53 research outputs found

    Dynamics in Stationary, Non-Globally Hyperbolic Spacetimes

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    Classically, the dynamics in a non-globally hyperbolic spacetime is ill posed. Previously, a prescription was given for defining dynamics in static spacetimes in terms of a second order operator acting on a Hilbert space defined on static slices. The present work extends this result by giving a similar prescription for defining dynamics in stationary spacetimes obeying certain mild assumptions. The prescription is defined in terms of a first order operator acting on a different Hilbert space from the one used in the static prescription. It preserves the important properties of the earlier one: the formal solution agrees with the Cauchy evolution within the domain of dependence, and smooth data of compact support always give rise to smooth solutions. In the static case, the first order formalism agrees with second order formalism (using specifically the Friedrichs extension). Applications to field quantization are also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, AMSLaTeX; v2: expanded discussion of field quantization, new Proposition 3.1, revised Theorem 4.2, corrected typos, and updated reference

    Naked Singularity and Thunderbolt

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    We consider quantum theoretical effects of the sudden change of the boundary conditions which mimics the occurrence of naked singularities. For a simple demonstration, we study a massless scalar field in (1+1)(1 + 1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime with finite spatial interval. We calculate the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor and explicitly show that singular wave or {\em thunderbolt} appears along the Cauchy horizon. The thunderbolt possibly destroys the Cauchy horizon if its backreaction on the geometry is taken into account, leading to quantum restoration of the global hyperbolicity. The result of the present work may also apply to the situation that a closed string freely oscillating is traveling to a brane and changes itself to an open string pinned-down by the ends satisfying the Dirichlet boundary conditions on the brane.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, references added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Stability in Designer Gravity

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    We study the stability of designer gravity theories, in which one considers gravity coupled to a tachyonic scalar with anti-de Sitter boundary conditions defined by a smooth function W. We construct Hamiltonian generators of the asymptotic symmetries using the covariant phase space method of Wald et al.and find they differ from the spinor charges except when W=0. The positivity of the spinor charge is used to establish a lower bound on the conserved energy of any solution that satisfies boundary conditions for which WW has a global minimum. A large class of designer gravity theories therefore have a stable ground state, which the AdS/CFT correspondence indicates should be the lowest energy soliton. We make progress towards proving this, by showing that minimum energy solutions are static. The generalization of our results to designer gravity theories in higher dimensions involving several tachyonic scalars is discussed.Comment: 29 page

    Quantum singularity of Levi-Civita spacetimes

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    Quantum singularities in general relativistic spacetimes are determined by the behavior of quantum test particles. A static spacetime is quantum mechanically singular if the spatial portion of the wave operator is not essentially self-adjoint. Here Weyl's limit point-limit circle criterion is used to determine whether a wave operator is essentially self-adjoint. This test is then applied to scalar wave packets in Levi-Civita spacetimes to help elucidate the physical properties of the spacetimes in terms of their metric parameters

    Who's Afraid of Naked Singularities?

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    To probe naked spacetime singularities with waves rather than with particles we study the well-posedness of initial value problems for test scalar fields with finite energy so that the natural function space of initial data is the Sobolev space. In the case of static and conformally static spacetimes we examine the essential self-adjointness of the time translation operator in the wave equation defined in the Hilbert space. For some spacetimes the classical singularity becomes regular if probed with waves while stronger classical singularities remain singular. If the spacetime is regular when probed with waves we may say that the spacetime is `globally hyperbolic.'Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Can the Acceleration of Our Universe Be Explained by the Effects of Inhomogeneities?

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    No. It is simply not plausible that cosmic acceleration could arise within the context of general relativity from a back-reaction effect of inhomogeneities in our universe, without the presence of a cosmological constant or ``dark energy.'' We point out that our universe appears to be described very accurately on all scales by a Newtonianly perturbed FLRW metric. (This assertion is entirely consistent with the fact that we commonly encounter δρ/ρ>1030\delta \rho/\rho > 10^{30}.) If the universe is accurately described by a Newtonianly perturbed FLRW metric, then the back-reaction of inhomogeneities on the dynamics of the universe is negligible. If not, then it is the burden of an alternative model to account for the observed properties of our universe. We emphasize with concrete examples that it is {\it not} adequate to attempt to justify a model by merely showing that some spatially averaged quantities behave the same way as in FLRW models with acceleration. A quantity representing the ``scale factor'' may ``accelerate'' without there being any physically observable consequences of this acceleration. It also is {\it not} adequate to calculate the second-order stress energy tensor and show that it has a form similar to that of a cosmological constant of the appropriate magnitude. The second-order stress energy tensor is gauge dependent, and if it were large, contributions of higher perturbative order could not be neglected. We attempt to clear up the apparent confusion between the second-order stress energy tensor arising in perturbation theory and the ``effective stress energy tensor'' arising in the ``shortwave approximation.''Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, several footnotes and references added, version accepted for publication in CQG;some clarifying comments adde

    Investigating Off-shell Stability of Anti-de Sitter Space in String Theory

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    We propose an investigation of stability of vacua in string theory by studying their stability with respect to a (suitable) world-sheet renormalization group (RG) flow. We prove geometric stability of (Euclidean) anti-de Sitter (AdS) space (i.e., Hn\mathbf{H}^n) with respect to the simplest RG flow in closed string theory, the Ricci flow. AdS space is not a fixed point of Ricci flow. We therefore choose an appropriate flow for which it is a fixed point, prove a linear stability result for AdS space with respect to this flow, and then show this implies its geometric stability with respect to Ricci flow. The techniques used can be generalized to RG flows involving other fields. We also discuss tools from the mathematics of geometric flows that can be used to study stability of string vacua.Comment: 29 pages, references added in this version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gravity in the 3+1-Split Formalism I: Holography as an Initial Value Problem

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    We present a detailed analysis of the 3+1-split formalism of gravity in the presence of a cosmological constant. The formalism helps revealing the intimate connection between holography and the initial value formulation of gravity. We show that the various methods of holographic subtraction of divergences correspond just to different transformations of the canonical variables, such that the initial value problem is properly set up at the boundary. The renormalized boundary energy momentum tensor is a component of the Weyl tensor.Comment: 28 pages; v2: minor improvements, references adde

    On the uniqueness and global dynamics of AdS spacetimes

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    We study global aspects of complete, non-singular asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes solving the vacuum Einstein equations whose conformal infinity is an arbitrary globally stationary spacetime. It is proved that any such solution which is asymptotically stationary to the past and future is itself globally stationary. This gives certain rigidity or uniqueness results for exact AdS and related spacetimes.Comment: 18pp, significant revision of v

    On the Resolution of the Time-Like Singularities in Reissner-Nordstrom and Negative-Mass Schwarzschild

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    Certain time-like singularities are shown to be resolved already in classical General Relativity once one passes from particle probes to scalar waves. The time evolution can be defined uniquely and some general conditions for that are formulated. The Reissner-Nordstrom singularity allows for communication through the singularity and can be termed "beam splitter" since the transmission probability of a suitably prepared high energy wave packet is 25%. The high frequency dependence of the cross section is w^{-4/3}. However, smooth geometries arbitrarily close to the singular one require a finite amount of negative energy matter. The negative-mass Schwarzschild has a qualitatively different resolution interpreted to be fully reflecting. These 4d results are similar to the 2d black hole and are generalized to an arbitrary dimension d>4.Comment: 47 pages, 5 figures. v2: See end of introduction for an important note adde