162 research outputs found

    The recognition of proteasomal receptors by Plasmodium falciparum DSK2

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    One of the pathways by which proteins are targeted for degradation by the proteasome involve transport by shuttle proteins to proteasomal receptors. The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum has recently been found to possess a similar pathway, with the shuttle protein PfDsk2 being the major player. In this study, we have demonstrated how PfDsk2 and its recognition by proteasomal receptors differ from the mammalian system. Our crystal structure of unbound PfDsk2 UBL domain at 1.30 Å revealed an additional

    Implementation of a Single IFFT Block based Partial Transmit Sequence Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM

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    The current trends in wireless industry like IEEE 802.11a/g/n, IEEE 802.16e are based on OFDM which is highly promising in terms of higher data rates & better immunity to frequency selective fading. However OFDM is limited by high PAPR. High PAPR causes nonlinear distortion in the signal & hence results in intercarrier interference & out-of-band radiation. To combat the effect of high PAPR several PAPR reduction techniques have been devised. All these techniques have to strike a tradeoff among computational complexity, PAPR reduction performance, BER performance & redundancy. PTS technique provides a very effective PAPR reduction with no limit on the maximum number of subcarriers. But the technique suffers from very high computational complexity. Hence authors have tried to modify the technique so that the complexity is reduced significantly without affecting PAPR reduction performance. This dissertation is extensively based on PTS & in this course limns a novel approach which offers better PAPR reduction & significantly reduces the algorithmic complexity with respect to the original technique. The multiple numbers of IFFT blocks has been replaced by a single block; the parallel processing has been replaced by serial processing. The complexities & PAPR reduction performance of the modified & the original techniques have been compared.Furthermore the proposed technique has been emulated in a memory & power constrained environment on C6713DSK with TMS320C6713 processor using real signal input. The emulation results have been analyzed & it has been observed that the emulated PAPR values are at par with simulated ones. To check the SER performance of the technique, the receiver has been simulated as well. The transceiver channel model has been simulated & the SER performance of OFDM system with Single IFFT block PTS has been compared with that of OFDM without any reduction technique. The results show that the PAPR reduction technique does not affect the SER performance

    Emergence of Members of TRAF and DUB of Ubiquitin Proteasome System in the Regulation of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) plays an imperative role in many critical cellular processes, frequently by mediating the selective degradation of misfolded and damaged proteins and also by playing a non-degradative role especially important as in many signaling pathways. Over the last three decades, accumulated evidence indicated that UPS proteins are primal modulators of cell cycle progression, DNA replication, and repair, transcription, immune responses, and apoptosis. Comparatively, latest studies have demonstrated a substantial complexity by the UPS regulation in the heart. In addition, various UPS proteins especially ubiquitin ligases and proteasome have been identified to play a significant role in the cardiac development and dynamic physiology of cardiac pathologies such as ischemia/reperfusion injury, hypertrophy, and heart failure. However, our understanding of the contribution of UPS dysfunction in the plausible development of cardiac pathophysiology and the complete list of UPS proteins regulating these afflictions is still in infancy. The recent emergence of the roles of TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAFs) and deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) superfamily in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has enhanced our knowledge. In this review, we have mainly compiled the TRAF superfamily of E3 ligases and few DUBs proteins with other well-documented E3 ligases such as MDM2, MuRF-1, Atrogin-I, and TRIM 32 that are specific to myocardial hypertrophy. In this review, we also aim to highlight their expression profile following physiological and pathological stimulation leading to the onset of hypertrophic phenotype in the heart that can serve as biomarkers and the opportunity for the development of novel therapies

    Evaluation of spectrum of MRI findings in children with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and its comparison with transcranial sonography

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    Background: Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is a serious concern among asphyxiated newborns due to the associated long term sequelae like cognitive impairment and cerebral palsy. Though the incidence of hypoxic injury remains higher in preterm babies due to incomplete brain maturation, it can occur in term babies as well despite institutional deliveries due to an array of unavoidable fetal, maternal and placental causes. Aims: This study was conducted as an attempt to evaluate the risk factors, to study the correlation between the term of pregnancy with TCUS and MRI imaging findings in HIE and characterise patterns of CNS involvement. Materials and methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried on 50 neonates with clinically diagnosed HIE presenting to the Department of Radiodiagnosis, Rajindra Hospital Patiala who were subjected to transcranial sonography and MRI. Results and Conclusion: This study demonstrated term infants have significant involvement of basal ganglia thalamus type (central) pattern of involvement and preterm infants have periventricular leukomalacia type (white matter injury) of a pattern of involvement. The overall sensitivity and specificity of TCUS in detecting imaging findings in children with clinically diagnosed HIE compared to MRI was found to be 70.45% and 50% respectively, yielding the overall diagnostic accuracy of TCUS as 68% compared to MRI. TCUS can depict central and white matter abnormalities better than peripheral lesions. However MRI provides additional diagnostic information in many cases and can detect precisely the extent of brain injury


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    Objective: Rhinocereberal mucormycosis is an acute, fulminant, and often lethal opportunistic infection typically affecting diabetic or immunocompromised patients. Early diagnosis is vital in these infections because delay in initiation of the treatment can be life-threatening. Computed tomography (CT) with axial and coronal sections is a highly accurate and non-invasive modality to accurately image sinonasal mycosis. The aim of the study was to describe the imaging findings in suspected cases of mucormycosis on CT. Methods: This study was conducted in Radiodiagnosis Department of Rajindra Hospital, Patiala. The data of 22 patients who were referred for CT with a clinical suspicion of mucormycosis were collected and all these patients were followed up to know about the prognosis of the disease. Results: In our study, there were 54.60% females and 45.40% males. Maximum number of patients (45.45%) belonged to 40–49 year age group. Diabetes mellitus was found to be the most commonly (90.90%) found comorbidity followed by hypertension (36.36%). In our study, involvement of unilateral nasal cavity was observed in 36.36% cases. Among the paranasal sinuses, maxillary and ethmoid sinuses were the most commonly involved in 95.45% and 77.27% cases. Conclusion: Prompt diagnosis and treatment of rhino-orbital mucormycosis are the sine qua non as antifungal drugs and surgical debridement can successfully control the infection and thus reduce the high mortality and morbidity associated with mucormycosis

    Observers Use Gesture to Disambiguate Contrastive Expressions of Preference

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    We present two studies exploring how participants respond when a speaker contrasts two ideas, then expresses an ambiguous preference towards one of them. Study 1 showed that, when reading a speaker’s preference as text, participants tended to choose whatever was said last as matching the speaker’s preference, reflecting the recent-mention bias of anaphora resolution. In Study 2, we asked whether this pattern changed for audio versions of our stimuli. We found that it did not. We then asked whether observers used gesture to disambiguate the speaker’s preference. Participants watched videos in which two statements were spoken. Co-speech gestures were produced during each statement, in two different locations. Next, an ambiguous preference for one option was spoken. In ‘gesture disambiguating’ trials, this statement was accompanied by a gesture in the same spatial location as the gesture accompanying the first statement. In ‘gesture non-disambiguating’ trials, no third gesture occurred. Participants chose the first statement as matching the speaker’s preference more often for gesture disambiguating compared to non-disambiguating trials. Our findings add to the literature on resolution of ambiguous anaphoric reference involving concrete entities and discourse deixis, and we extend this literature to show that gestures indexing abstract ideas are also used during discourse comprehension

    Human Papillomaviruses and Epstein-Barr Virus Interactions in Colorectal Cancer: A Brief Review.

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) and the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) are the most common oncoviruses, contributing to approximately 10%-15% of all malignancies. Oncoproteins of high-risk HPVs (E5 and E6/E7), as well as EBV (LMP1, LMP2A and EBNA1), play a principal role in the onset and progression of several human carcinomas, including head and neck, cervical and colorectal. Oncoproteins of high-risk HPVs and EBV can cooperate to initiate and/or enhance epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) events, which represents one of the hallmarks of cancer progression and metastasis. Although the role of these oncoviruses in several cancers is well established, their role in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer is still nascent. This review presents an overview of the most recent advances related to the presence and role of high-risk HPVs and EBV in colorectal cancer, with an emphasis on their cooperation in colorectal carcinogenesis

    Machine learning-based Naive Bayes approach for divulgence of Spam Comment in Youtube station

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    In the 21st Century, web-based media assumes an indispensable part in the interaction and communication of civilization. As an illustration of web-based media viz. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc., can increase the social regard of a person just as a gathering. Yet, every innovation has its pros as well as cons. In some YouTube channels, a machine-made spam remark is produced on that recordings, moreover, a few phony clients additionally remark a spam comment which creates an adverse effect on that YouTube channel.  The spam remarks can be distinguished by using AI (artificial intelligence) which is based on different Algorithms namely Naive Bayes, SVM, Random Forest, ANN, etc. The present investigation is focussed on a machine learning-based Naive Bayes classifier ordered methodology for the identification of spam remarks on YouTub