140 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical Detection of Carcinogen-DNA Adducts and DNA Repair in Mouse Skin

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    4-Hydroxyaminoquinoline 1-oxide (4HAQO) and (±)-trans-7,8-dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydroben-zo[a]pyrene (BP-DE)-DNA adducts were immunohisto-chcmically demonstrated in the nuclei of mouse skin using antibodies directed against carcinogen (4HAQO or BP) modified DNA. The specificity of the immunostaining was confirmed by several tests, including preincubation of the antibody with carcinogen modified DNA or related molecules, and digestion of the sections with DNase.Subcutaneous injection of 4HAQO dissolved in isotonic solution into an isolated portion of the mouse skin clamped off with ring-shaped forceps resulted in dose-dependent generation of DNA adducts in the nuclei of epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and panniculus carnosus cells. BP-DNA adducts could also be similarly detected dose-dependently in the nuclei of skin cells after local application of BP-DE. Nuclear staining was absent in animals injected with isotonic solution alone, and the intensity of staining correlated well with the level of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) demonstrated autoradiographically after treatment with 4HAQO. Killing of mice at different time points after a single injection of 4HAQO revealed a gradual decrease in the intensity of the staining. Thus the postulated generation and repair of DNA adducts can be followed at the cellular level using the presently described method. J Invest Dermatol 92:275S–279S, 198

    The brightest UV-selected galaxies in protoclusters at z∼4z\sim4: Ancestors of Brightest Cluster Galaxies?

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    We present the results of a survey of the brightest UV-selected galaxies in protoclusters. These proto-brightest cluster galaxy (proto-BCG) candidates are drawn from 179 overdense regions of gg-dropout galaxies at z∼4z\sim4 from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program identified previously as good protocluster candidates. This study is the first to extend the systematic study of the progenitors of BCGs from z∼2z\sim2 to z∼4z\sim4. We carefully remove possible contaminants from foreground galaxies and, for each structure, we select the brightest galaxy that is at least 1 mag brighter than the fifth brightest galaxy. We select 63 proto-BCG candidates and compare their properties with those of galaxies in the field and those of other galaxies in overdense structures. The proto-BCG candidates and their surrounding galaxies have different rest-UV color (i−z)(i - z) distributions to field galaxies and other galaxies in protoclusters that do not host proto-BCGs. In addition, galaxies surrounding proto-BCGs are brighter than those in protoclusters without proto-BCGs. The image stacking analysis reveals that the average effective radius of proto-BCGs is ∼28%\sim28\% larger than that of field galaxies. The i−zi-z color differences suggest that proto-BCGs and their surrounding galaxies are dustier than other galaxies at z∼4z\sim4. These results suggest that specific environmental effects or assembly biasses have already emerged in some protoclusters as early as z∼4z \sim 4, and we suggest that proto-BCGs have different star formation histories than other galaxies in the same epoch.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Nuclear DNA Analysis in Hepatocelular Carcinoma in Comparison with Clinicopathologic Factors

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    Nuclear DNA patterns were analyzed in the 33 patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma on the basis of clinicopathologic standpoint. It is concluded that biologic behavior of hepatocellular cancer cells in patients with DNA aneuploidy pattern displayed highly malignant potential, indicating severe atypism, rapid growth of rupturing, the presence of cancer invasion into the wall of portal vein and distant metastasis. Furthermore, the survival time in patients with DNA aneuploidy pattern in hepatocellular carcinoma was shorter than that in patients with diploidy one

    Needlescopic video-assisted wedge resection combined with the subcostal trans-diaphragmatic approach for undetermined peripheral pulmonary nodules

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    Background: Reduced mortality from lung cancer by computed tomography (CT) screening facilitates the use of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lung wedge resection to obtain a definite diagnosis and to treat tiny nodules. The authors evaluated their initial experience using novel needlescopic VATS wedge resection combined with the subcostal trans-diaphragmatic (SCTD) approach for managing undetermined peripheral pulmonary nodules. Methods: Between 2009 and 2012, 35 patients who had 36 operations underwent needlescopic VATS wedge pulmonary resection with the SCTD approach. Preoperative percutaneous CT-guided marking of the nodule was performed. Two 3-mm miniports were placed in the thorax for the thoracoscopic camera and minigrasper. Just anterior to the 10th rib, a 2-cm subcostal incision was made, and a 12- or 15-mm port was placed trans-diaphragmatically into the chest cavity. Wedge resection of the lung was performed with endostaplers introduced through a subcostal port. Results: The median tumor size was 1.1 cm. Localization of the tumor was widely distributed. The mean operation time was 51 min, and the mean blood loss was 4.2 mL. No patients required conversion to thoracotomy, and one patient required conversion to conventional VATS. Additional thoracic ports were placed in five patients, and the needlescopic incision was extended to 15 mm in one patient. The median duration of chest drainage was 1 day. Additional analgesia was not required for 22 patients and was used for less than 1 day for three patients, less than 2 days for seven patients, and less than 3 days for seven patients. The pathologic diagnosis of the nodules was malignant for 28 patients and benign for 8 patients. On postoperative day 7 or at admission, 34 patients were free of postoperative neuralgia. Conclusions: Needlescopic VATS wedge pulmonary resection combined with the SCTD approach is both safe and feasible and offers the specific advantages of minimal invasiveness and good cosmetic outcomes. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Clinical Value of Flow Cytometric DNA analysis in colorectal cancers

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    The distribution of DNA in colon cancers and its relationship to factors related to clinical features of cancer invasion and noncurative operation are evaluated by using paraffin-embedded specimens. The survival in patients with DNA diploid tumor is apparently much more satisfactory than that in patients with aneuploid tumor in stage B and C patients in accordance with advances in the disease stage. The deeper the depth of cancer invasion reaches, the more the number of DNA aneuploid tumor increased in the distribution. Non-curative operation was more frequently made in patients with DNA aneuploid tumor rather than in patients with DNA diploid one. In conclusion, analysis of the distribution of DNA contributes to assessment of the prognosis of colorectal carcinoma in combination with conventional prognostic parameter of clinicopathologic variables

    High prevalence of hepatitis C in patients with thalassemia and patients with liver diseases in Myanmar (Burma).

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    We conducted Myanmar-Japan cooperation studies on hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus markers in patients with thalassemias and those with liver diseases. Among the 102 patients with liver diseases, 92% had a history of hepatitis B virus infection (antibody to hepatitis B core antigen positive), 35% were hepatitis B surface antigen positive, 39% were positive for anti-HCV. Among 28 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, 46% had hepatitis B surface antigen, 21.4% had antibody to hepatitis C virus, and 7% were positive for both hepatitis B surface antigen and anti hepatitis C virus. The history of HCV infection among blood recipients at the Haematology Department of the Yangon General Hospital and at the Yangon Children's Hospital was found to be 55.5% and 46.7%, respectively, which is comparable to the history of hepatitis B infection (66.7% and 46.7%, respectively). This preliminary survey also encountered 2 cases positive for anti-HCV among 34 voluntary blood donors. This survey is the first one to report that hepatitis C is at the epidemic stage in Myanmar. As there is no effective treatment for hepatitis C in this country, a screening program for blood used in transfusion should be started immediately.</p

    Pedunculated Hepatoma ; A Clinical Study of 7 Cases

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    Pedunculated hepatoma (hepatocellular carcinoma ; HCC) showing an extrahepatic growth is very rare. In order to clarify the clinical and pathological features and problems presented by this tumor, seven patients in our hospitals were reviewed. All patients were men and the average age was 64 years. Tumors originated from the lateral segment in 3 patients, anterior segment in 2, and medial segment and quadrate lobe in one patient each, and ranged in size from 7 cm to 21 cm with pedicles (2-7 cm) corresponding to the liver tissue. Underlying liver disease was found in 6 patients ; cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis in 3 patients each. Initial symptoms were abdominal pain and palpable abdominal mass. Imaging modalities including US, CT and angiography could not adequately demonstrate definite findings of this tumor arising from the liver. Serum AFP was normal or slightly elevated in 3 patients. Pathologically, pedunculated tumors showed expansive growth with septum formation and complete capsule, with a portal vein thrombus and/or frequent satellite tumors. The postoperative outcomes of the 5 patients were excellent in only one patient. The other 4 patients died of hepatic recurrence of the tumor within 3 years. This study suggests that early detection of small pedunculated HCC and an adequate resection margin are the most important factors for the prognosis of patient
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