6,379 research outputs found

    Correlation between Superconducting Transition Temperature TcT_c and Increase of Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate Devided by Temperature 1/T1T1/T_1T at TcT_c in the Hydrate Cobaltate Nax_{x}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O

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    We have performed Co-nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) studies on Nax_{x}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O compounds with different Na (xx) and hydrate (yy) contents. Two samples with different Na contents but nearly the same TcT_c values (xx = 0.348, TcT_c = 4.7 K ; xx = 0.339, TcT_c = 4.6 K) were investigated. The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 in the superconducting (SC) and normal states is almost the same for the two samples except just above TcT_c. NQR measurements were also performed on different-hydrate-content samples with different TcT_c values, which were prepared from the same Na-content (xx = 0.348) sample. From measurements of 1/T11/T_1 using the different-hydrate-content samples, it was found that a low-TcT_c sample with Tc=3.9T_c = 3.9 K has a larger residual density of states (DOS) in the SC state and a smaller increase of 1/T1T1/T_1T just above TcT_c than a high-TcT_c sample with TcT_c = 4.7 K. The former behavior is consistent with that observed in unconventional superconductors, and the latter suggests the relationship between TcT_c and the increase in DOS just above TcT_c. This increase, which is seemingly associated with the two-dimensionality of the CoO2_2 plane, is considered to be one of the most important factors for the occurrence of superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Mixing among light scalar mesons and L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons

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    Following the re-establishment of the \sigma(600) and the \kappa(900), the light scalar mesons a_0(980) and f_0(980) together with the \sigma(600) and the \kappa(900) are considered as the chiral scalar partner of pseudoscalar nonet in SU(3) chiral symmetry, and the high mass scalar mesons a_0(1450), K^*_0(1430), f_0(1370) and f_0(1710) turned out to be considered as the L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons. We assume that the high mass of the L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons is caused by the mixing with the light scalar mesons. For the structure of the light scalar mesons, we adopted the qq\bar{q}\bar{q} model in order to explain the "scalar meson puzzle". The inter-mixing between the light scalar nonet and the high mass L=1 q\bar{q} nonet and the intra-mixing among each nonet are analyzed by including the glueball into the high mass scalar nonet.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of in-plane line defects on field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition behavior in homogeneous thin film

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    Field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition (FSIT) behavior in 2D isotropic and homogeneous thin films is usually accompanied by a nonvanishing critical resistance at low TT. It is shown that, in a 2D film including line defects paralle to each other but with random positions perpendicular to them, the (apparent) critical resistance in low TT limit vanishes, as in the 1D quantum superconducting (SC) transition, under a current parallel to the line defects. This 1D-like critical resistive behavior is more clearly seen in systems with weaker point disorder and may be useful in clarifying whether the true origin of FSIT behavior in the parent superconductor is the glass fluctuation or the quantum SC fluctuation. As a by-product of the present calculation, it is also pointed out that, in 2D films with line-like defects with a long but {\it finite} correlation length parallel to the lines, a quantum metallic behavior intervening the insulating and SC ones appears in the resistivity curves.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Evidence for Strong-coupling S-wave Superconductivity in MgB2 :11B NMR Study

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    We have investigated a gap structure in a newly-discovered superconductor, MgB2 through the measurement of 11B nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate, ^{11}(1/T_1). ^{11}(1/T_1) is proportional to the temperature (T) in the normal state, and decreases exponentially in the superconducting (SC) state, revealing a tiny coherence peak just below T_c. The T dependence of 1/T_1 in the SC state can be accounted for by an s-wave SC model with a large gap size of 2\Delta /k_BT_c \sim 5 which suggests to be in a strong-coupling regime.Comment: 2 pages with 1 figur

    An embedding potential definition of channel functions

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    We show that the imaginary part of the embedding potential, a generalised logarithmic derivative, defined over the interface between an electrical lead and some conductor, has orthogonal eigenfunctions which define conduction channels into and out of the lead. In the case of an infinitely extended interface we establish the relationship between these eigenfunctions and the Bloch states evaluated over the interface. Using the new channel functions, a well-known result for the total transmission through the conductor system is simply derived.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Weak Magnetic Order in the Bilayered-hydrate Nax_{x}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O Structure Probed by Co Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance - Proposed Phase Diagram in Superconducting Nax_xCoO2_{2} \cdot yyH2_2O

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    A weak magnetic order was found in a non-superconducting bilayered-hydrate Nax_{x}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O sample by a Co Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR) measurement. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature 1/T1T1/T_1T shows a prominent peak at 5.5 K, below which a Co-NQR peak splits due to an internal field at the Co site. From analyses of the Co NQR spectrum at 1.5 K, the internal field is evaluated to be \sim 300 Oe and is in the abab-plane. The magnitude of the internal field suggests that the ordered moment is as small as 0.015\sim 0.015 μB\mu_B using the hyperfine coupling constant reported previously. It is shown that the NQR frequency νQ\nu_Q correlates with magnetic fluctuations from measurements of NQR spectra and 1/T1T1/T_1T in various samples. The higher-νQ\nu_Q sample has the stronger magnetic fluctuations. A possible phase diagram in Nax_{x}CoO2y_{2}\cdot yH2_{2}O is depicted using TcT_c and νQ\nu_Q, in which the crystal distortion along the c-axis of the tilted CoO2_2 octahedron is considered to be a physical parameter. Superconductivity with the highest TcT_c is seemingly observed in the vicinity of the magnetic phase, suggesting strongly that the magnetic fluctuations play an important role for the occurrence of the superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Gauged linear sigma model and pion-pion scattering

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    A simple gauged linear sigma model with several parameters to take the symmetry breaking and the mass differences between the vector meson and the axial vector meson into account is considered here as a possibly useful template for the role of a light scalar in QCD as well as for (at a different scale) an effective Higgs sector for some recently proposed walking technicolor models. An analytic procedure is first developed for relating the Lagrangian parameters to four well established (in the QCD application) experimental inputs. One simple equation distinguishes three different cases:1. QCD with axial vector particle heavier than vector particle, 2. possible technicolor model with vector particle heavier than the axial vector one, 3. the unphysical QCD case where both the KSRF and Weinberg relations hold. The model is applied to the s-wave pion-pion scattering in QCD. Both the near threshold region and (with an assumed unitarization) theglobal region up to about 800 MeV are considered. It is noted that there is a little tension between the choice of bare sigma mass parameter for describing these two regions. If a reasonable globa fit is made, there is some loss of precision in the near threshold region.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Origin of the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic (nematic) phase transition in FeSe: a combined thermodynamic and NMR study

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    The nature of the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition at Ts90T_s\approx90 K in single crystalline FeSe is studied using shear-modulus, heat-capacity, magnetization and NMR measurements. The transition is shown to be accompanied by a large shear-modulus softening, which is practically identical to that of underdoped Ba(Fe,Co)2_2As2_2, suggesting very similar strength of the electron-lattice coupling. On the other hand, a spin-fluctuation contribution to the spin-lattice relaxation rate is only observed below TsT_s. This indicates that the structural, or "nematic", phase transition in FeSe is not driven by magnetic fluctuations

    Gap Symmetry an Thermal Conductivity in Nodal Superconductors

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    There are now many nodal superconductors in heavy fermion (HF) systems, charge conjugated organic metals, high Tc cuprates and ruthenates. On the other hand only few of them have a well established gap function. We present here a study of the angular dependent thermal conductivity in the vortex state of some of the nodal superconductors. We hope it will help to identify the nodal directions in the gap function of UPd_2Al_3, UNi_2Al_3, UBe_13 and URu_2Si_2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure