25 research outputs found

    精神病院においてターミナルケアに用いられたケア技術 : 熟練看護婦が行ったケア実践の分析

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    リョウヨウガタ ビョウトウ ニ ニュウインチュウ ノ コウレイシャ ノ ウンドウ キノウ セイシン キノウ ニ カンスル チョウサ

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    本研究では, 本院の療養病床に入院中である維持期の後期高齢者に対する運動機能・精神機能に関する調査を行った. 対象は本研究への協力に同意を得ることができた脳血管疾患・整形外科疾患の患者14名(男性2名, 女性12名, 平均年齢79.6±9.3歳)である. 評価は2007年3月から8月の6ヶ月間, 運動機能測定を月に1回, 精神機能測定とADLテストを2ヶ月に1回行った. 結果は4月と8月の10m歩行器歩行速度において有意な差がみられた. また, 8月の10m歩行器歩行速度と8月の自己効力感尺度には相関がみられた. 今回の調査結果から, 本院のような理学療法の対象が維持期の後期高齢者でも, 現在の運動機能の維持・改善また精神機能を維持する目的と廃用症候群の予防視点でも理学療法継続の必要性があると考えられたIn this research we examined motor and mental functions of post-septuagenarians (to be exact, the 75-plus age group) hospitalized in our extended care unit (convalescent ward). The subjects are 14 patients (2 men and 12 women) who are with cerebrovascular disease or under orthopedic treatment and agreed to take part in this research, and their age range is 79.6 (average) ±9.3. Their motor functions were tested once a month and mental functions and ADL tests were conducted every two months for six months from March to August 2007. Their 10-meter walking speed test with a walker showed significant difference between the result of April and that of August (p<0.05). Moreover, in August, there was a correlation between their 10-meter walking speed with a walker and their self-efficacy scores. This research indicates that physical therapy is effective in maintenance and improvement of motor functions as well as maintenance of mental functions and ADL of post-septuagenarians hospitalized in an extended care unit (a convalescent ward). Therefore, it is suggested that physical therapy should be continuously performed on these patients not only to maintain or improve motor and mental functions but also to prevent disuse syndrome

    アオバオカビョウイン ニオケル カイゴ ヨボウ キョウシツ ノ ジッセンホウコク 4ネンカン ノ アンケート チョウサケッカ ト アタラシイ カイゴ ヨボウ キョウシツ ノ ココロミ

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    本院では, 地域住民の介護予防の取り組みとして医師, ケースワーカー, 理学療法士が中心となって介護予防教室を2006年より開始した. 本調査の目的は, 事業内容が参加者のニーズに沿っているかを調査し, 今後の介護予防教室の内容や, 地域医療のあり方を検討することである. 調査対象は, 全22回(2006年から2009年実施)の大阪府南河内の地域住民681名(有効回答者数597名)である. 2006年から始めた介護予防教室は一定の成果を上げながら, 2008年より, 一方向的な形式から, Elderly Status Assessment Set(以下, E-SAS)を用いた双方向的な形式に変えたことで, 参加者の満足度も高くなった. そして, 特に個別の健康指導のニーズが高いことがわかった. 今後も引き続き, 参加者の個別性をできるだけ重視した介護予防教室を展開し, さらに, 本院のこの事業が, 高齢者の健康づくりや地域活動への参加を拡大させる, 地域ネットワークの中核になれるよう, 発展させていきたいと考える.Our hospital has started preventive long-term care class since 2006. The purpose of this survey is to research if the services of our hospital are meeting demands of participants and to consider how we should operate the preventive long-term care class in the future and be engaged in community healthcare. 681 local residents in Minamikawachi District, Osaka (valid response : 597) were surveyed for 22 times in total (since 2006 to 2009). The preventive long-term care class which started since 2006 had achieved certain results, and since 2008 it changed the unilateral style into an interactive one using Elderly Status Assessment Set (E-SAS) to increase satisfaction level of participants. It also revealed particularly high demands of individual health consultation. We are going to continue operating the preventive long-term care class placing as much importance as possible on individualities of participants, and develop this service in our hospital into a central core of the local network which assists health promotion of elderly people and their participation in community activities

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Statistical Validation Verifies That Enantiomorphic States of Chiral Cells Are Determinant Dictating the Left- or Right-Handed Direction of the Hindgut Rotation in Drosophila

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    In the left&ndash;right (LR) asymmetric development of invertebrates, cell chirality is crucial. A left- or right-handed cell structure directs morphogenesis with corresponding LR-asymmetry. In Drosophila, cell chirality is thought to drive the LR-asymmetric development of the embryonic hindgut and other organs. This hypothesis is supported only by an apparent concordance between the LR-directionality of cell chirality and hindgut rotation and by computer simulations that connect the two events. In this article, we mathematically evaluated the causal relationship between the chirality of the hindgut epithelial cells and the LR-direction of hindgut rotation. Our logistic model, drawn from several Drosophila genotypes, significantly explained the correlation between the enantiomorphic (sinistral or dextral) state of chiral cells and the LR-directionality of hindgut rotation&mdash;even in individual live mutant embryos with stochastically determined cell chirality and randomized hindgut rotation, suggesting that the mechanism by which cell chirality forms is irrelevant to the direction of hindgut rotation. Thus, our analysis showed that cell chirality, which forms before hindgut rotation, is both sufficient and required for the subsequent rotation, validating the hypothesis that cell chirality causally defines the LR-directionality of hindgut rotation

    Cells with Broken Left–Right Symmetry: Roles of Intrinsic Cell Chirality in Left–Right Asymmetric Epithelial Morphogenesis

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    Chirality is a fundamental feature in biology, from the molecular to the organismal level. An animal has chirality in the left&#8211;right asymmetric structure and function of its body. In general, chirality occurring at the molecular and organ/organism scales has been studied separately. However, recently, chirality was found at the cellular level in various species. This &#8220;cell chirality&#8222; can serve as a link between molecular chirality and that of an organ or animal. Cell chirality is observed in the structure, motility, and cytoplasmic dynamics of cells and the mechanisms of cell chirality formation are beginning to be understood. In all cases studied so far, proteins that interact chirally with F-actin, such as formin and myosin I, play essential roles in cell chirality formation or the switching of a cell&#8217;s enantiomorphic state. Thus, the chirality of F-actin may represent the ultimate origin of cell chirality. Links between cell chirality and left&#8211;right body asymmetry are also starting to be revealed in various animal species. In this review, the mechanisms of cell chirality formation and its roles in left&#8211;right asymmetric development are discussed, with a focus on the fruit fly Drosophila, in which many of the pioneering studies were conducted

    CO2-cAMP-Responsive cis-Elements Targeted by a Transcription Factor with CREB/ATF-Like Basic Zipper Domain in the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum1[W][OA]

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    Expression controls of the carbon acquisition system in marine diatoms in response to environmental factors are an essential issue to understand the changes in marine primary productivity. A pyrenoidal β-carbonic anhydrase, PtCA1, is one of the most important candidates to investigate the control mechanisms of the CO2 acquisition system in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. A detailed functional assay was carried out on the putative core regulatory region of the ptca1 promoter using a β-glucuronidase reporter in P. tricornutum cells under changing CO2 conditions. A set of loss-of-function assays led to the identification of three CO2-responsive elements, TGACGT, ACGTCA, and TGACGC, at a region −86 to −42 relative to the transcription start site. Treatment with a cyclic (c)AMP analog, dibutyryl cAMP, revealed these three elements to be under the control of cAMP; thus, we designated them, from 5′ to 3′, as CO2-cAMP-Responsive Element1 (CCRE1), CCRE2, and CCRE3. Because the sequence TGACGT is known to be a typical target of human Activating Transcription Factor6 (ATF6), we searched for genes containing a basic zipper (bZIP) region homologous to that of ATF6 in the genome of P. tricornutum. Gel-shift assays using CCRE pentamers as labeled probes showed that at least one candidate of bZIP proteins, PtbZIP11, bound specifically to CCREs. A series of gain-of-function assays with CCREs fused to a minimal promoter strongly suggested that the alternative combination of CCRE1/2 or CCRE2/3 at proper distances from the minimal promoter is required as a potential target of PtbZIP11 for an effective CO2 response of the ptca1 gene