156 research outputs found


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    Antibacterial activity of bifidobacteria isolated from Mongolian infant faeces was elucidated on pathogenic intestinal bacteria for the development of a new antibacterial bifidobacteria, the permission for which was granted by the Mongolian Medical Ethics Committee Approval (MMECA). A total of forty-nine single colonies were obtained from 3 samples by using a BL medium enrichment. Among them, 29 isolates had Gram−positive, catalase−negative properties, and maul−like or Y−shaped morphology, and then, 20 Bifidobacterium breve and 9 Bifidobacterium longum strains were detected by the B. breve and B. longum specific primers. Organic acids produced by the isolated bifidobacteria in their cell-free supernatants were quantitatively analyzed by a spectrophotometric absorbance at 340 nm, suggesting that D−lactic, L−lactic, and acetic acids were produced, and the pH of the supernatants was at 3.86−4.55. The isolated bifidobacteria showed antibacterial activity toward Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium as high as that of a standard bifidobacteria, however, lower activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The antibacterial activity was probably due to the production of organic acids

    Photoelectric Dye, NK-5962, as a Potential Drug for Preventing Retinal Neurons from Apoptosis: Pharmacokinetic Studies Based on Review of the Evidence

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    NK-5962 is a key component of photoelectric dye-based retinal prosthesis (OUReP). In testing the safety and efficacy, NK-5962 was safe in all tests for the biological evaluation of medical devices (ISO 10993) and effective in preventing retinal cells from death even under dark conditions. The long-term implantation of the photoelectric dye-coupled polyethylene film in the subretinal space of hereditary retinal dystrophic (RCS) rats prevented neurons from apoptosis in the adjacent retinal tissue. The intravitreous injection of NK-5962 in the eyes of RCS rats, indeed, reduced the number of apoptotic cells in the retinal outer nuclear layer irrespective of light or dark conditions. In this study, we reviewed the in vitro and in vivo evidence of neuroprotective effect of NK-5962 and designed pharmacokinetic experiments. The in vitro IC50 of 1.7 μM, based on the protective effect on retinal cells in culture, could explain the in vivo EC50 of 3 μM that is calculated from concentrations of intravitreous injection to prevent retinal neurons from apoptosis. Pharmacokinetics of NK-5962 showed that intravenous administration, but not oral administration, led to the effective concentration in the eye of rats. NK-5962 would be a candidate drug for delaying the deterioration of retinal dystrophy, such as retinitis pigmentosa

    Subcutaneous Single Injection Digital Block with Epinephrine

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the anesthetic effect and risk of epinephrine for subcutaneous single injection digital block. Either 3.0 mL 1.0% Lidocaine or a 3.0 mL 1.0% Lidocaine with (1 : 100,000) epinephrine was injected into the subcutaneous space at the middle point of the palmar digital crease of the 18 middle fingers of 9 healthy volunteers. The SpO2 of the fingers decreased to a maximum of 97. No subjects showed any symptoms of ischemic injury. The time to anesthesia for the fingers was significantly shorter (P < 0.05), and the duration of anesthesia was significantly longer (P < 0.01) for the fingers in the epinephrine group. In conclusion, a subcutaneous single injection digital blocks with 3.0 mL of 1.0% Lidocaine and (1 : 100,000) epinephrine were safe, reducing the time to the onset of anesthesia, while also markedly prolonging the anesthesia

    Real-time imaging and analysis of differences in cadmium dynamics in rice cultivars (Oryza sativa) using positron-emitting107Cd tracer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rice is a major source of dietary intake of cadmium (Cd) for populations that consume rice as a staple food. Understanding how Cd is transported into grains through the whole plant body is necessary for reducing rice Cd concentrations to the lowest levels possible, to reduce the associated health risks. In this study, we have visualized and quantitatively analysed the real-time Cd dynamics from roots to grains in typical rice cultivars that differed in grain Cd concentrations. We used positron-emitting<sup>107</sup>Cd tracer and an innovative imaging technique, the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). In particular, a new method for direct and real-time visualization of the Cd uptake by the roots in the culture was first realized in this work.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Imaging and quantitative analyses revealed the different patterns in time-varying curves of Cd amounts in the roots of rice cultivars tested. Three low-Cd accumulating cultivars (<it>japonica </it>type) showed rapid saturation curves, whereas three high-Cd accumulating cultivars (<it>indica </it>type) were characterized by curves with a peak within 30 min after<sup>107</sup>Cd supplementation, and a subsequent steep decrease resulting in maintenance of lower Cd concentrations in their roots. This difference in Cd dynamics may be attributable to OsHMA3 transporter protein, which was recently shown to be involved in Cd storage in root vacuoles and not functional in the high-Cd accumulating cultivars. Moreover, the PETIS analyses revealed that the high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by rapid and abundant Cd transfer to the shoots from the roots, a faster transport velocity of Cd to the panicles, and Cd accumulation at high levels in their panicles, passing through the nodal portions of the stems where the highest Cd intensities were observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first successful visualization and quantification of the differences in whole-body Cd transport from the roots to the grains of intact plants within rice cultivars that differ in grain Cd concentrations, by using PETIS, a real-time imaging method.</p

    A water-soluble extract from cultured medium of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) mycelia attenuates the small intestinal injury induced by anti-cancer drugs

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    The present study investigated whether a water-soluble extract from the culture medium of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) mycelia (MAK) is able to protect the small intestine against damage induced by anti-cancer drugs. Six-week-old male B6C3F1/Crlj mice were fed a basal diet (MF) alone or with various doses of MAK or Agarics blazei Murrill (AGA) beginning one week before treatment with the anti-cancer drugs. Mice were sacrificed 3.5 days after injection of the anti-cancer drug, the small intestine was removed and tissue specimens were examined for the regeneration of small intestinal crypts. In experiment 1, the number of regenerative crypts after the administration of 5-fluorouracil (5FU) intravenously (250 mg/kg) or intraperitoneally (250 or 500 mg/kg) was compared after treatment with MAK or AGA. MAK protected against 5FU-induced small intestinal injury whereas AGA did not. In experiment 2, we investigated the protective effect of MAK against small intestinal injury induced by the anti-cancer drugs: UFT (tegafur with uracil; 1,000 mg/kg, orally), cisplatin (CDDP; 12.5 and 25 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), cyclophosphamide (CPA; 250 mg/kg, orally) and gefitinib (Iressa; 2,000 and 4,000 mg/kg, orally). UFT and CDDP decreased the number of regenerative crypts, but treatment with MAK attenuated the extent of UFT- or CDDP-induced small intestinal injury. CPA or Iressa plus MAK up-regulated crypt regeneration. The present results indicate that MAK ameliorates the small intestinal injury caused by several anti-cancer drugs, suggesting that MAK is a potential preventive agent against this common adverse effect of chemotherapy

    Induction of DNA Methylation by Artificial piRNA Production in Male Germ Cells

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    SummaryGlobal DNA demethylation and subsequent de novo DNA methylation take place in mammalian male embryonic germ cells [1–3]. P-element-induced wimpy testis (PIWI)-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), which are germline-specific small RNAs, have been postulated to be critically important for de novo DNA methylation of retrotransposon genes, and many proteins, including PIWI family proteins, play pivotal roles in this process [4–6]. In the embryonic mouse testis, two mouse PIWI proteins, mouse PIWI-like (MILI) and mouse PIWI2 (MIWI2), are involved in the biogenesis of piRNAs through the so-called ping-pong amplification cycle [7–10], and long single-stranded RNAs transcribed from the gene regions of piRNA clusters have been proposed to be the initial material [11–16]. However, it remains unclear whether transcription from the piRNA clusters is required for the biogenesis of piRNAs. To answer this question, we developed a novel artificial piRNA production system by simple expression of sense and antisense EGFP mRNAs in embryonic male germ cells in the piRNA biogenesis phase. EGFP expression was silenced by piRNA-dependent DNA methylation, indicating that concomitant expression of sense and antisense RNA transcripts is necessary and sufficient for piRNA production and subsequent piRNA-dependent gene silencing. In addition, we demonstrated that this artificial piRNA induction paradigm could be applied to an endogenous gene essential for spermatogenesis, DNMT3L [3, 17, 18]. This study not only provides novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of piRNA production, but also presents an innovative strategy for inducing epigenetic modification in germ cells

    DNA topoisomerase II interacts with Lim15/Dmc1 in meiosis

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    Lim15/Dmc1 is a meiosis specific RecA-like protein. Here we propose its participation in meiotic chromosome pairing-related events along with DNA topoisomerase II. Analysis of protein–protein interactions using in vitro binding assays provided evidence that Coprinus cinereus DNA topoisomerase II (CcTopII) specifically interacts with C.cinereus Lim15/Dmc1 (CcLim15). Co-immunoprecipitation experiments also indicated that the CcLim15 protein interacts with CcTopII in vivo. Furthermore, a significant proportion of CcLim15 and CcTopII could be shown to co-localize on chromosomes from the leptotene to the zygotene stage. Interestingly, CcLim15 can potently activate the relaxation/catenation activity of CcTopII in vitro, and CcTopII suppresses CcLim15-dependent strand transfer activity. On the other hand, while enhancement of CcLim15's DNA-dependent ATPase activity by CcTopII was found in vitro, the same enzyme activity of CcTopII was inhibited by adding CcLim15. The interaction of CcLim15 and CcTopII may facilitate pairing of homologous chromosomes

    Dynamic Analysis of Photosynthate Translocation Into Strawberry Fruits Using Non-invasive 11C-Labeling Supported With Conventional Destructive Measurements Using 13C-Labeling

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    In protected strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivation, environmental control based on the process of photosynthate translocation is essential for optimizing fruit quality and yield, because the process of photosynthate translocation directly affects dry matter partitioning. We visualized photosynthate translocation to strawberry fruits non-invasively with 11CO2 and a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). We used PETIS to evaluate real-time dynamics of 11C-labeled photosynthate translocation from a 11CO2-fed leaf, which was immediately below the inflorescence, to individual fruits on an inflorescence in intact plant. Serial photosynthate translocation images and animations obtained by PETIS verified that the 11C-photosynthates from the source leaf reached the sink fruit within 1 h but did not accumulate homogeneously within a fruit. The quantity of photosynthate translocation as represented by 11C radioactivity varied among individual fruits and their positions on the inflorescence. Photosynthate translocation rates to secondary fruit were faster than those to primary or tertiary fruits, even though the translocation pathway from leaf to fruit was the longest for the secondary fruit. Moreover, the secondary fruit was 25% smaller than the primary fruit. Sink activity (11C radioactivity/dry weight [DW]) of the secondary fruit was higher than those of the primary and tertiary fruits. These relative differences in sink activity levels among the three fruit positions were also confirmed by 13C tracer measurement. Photosynthate translocation rates in the pedicels might be dependent on the sink strength of the adjoining fruits. The present study established 11C-photosynthate arrival times to the sink fruits and demonstrated that the translocated material does not uniformly accumulate within a fruit. The actual quantities of translocated photosynthates from a specific leaf differed among individual fruits on the same inflorescence. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported observation of real-time translocation to individual fruits in an intact strawberry plant using 11C-radioactive- and 13C-stable-isotope analyses