177 research outputs found

    Decreased Deiminated Keratin K1 in Psoriatic Hyperproliferative Epidermis

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    Citrulline-containing proteins, mainly originating from keratin K1 and formed by enzymatic deimination of arginine residues, have been identified in the cornified layers of human epidermis. We analyzed the localization and nature of the deiminated proteins in psoriatic epidermis. Immunostaining based on chemical modification of citrulline residues showed that the normal and psoriatic uninvolved epidermis contained deiminated proteins diffusely in the cornified cell layer, whereas the involved epidermis had no detectable or markedly reduced levels of deiminated proteins. Immunolabeling with polyclonal antibodies against a synthetic citrulline-containing peptide corresponding to a deiminated sequence of mouse K1 also suggested markedly decreased deiminated K1 in psoriatic involved lesions. Keratin analyses indicated that deiminated K1 present in normal and psoriatic uninvolved epidermis was not detected in the psoriatic involved epidermis. Double staining with a monoclonal antibody, 34βB4, and the polyclonal antibodies demonstrated that epidermis with low suprabasal keratin expression was negative for deiminated K1. In contrast, intralesional acrosyringia showing decreased suprabasal keratin immunoreactivity like that of the surrounding psoriatic epidermis showed strong deiminated K1 staining. This suggests that abnormal keratin deimination is restricted to the psoriatic hyperproliferative epidermis, without affecting sweat ductal epithelia

    A Source Domain Extension Method for Inductive Transfer Learning Based on Flipping Output

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    Transfer learning aims for high accuracy by applying knowledge of source domains for which data collection is easy in order to target domains where data collection is difficult, and has attracted attention in recent years because of its significant potential to enable the application of machine learning to a wide range of real-world problems. However, since the technique is user-dependent, with data prepared as a source domain which in turn becomes a knowledge source for transfer learning, it often involves the adoption of inappropriate data. In such cases, the accuracy may be reduced due to “negative transfer.” Thus, in this paper, we propose a novel transfer learning method that utilizes the flipping output technique to provide multiple labels in the source domain. The accuracy of the proposed method is statistically demonstrated to be significantly better than that of the conventional transfer learning method, and its effect size is as high as 0.9, showing high performance

    Hemoagglutination inhibiting antibody of Japanese Encephalitis In the sera of inpatients of a hospital in Kurashiki City and that in the sera of an upper secandary school pupils in Kurashiki City (EpidemiologIcal Study on Japanese Encephalitis, 68)

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    The rale of inpatients and high school pupils in Kurashiki City having value under 10 in HI reaclion was 11.4% and 15.2% respectively, suggesting that about one seventh of inhabitants have relatively a few HI antibody just before the season of outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis in Southern part of Okayama Prefecture

    SOX2 suppresses CDKN1A to sustain growth of lung squamous cell carcinoma.

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    Since the SOX2 amplification was identified in lung squamous cell carcinoma (lung SCC), SOX2 transcriptional downstream targets have been actively investigated; however, such targets are often cell line specific. Here, in order to identify highly consensus SOX2 downstream genes in lung SCC cells, we used RNA-seq data from 178 lung SCC specimens (containing tumor and tumor-associated cells) and analyzed the correlation between SOX2 and previously-reported SOX2-controlled genes in lung SCC. In addition, we used another RNA-seq dataset from 105 non-small cell lung cancer cell lines (NSCLC; including 4 lung SCC cell lines) and again analyzed the correlation between SOX2 and the reported SOX2-controlled genes in the NSCLC cell lines (no tumor-associated cells). We combined the two analyses and identified genes commonly correlated with SOX2 in both datasets. Among the 99 genes reported as SOX2 downstream and/or correlated genes, we found 4 negatively-correlated (e.g., CDKN1A) and 11 positively-correlated genes with SOX2. We used biological studies to demonstrate that CDKN1A was suppressed by SOX2 in lung SCC cells. G1 cell cycle arrest induced by SOX2 siRNA was rescued by CDKN1A siRNA. These results indicate that the tumorigenic effect of SOX2 in lung SCC cells is mediated in part by suppression of CDKN1A

    Epidemiology of Infectious Hepatitis 2nd Report. Epidemic Observation on the Infectious Hepatitis in Akaiwa District (No. 2)

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    Comparing the epidemic of infectious hepatitis that took place in Toyoda, Onoda, as well as Kumayama in Akaiwa County, during the period ranging from march 1951 to sept. do., with the previous report on the epidemic of malignant hepatitis submitted by february 1951, following results were obtained: 1. Number of patients, 120; total ever since the first. occurence, 213 cases; For the total populace, rate of occurence, Toyoda-39%, Onoda-3.1%, Kama-mura, 2.4%. 2. As for the type of disease. contrary to the previous occasion in which typical form was predominant, this time saw the predominaney of abortive form, of which the mortality rate proved only 0.83%, in comparison to 13.9% estimated in the former time. 3. As for state of starting estimated by month, as previous occasion, maximum occurrence took place in July and August. 4. As for age, showing similar trend as before, 21-30 occupying most cases, evenly has diffused from 10 to 60. There were actually 7 cases that were above 61, which verifies that contamination in old age is not so seldom. 5. As has been in the previous occasion, as to state of contamination, what may be called village infection occupied the majority of cases; where, a special increase of familiary infection has drawn our attention, amounting to the rate of 38.3%, in comparison to former 20.4%, Which, as the infection spread itself, increases in number. 6. Familiary infection may be explained by propagated epidemic form. Its three cases had been delivered. 7. On taking a bird's'-eye-view over the whole area that was infected, the special phase for this season will come under two heads; area in which new patients have emerged around those affected formerly., and the other, which has been contaminated with a fixed current toward areas not yet. infected. The latter is considered to take shift into the former form after a while. 8. Though rare, sporadic infection could be found in this epidemic too, each of which was a case infections being pressed onward into uncontaminated area, and 6 out of 9 cases have become the source for later infection. If theses poradic infections were considered in detail, these would be clear to have a connection with that of epidemic places and also able to come under propagated epidemic form