable consumption, and to reduce the impact on the environment