242 research outputs found

    Kajian keberkesanan Program Pentaksiran Kerja Amali Sains (PEKA): satu penilaian di sekolah rendah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pelaksanaan kurikulum Pentaksiran Kemahiran Amali (PEKA) sains di sekolah kebangsaan berdasarkan Model Penilaian Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP). Reka bentuk kajian menggabungkan kaedah kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang melibatkan proses kaedah triangulasi. Pemilihan sampel kajian adalah menggunakan kaedah persampelan rawak mudah yang melibatkan seramai 20 orang guru sains dari 10 buah sekolah kebangsaan sekitar daerah Hulu Langat. Satu set soal selidik digunakan untuk mendapatkan data penilaian konteks, input dan proses yang diedarkan kepada guru, manakala satu set ujian digunakan untuk memperoleh data penilaian produk daripada murid. Temu bual dan pemerhatian berstruktur juga digunakan bagi memperoleh data kualitatif dalam penilaian proses untuk menghuraikan data kuantitatif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa elemen-elemen penilaian konteks, iaitu kerelevanan kurikulum PEKA, persepsi guru terhadap PEKA, penilaian kendiri PEKA oleh guru adalah sederhana. Elemen-elemen penilaian input, iaitu peruntukan masa pengajaran dan kandungan kemahiran PEKA dalam buku teks juga sederhana, manakala elemen bekalan bahan bantu mengajar (BBM) berada pada tahap negatif. Dapatan penilaian proses pula mendapati hanya elemen penekanan dalam pengajaran positif, strategi, pendekatan, bentuk, teknik dan aktiviti pengajaran berada pada tahap sederhana, manakala penggunaan BBM, kaedah penilaian PEKA dan dapatan penilaian produk berada pada tahap negatif. Ujian khi kuasa dua digunakan untuk menentukan perkaitan antara jantina, umur dan kelayakan akademik dengan keberkesanan perlaksanaan PEKA. Berdasarkan demografi guru, dapatan menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor jantina dan umur dengan keberkesanan perlaksanaan PEKA, manakala dapatan bagi faktor kelayakan akademik pula menunjukkan sebaliknya. Secara kesimpulan, perlaksanaan PEKA mempunyai banyak lagi kelemahan yang perlu diperbaiki, diberi perhatian dan tindakan dengan perancangan yang teliti dalam membaiki kelemahan yang dikenal pasti

    Experimental and simulation Studies of a Two Seater Light Aircraft

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    This paper presents the aerodynamic studies carried out on a three-dimensional aircraft model. The test model is a 15% scaled down from a two-seater light aircraft that close to the Malaysian made SME MD3-160 aircraft. The aircraft model is equipped with control surfaces such as flaps, aileron, rudder and elevator and it is designed for pressure measurement testing and direct force measurement using a 6-components balance system. This aircraft model has been tested at two different low speed tunnels, at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia tunnel sized 1.5 x 2.0 meter2 test section, and at Institute Aerodynamic Research, National Research Council of Canada sized 3 x 2 meter2 tunnel. The speed during testing at UTM and IAR/NRC tunnels was up to 70 meter/second, which is corresponds to Reynolds numbers of 1.3 x 106.The longitudinal and lateral directional aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft such as coefficients of pressure, forces (lift, drag, side) and moments (roll, pitch and yaw) have been experimentally measured either using direct force measurement or pressure measurement method. The data reduction methods include the strut support interference factor using dummy image and the blockage correction have been applied in this project. The results showed that for the undeployed flap configuration, the stalling angle of this aircraft is 160 at CLMax = 1.05 measured by UTM - LST, compared to CLMax =1.09 at stalling angle 150 by IAR- NRC. Beside the experimental study, simulation also be performed by using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code, FLUENT Version 5.3. Experimental works at UTM and IAR – NRC tunnel show that the aerodynamic characteristics of this light aircraft are in a good agreement with each other. Simultaneously, the aerodynamic forces obtained from experimental works and CFD simulations have been compared. The results proved that they are agreeable especially at a low angle of attack

    The effect of exercise on serum immunoglobulins and interleukins in secondary school children

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    Epiderniologica1 evidence has shown that regular exercise increases the inunune function while strenuous exercise leads to im1nune suppression (Pedersen & Toft, 2000). Accumulating facts have shown that regular exercise offers SOJne protection against malignancy at an early stage of life (Pedersen & Toft, 2000). In this regard, cytokine released into the circ~lalion have been irnplicated as a causative mediator of exercise-induced itnrnune perturbation. Suzuki and his colleagues (2000) did a study on tnarathon runners and reported a significant increase in the concentration of JL-2 • \Vhile a significant decrease in JL-6, -8 and -10. Cytokines play a multifunctional role in the irnnnme systern. They mediate conununication between and \vithin iantnune and nonitnnume cells. They play a major role in initiating the in1n1une responses. I Ience, alteration or perturbation in cytokine regulation 1nay produce ton rnnrk~rl impacf on fhc irnmm1E' syst<:-Jn. Thi~ m!ly 1c-:-td ~e an increase in susceptibility to infection by rnicroorganis1ns that will irnpair the individual's life. The beneficial effects of exercise are very well accepted. Exercise needs to be started fro1n an ear1y age of life and throughout ones life span. Consequently, the habit of doing exercise needs to be promoted earlier especiaiJy throughout school life. The in1pact of exercise on adolescents and its beneficial effects on health has been a focus of recent research (Murray, J 994). Regular exercise is presumed to play a 1najor role in preventing several leading degenerative diseases of modern societies. The United States Departn1ent of Health and Hun1an Service (1992) noted that childhood is a critical tirne for developing healthy attitudes and behaviour patterns in relation to tobacco use, diet, physical activity and other health-related behaviours that ... may persist into adulthood (Fiectcher et a/., 1996 ). The proper an1ount of exercise is presmnably important for the optin1al development and health status of children. Too 111uch or too little exercise n1ay have so1ne adverse erlects (McKeag, 1991 ) . • In a recent survey, of tnore than 13 000 teenagers, only a third said they were moderately to vigorously active five or more times per week (Gordon-Larsen et a/., 1 999). A study by Sallis & McKenzie in 1991 of 759 children who took achievement test after three different physical interventions, found that students in a health-related physical education (PE) progran1 did as well academically as students who spent half as rnuch title each W-Veek in PE. Consequently, there is a need to focus on the impact of exercise on the imtnune systern in adolescents. There is a paucity of data about this particular issue in Malaysia. l-Ienee, the present study is designed to detennine the effect of moderate exercise on the imrnune·systetn of adolescents with special reference to cytokines

    Continuous use of online storage system for document sharing

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    This paper discusses the use of online storage for document sharing to support teaching and learning purposes.To date, online storage has become one of important tools for document storage and management.Online storage has reduced the dependency to the storage devices that are bound to size limit, cost and risk.A part of the storage capability, online storage can be used to share documents by allowing others to access the individual or a group of documents.In this study online storage namely Dropbox has been used to share digital media such as notes, presentation materials and handouts to students.Thus, the use of printed materials can be reduced.In addition the documents can be safely kept and access at any time and location that are connected to the internet.This study adapted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to assess students’ perception and continuous use of Dropbox towards document sharing.The findings revealed that students have positive perception towards Dropbox.Furthermore, students have indicated that they are keen on continue using the Dropbox to support their learning

    Laporan cadangan merekabentuk ruang dalaman Galeri Setem Dl Suasana Sentral Kondo Lot B, Off Jalan Damansara Kuala Lumpur Sentral / Norhashimah Mat Ishak

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    Bagi projek akhir ini, saya telah memilih untuk merekabentuk Galeri Setem. Ianya sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur, bangsa dan jantina. Galeri Setem merupakan galeri yang ditubuhkan bagi memberi pendedahan, maklumat kepada orang awam tentang setem di Malaysia dan di dunia dan sebagai tempat yang dapat memperkenalkan dan menyimpan khazanah-khazanah setem yang lama. Sebelum ini, pendedahan atau promosi setem banyak dijalankan di sekolah-sekolah. Ini adalah kerana di Malaysia masih lagi mempunyai masalah kekurangan sumber rujukan dan ruang pameran mengenai setem seperti galeri atau muzium. Setakat hari ini hanya ada satu sahaja. Muzium Setem di Melaka. Ini menjadi masalah kepada orang awam untuk mengunjunginya kerana kedudukan yang jauh bagi orang yang berada di negeri lain. Cadangan projek ini dikemukakan untuk mencapai objektif yang ingin menjadikan Galeri Setem sebagai tumpuan utama pengunjung dan peminat untuk mengumpul data atau maklumat mengenai sejarah-sejarah setem terutama kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah. Dalam rekabentuk bagi projek galeri ini adalah mempunyai ciri - ciri sejarah bersesuaian dengan karaktor setem itu sendiri. Elemen yang menimbulkan rekaan terbaru di perlukan di dalam ke semua ruang yang dicadangkan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan suatu kelainan dan pembaharuan dari segi rekabentuknya

    Digital gamers' attitude towards intention to continue playing digital games

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    User-centered design of digital games calls for a clear understanding of the mind and the thinking of digital gamers. This understanding is important because it allows digital games designers to create games with the right game dynamics to capture a specific market segment. In the past, digital games were produced without prior consideration of the human factors which were difficult to define and measure. Fang & Zhao (2010)paved the way towards the use of technology acceptance model to ascertain the degree of emotion flow which induces the desire to continue playing digital games. This paper used snowball sampling (Wright&Stein , 2005; Blernackl , 1981 ) to collect data which was used in the analysis to estimate how compatibility,trialability, observalability and attitude influenced the intention to continue playing digital games and how they affected actual behavior playing digital games. It was found that digital gamers’ attitude towards intention to continue playing digital games wassignificantly influenced by attitude beliefs compatibility and trialability. Observalability of digital games by digital gamers significantly increased intention to continue playing digital games

    Study of Tensile Properties for Aluminum 6061 Reinforced With AISI 1060 Steel Machining Chips

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    The present study focuses on the tensile properties of Aluminum 6061 reinforced with AISI1060 Steel machining chips. Three different types of samples of aluminium 6061 reinforced with AISI 1060 steel machining chips were prepared using stir casting. The tensile test was conducted using universal test machine (UTM) for fabricated composites to study the tensile properties of aluminium 6061 reinforced with steel machining chips AISI 1060.The samples were prepared with different composition of AISI 1060 steel machining chip of 5%, 10% and 15% according to the weight fraction of parameter variable. Two casting processes were applied in this project namely stir casting and sand casting process. The stir casting was used to mix the two different metals to become a composite at temperature between 750℃ to 800℃ in a furnace while sand casting was used to fabricate the samples into ASTM-E8M standard for tensile testing. The results showed that the samples with higher reinforcement percentages of steel machining (15%) showed higher tensile stress and higher modulus value characteristic compared to other samples. The experiment proved that the reinforcement material has good mechanical properties compared to the pure material

    Research on Project Management System in the Delivery of Green Development from Stakeholders Perspective

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    While green development has been spread largely in construction industry in Malaysia, there is still gap in integration of green development and project management. It is undeniable that many people in the industry are alert to this green technology. However, some of them are refused to apply green building technologies due to several reasons. Green concept is practically not accepted widely in industry as many developers are refuse to apply it in their projects. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine the green practices that need to be done and added in traditional project management from stakeholder perception so it will speed up their acceptance of green technology in construction industry. Method used in determining the practices and analyze the result is the 5-point Likert scale and SPSS software. The result show that only 48 practices in all construction phase are accepted to be implement in green project by all stakeholders. This research also proposed a green project management framework that are realistic and practicable by taking into consideration of stakeholders’ perspective

    Faktor penentu prestasi pelajar Matrikulasi dalam subjek Perakaunan

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    This study explores the determinants of students’ performance in accounting at the matriculation level. Out of 450 questionnaires distributed, analysis on the 393 usable sample shows the overall average students’ grade point is at the range of C. Using stepwise multiple regression, the findings show significant positive relationships between the grade of management accounting subject with the previous cumulative grade point average and the achievement in financial accounting subject that was taken in the previous semester. Besides that, attitude, motivation and expected marks show significant relationships with the students’ performance. Interestingly, the results show that students without accounting exposure perform better than those with previous accounting exposure

    Tax professionals’ perceptions toward tax authority: Ways to strengthen the Malaysian tax administrative system

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    This article examines tax professionals’ perceptions toward services provided by the tax authority, i.e. Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM).Using a survey questionnaire, the views of the tax professionals on twelve aspects of the IRBM services were analysed. E-filing system is perceived to be the most efficient service provided by the IRBM while the least efficient service is related to bureaucracy.Comments from tax professionals offer rooms for collaboration with the IRBM in improving the IRBM services specifically related to different environment faced by tax professionals in completing their daily tasks.It is hoped that this study also leads to increase understanding between tax professionals and the IRBM