828 research outputs found

    Quantising on a category

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    We review the problem of finding a general framework within which one can construct quantum theories of non-standard models for space, or space-time. The starting point is the observation that entities of this type can typically be regarded as objects in a category whose arrows are structure-preserving maps. This motivates investigating the general problem of quantising a system whose `configuration space' (or history-theory analogue) is the set of objects \Ob\Q in a category \Q. We develop a scheme based on constructing an analogue of the group that is used in the canonical quantisation of a system whose configuration space is a manifold QG/HQ\simeq G/H, where GG and HH are Lie groups. In particular, we choose as the analogue of GG the monoid of `arrow fields' on \Q. Physically, this means that an arrow between two objects in the category is viewed as an analogue of momentum. After finding the `category quantisation monoid', we show how suitable representations can be constructed using a bundle (or, more precisely, presheaf) of Hilbert spaces over \Ob\Q. For the example of a category of finite sets, we construct an explicit representation structure of this type.Comment: To appear in a volume dedicated to the memory of James Cushin

    The Canonical Approach to Quantum Gravity: General Ideas and Geometrodynamics

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    We give an introduction to the canonical formalism of Einstein's theory of general relativity. This then serves as the starting point for one approach to quantum gravity called quantum geometrodynamics. The main features and applications of this approach are briefly summarized.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. Contribution to E. Seiler and I.-O. Stamatescu (editors): `Approaches To Fundamental Physics -- An Assessment Of Current Theoretical Ideas' (Springer Verlag, to appear

    Video Pandemics: Worldwide Viral Spreading of Psy's Gangnam Style Video

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    Viral videos can reach global penetration traveling through international channels of communication similarly to real diseases starting from a well-localized source. In past centuries, disease fronts propagated in a concentric spatial fashion from the the source of the outbreak via the short range human contact network. The emergence of long-distance air-travel changed these ancient patterns. However, recently, Brockmann and Helbing have shown that concentric propagation waves can be reinstated if propagation time and distance is measured in the flight-time and travel volume weighted underlying air-travel network. Here, we adopt this method for the analysis of viral meme propagation in Twitter messages, and define a similar weighted network distance in the communication network connecting countries and states of the World. We recover a wave-like behavior on average and assess the randomizing effect of non-locality of spreading. We show that similar result can be recovered from Google Trends data as well.Comment: 10 page

    Factor ordering in standard quantum cosmology

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    The Wheeler-DeWitt equation of Friedmann models with a massless quantum field is formulated with arbitrary factor ordering of the Hamiltonian constraint operator. A scalar product of wave functions is constructed, giving rise to a probability interpretation and making comparison with the classical solution possible. In general the bahaviour of the wave function of the model depends on a critical energy of the matter field, which, in turn, depends on the chosen factor ordering. By certain choices of the ordering the critical energy can be pushed down to zero.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    On the "renormalization" transformations induced by cycles of expansion and contraction in causal set cosmology

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    We study the ``renormalization group action'' induced by cycles of cosmic expansion and contraction, within the context of a family of stochastic dynamical laws for causal sets derived earlier. We find a line of fixed points corresponding to the dynamics of transitive percolation, and we prove that there exist no other fixed points and no cycles of length two or more. We also identify an extensive ``basin of attraction'' of the fixed points but find that it does not exhaust the full parameter space. Nevertheless, we conjecture that every trajectory is drawn toward the fixed point set in a suitably weakened sense.Comment: 22 pages, 1 firgure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Comparing Formulations of Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Reparametrization-Invariant Systems

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    A class of decoherence schemes is described for implementing the principles of generalized quantum theory in reparametrization-invariant `hyperbolic' models such as minisuperspace quantum cosmology. The connection with sum-over-histories constructions is exhibited and the physical equivalence or inequivalence of different such schemes is analyzed. The discussion focuses on comparing constructions based on the Klein-Gordon product with those based on the induced (a.k.a. Rieffel, Refined Algebraic, Group Averaging, or Spectral Analysis) inner product. It is shown that the Klein-Gordon and induced products can be simply related for the models of interest. This fact is then used to establish isomorphisms between certain decoherence schemes based on these products.Comment: 21 pages ReVTe

    Dirac Quantization of Parametrized Field Theory

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    Parametrized field theory (PFT) is free field theory on flat spacetime in a diffeomorphism invariant disguise. It describes field evolution on arbitrary foliations of the flat spacetime instead of only the usual flat ones, by treating the `embedding variables' which describe the foliation as dynamical variables to be varied in the action in addition to the scalar field. A formal Dirac quantization turns the constraints of PFT into functional Schrodinger equations which describe evolution of quantum states from an arbitrary Cauchy slice to an infinitesimally nearby one.This formal Schrodinger picture- based quantization is unitarily equivalent to the standard Heisenberg picture based Fock quantization of the free scalar field if scalar field evolution along arbitrary foliations is unitarily implemented on the Fock space. Torre and Varadarajan (TV) showed that for generic foliations emanating from a flat initial slice in spacetimes of dimension greater than 2, evolution is not unitarily implemented, thus implying an obstruction to Dirac quantization. We construct a Dirac quantization of PFT,unitarily equivalent to the standard Fock quantization, using techniques from Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) which are powerful enough to super-cede the no- go implications of the TV results. The key features of our quantization include an LQG type representation for the embedding variables, embedding dependent Fock spaces for the scalar field, an anomaly free representation of (a generalization of) the finite transformations generated by the constraints and group averaging techniques. The difference between 2 and higher dimensions is that in the latter, only finite gauge transformations are defined in the quantum theory, not the infinitesimal ones.Comment: 33 page

    Topos Theory and Consistent Histories: The Internal Logic of the Set of all Consistent Sets

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    A major problem in the consistent-histories approach to quantum theory is contending with the potentially large number of consistent sets of history propositions. One possibility is to find a scheme in which a unique set is selected in some way. However, in this paper we consider the alternative approach in which all consistent sets are kept, leading to a type of `many world-views' picture of the quantum theory. It is shown that a natural way of handling this situation is to employ the theory of varying sets (presheafs) on the space \B of all Boolean subalgebras of the orthoalgebra \UP of history propositions. This approach automatically includes the feature whereby probabilistic predictions are meaningful only in the context of a consistent set of history propositions. More strikingly, it leads to a picture in which the `truth values', or `semantic values' of such contextual predictions are not just two-valued (\ie true and false) but instead lie in a larger logical algebra---a Heyting algebra---whose structure is determined by the space \B of Boolean subalgebras of \UP.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Loop Variable Inequalities in Gravity and Gauge Theory

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    We point out an incompleteness of formulations of gravitational and gauge theories that use traces of holonomies around closed curves as their basic variables. It is shown that in general such loop variables have to satisfy certain inequalities if they are to give a description equivalent to the usual one in terms of local gauge potentials.Comment: 10pp., TeX, Syracuse SU-GP-93/3-

    de Sitter symmetry of Neveu-Schwarz spinors

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    We study the relations between Dirac fields living on the 2-dimensional Lorentzian cylinder and the ones living on the double-covering of the 2-dimensional de Sitter manifold, here identified as a certain coset space of the group SL(2,R)SL(2,R). We show that there is an extended notion of de Sitter covariance only for Dirac fields having the Neveu-Schwarz anti-periodicity and construct the relevant cocycle. Finally, we show that the de Sitter symmetry is naturally inherited by the Neveu-Schwarz massless Dirac field on the cylinder.Comment: 24 page