559 research outputs found

    On the Risk Capital Framework of Financial Institutions

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    In this paper, we consider the risk capital framework adopted by financial institutions. Specifically, we review the recent literature on this issue, and clarify the economic assumptions behind this framework. Based on these observations, we then develop a simple model for analyzing the economic implications of this framework. The main implications are as follows. First, risk capital allocations are theoretically unnecessary without deadweight costs for raising capital, which are not usually assumed in the business practices of financial institutions. Second, the risk-adjusted rate of return is redundant as it provides no additional information beyond the net present value. Third, risk capital allocation is intrinsically difficult because it is hard to incorporate the correlations among asset returns.

    Influence of moving wheel loads on mechanical behavior of submerged granular roadbed

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    AbstractThis paper presents an experimental study to evaluate the synergistic effects of principal stress axis rotation and change in water content on the mechanical behavior of granular roadbed subjected to cyclic moving wheel loads. Two types of small scale model tests and laboratory element tests, in which a single-point loading method and a moving-wheel loading method were adopted, were mainly performed with a base course material under air-dried condition and saturated condition. Based on the test results, the applicability of a multi-ring shear test, which is a torsional simple shear test, to an element test of granular base course materials subjected to moving wheel loads, and the influence of water content and moving-wheel loads on the deformation–strength characteristics of granular roadbed were examined. The results indicate that the multi-ring shear test has excellent applicability to the estimation of deformation behavior of granular base course materials subjected to repeated moving-wheel loads. Besides, it was revealed that residual settlement of submerged granular roadbed is more likely to increase with the repetition of moving-wheel loads than that of air-dried one and under single-point loading, showing that the difference in the loading method and water content has a considerable influence on the cyclic plastic deformation of granular roadbed. These lead to the conclusion that for the precise prediction of the long-term performance of granular roadbed under cyclic moving-wheel loads, it is important to take into account the synergistic effects of principal stress axis rotation and change in water content on the cyclic plastic deformation characteristics of granular base course materials

    キャンパス ノ スモーク フリー カ オ メザシテ ニホン フクシ ダイガク  2009ネン アンケート チョウサ カラ

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    スモークフリーのキャンパス実現に向けて日本福祉大学生の喫煙状況を把握するため, 本学 (主として子ども発達学部) 1・2 年生を対象にして無記名式アンケート調査を 2009 年 5 月に行なった. 回答者は, 1 年生 283 名 (回答率 96%), 2 年生 233 名 (回答率 89%) である.喫煙経験者は 73 名 (14%;男 40, 女 33), 喫煙経験率は 1 年生男 17%, 女 7%, 2 年生男 36%, 女 12%であった. 現在も吸っている学生は 29 名 (平均年齢 19.2 歳;男 18, 女 11), うち 1 日 20 本以上の喫煙者が 30%を占めた. 初めて喫煙した年齢は, 6-12 歳 (小学生時代) が 8 名 (11%), 13-15 歳が 23 名, 16-18 歳が 23 名, 19-20 歳 (大学入学後 14 か月間) が 18 名 (25%) であった. 喫煙継続者の 82%は 「禁煙意思なし」 と回答した. 非喫煙経験者で周囲の者が喫煙者 「secondhand smoke (受動喫煙)」 の曝露は 70%であった. タバコが子どもや若者の健康に与える影響, タバコ依存症のメカニズム, わが国の他大学における禁煙措置と効果などを検討した. 本学でも, 喫煙者に対し 「卒煙」 を勧める教育環境を整えるとともに, 非喫煙者の 「防煙」 のため早急にスモークフリーのキャンパスへ切り替えることを提起する.OBJECTIVE: Investigation into the actual conditions of smoking students at Nihon Fukushi University in expectation of encouraging tobacco cessation in educational practices. METHODS: The survey of smoking behavior was carried into effect in May 2009. The unidentified survey forms were handed out to 294 freshmen and 263 sophomores. The 283 (96%) of the former and 233 (89%) of latter completed questionnaires. RESULTS: 73 students, 14% of all had smoking experiences. The smoking rates of the freshmen were 17% of males and 7% of females, while those of the sophomores were 36% of males and 12% of females. The number of daily smokers was 29 (18 males and 11 females). The average age of them was 19.2 years. 30% of them were of heavy smokers (having over 20 cigarettes per day). 8 students smoked for the first time during aged 6-12 years, 23 during 13-15 years, 23 during 16-18 years, and 18 in 14 months after university admission. The 82% of daily smokers had no will to quit smoking. 70% of the respondents were exposed to secondhand smoke.DISCUSSION: The effects of exposure to tobacco on the health of children and various kinds of mischief have been discussed. University administrators should take active steps not only to discourage smokers from smoking for their own sake but also to reduce concomitant exposure to secondhand smoke among students

    Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy as a Neurocardiogenic Injury after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Hemodynamics and Fluid Management

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    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) is a life-threatening systemic disorder that may occur early after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), but precise hemodynamics and fluid management remain unclear. Although TCM is often regarded as a reversible or self-limited phenomenon, it contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality of SAH patients, especially when it is complicated with other neurogenic injuries such as severe left ventricular dysfunction, pulmonary edema, and pneumonia. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the current practice in intensive hemodynamic monitoring and goal-directed fluid management of post-SAH TCM using advanced hemodynamic devices based on our institutional protocol and the relevant literature and to evaluate their effects on clinical outcomes

    Inraoperative and Histological Visualization of Disrupted Vulnerable Plaques following Diagnostic Angiography of Moderate Carotid Stenosis

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    Background. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) remains an important tool for diagnosis of carotid stenosis but is associated with risk for periprocedural complications. This is the first report of direct intraoperative and histolopathologic visualization of DSA-related carotid plaque disruption. Case. A 64-year-old man diagnosed to have a 60% right carotid stenosis received diagnostic DSA for therapeutic decision-making. He developed transient left hand numbness and weakness immediately after the procedure. Intraoperative imaging during carotid endarterectomy revealed a fragile plaque with sharp surface laceration and intraplaque hemorrhage at the bifurcation. Microscopy of the specimen demonstrated a large atheromatous plaque with fibrous hypertrophy and intraplaque hemorrhage filled with recent hemorrhagic debris. Conclusion. The visualized carotid lesion was more serious than expected, warning the danger of embolization or occlusion associated with the catheter maneuvers. Thus the highest level of practitioner training and technical expertise that ensures precise assessment of plaque characteristics should be encouraged