58 research outputs found

    Impak tingkah laku kepimpinan transaksi dan tranformasi pengetua ke atas tingkah laku kerja guru-guru

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    Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenalpasti impak tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua dengan kepuasan kerja guru dan komitmen guru terhadap sekolah. Seramai 432 orang guru dari 13 buah sekolah menengah kebangsaan di sekitar Johor Bahru telah dipilih sebagai subjek kajian. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data terdiri dari Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) oleh Bass, Minnessota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) oleh Cook, Hepworth, Wall dan Warr (1981) dan Organizational Commitment Ouestionnaire (OCQ) oleh Allen dan Meyer. Data-data kajian telah dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif untuk menghuraikan demografi subjek kajian. Manakala statistik infrensi iaitu regresi pelbagai digunakan untuk menghuraikan impak tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua ke atas kepuasan kerja guru dan komitmen guru terhadap sekolah. Koefisien penentuan R2 yang diperolehi menunjukkan anggaran peratusan variasi pemboleh ubah bebas yang menerangkan varians pemboleh ubah bersandar. Manakala nilai Beta adalah bertujuan untuk melihat sumbangan setiap dimensi tingkah laku kepimpinan. Keputusan kajian yang diperoleh menunjukkan tingkah laku kepimpinan transaksi dan tingkah laku kepimpinan transformasi pengetua mempunyai impak yang signifikan kepada kepuasan kerja guru dan komitmen guru terhadap sekolah. Keputusan kajian lain menunjukkan kedua-dua dimensi tingkah laku kepimpinan transaksi pengetua memberi impak kepada kepuasan kerja guru-guru. Namun impak ke atas komitmen guru terhadap sekolah hanyalah dimensi mengurus secara kekecualian. Bagi tingkah laku kepimpinan transformasi pengetua didapati hanya dimensi karisma sahaja yang memberi impak kepada kepuasan kerja guru dan komitmen guru terhadap sekolah

    Integrity of employees: dimensions of human governance through the personality of leaders in the workplace

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    This paper is an analytical discussion on the integrity of employees from the dimension of human governance through the personality of the leaders in the workplace. Discussions are encircling the concepts of integrity, human governance and personality, impact, outlooks and challenges. In this new millennium, the world is increasingly emphasizing the development of human capital as a human resource in society, religion, race and nation. In fact, we do not deny that the development of human capital should be in line in the physical and material development of the country. Certainly we want the world to have first class facilities, but the soul of human capital and a first class mentality are most important. In the same fashion, all employees in a workplace or organization are human resources. There should be an ideal capacity of human capital in terms of human governance in order to produce quality work and have a strong value of integrity. Therefore, leaders in the workplace must have a high level of emotional and spiritual intelligence to be able to form a positive culture among employees and develop consistency of practice on an on-going basis, so that they become habits that give comfort to all parties in the working environment. The end of this paper will clearly show the need for all leaders to have good personalities that are based on the strength of their affect and mentality from the dimension of human governance to help enhance employee integrity and to enable workers to develop their human capital. Therefore, integrity among employees can achieve its optimum level and thus can help achieve the percentage of success in realizing the vision and mission of an organization

    Measuring usability for application software using the quality in use integration measurement model

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    User interfaces of application software are designed to make user interaction as efficient and as simple as possible. Market accessibility of any application software is determined by the usability of its user interfaces. A poorly designed user interface will have little value no matter how powerful the program is. Thus, it is significantly important to measure usability during the system development lifecycle in order to avoid user disappointment. Various methods and standards that help measure usability have been developed. However, these methods define usability inconsistently, which makes software engineers hesitant in implementing these methods or standards. The Quality in Use Integrated Measurement (QUIM) model is a consolidated approach for measuring usability through 10 factors, 26 criteria, and 127 metrics. It decomposes usability into factors, criteria, and metrics, and it is a hierarchical model that helps developers with no or little background of usability metrics. Among 127 metrics of QUIM, essential efficiency (EE) is the most specific metric used to measure the usability of user interfaces through an equation. This study involves a comparative analysis between three case studies that use the QUIM model to measure usability in terms of EE for three case studies: (1) Public University Registration System, (2) Restaurant Menu Ordering System, and (3) ATM system. A comparison is made based on the percentage of EE for each element of the use cases in each use case diagram. The results obtained revealed that the user interface design for Restaurant Menu Ordering System scored the highest percentage of EE, thus proving to be the most user-friendly application software among its counterparts

    The Role of Transformational Leader to Safety Performance in Malaysia's Automotive Industry

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    Abstract. This paper aims to investigate the role of transformational leadership to safety performance in Malaysia's automotive industry. This study is carried out as a non-experimental type research which employs questionnaire as the method of collecting data. The measurement tool undertaken in the data collection includes Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire and Safety Performance Scale. A total of 696 employees from automotive manufacturing and assembly plants are selected as the respondents of this study. The selection of respondents is made using systematic sampling design. Data of the study are then analyzed using canonical correlation analysis. The finding of the study demonstrates that transformational leadership plays a significant influence to an organization's safety performance (canonical correlation coefficient= 0.501, p <0.001)

    Psychological strain as the mediator in the relationships between work design and work attitudes among Malaysian technical workers

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    Work design has long been found to affect employee well-being, but scholars have begun to question whether the established theoretical relations regarding work design continue to hold given the enormous changes in the nature of work during the past two decades. This study examined the mediation effect of psychological strain on the relationships between work design variables and work attitude outcomes (i.e. job satisfaction, affective commitment, and turnover intentions). This research involved a survey design. Self-reports on the study variables were obtained from 429 technical workers in a large telecommunication company in Malaysia. This study used structural equation modeling (SEM) to assess the mediation effects hypotheses. The findings confirmed the direct effects of job demands and job control on psychological strain. Psychological strain (especially anxiety/depression) functioned as a mediator between work design variables and work attitudes. The findings may help human resource practitioners understand how work design influences employees’ well-being

    Pengaruh humor self-enhancing ke atas hubungan antara stres kerja dan kesetiaan organisasi

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    Stres kerja telah menjadi kebimbangan bagi pihak pengurusan kerana ianya memberi kesan negatif kepada tingkah laku pekerja di tempat kerja. Oleh yang demikian, pihak pengurusan organisasi pada masa kini semakin cenderung mencari kaedah yang efektif untuk menyederhanakan kesan stres kerja. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti peranan humor self-enhancing sebagai penyederhana ke atas hubungan antara stres kerja dan kesetiaan organisasi dalam kalangan pekerja. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian keratan rentas. Sebanyak 340 orang kakitangan kesihatan di Negeri Sabah terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil yang diperolehi daripada analisis regresi menunjukkan bahawa tuntutan kerja berhubungkait secara negatif, manakala kawalan kerja berhubungkait secara positif dengan kesetiaan organisasi dalam kalangan kakitangan kesihatan. Disamping itu, didapati humor self-enhancing berperanan sebagai penyederhana yang signifikan ke atas hubungan antara kawalan kerja dan kesetiaan organisasi. Dapatan ini menyediakan maklumat spesifik mengenai hubungan penting antara stres kerja, kesetiaan organisasi dan humor self-enhancing. Ianya boleh membantu pihak pengurusan organisasi untuk membina intervensi pengurusan stres kerja yang efektif untuk mengekalkan pekerja dalam organisasi

    Employees contentment in an organization

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    In an attempt to stay competitive in the ever growing challenging education world, higher institutions are often trying to develop creative and innovative ways in which to improve their organizations performance. One way to attain this is, by looking into their employees’ job contentment level. It is believed that job contentment level has a direct association with employees’ achievement and organizations success. Hence, by having a better understanding of their perceived job contentment level, an institution should be able to increase its work quality and productivity. This paper will present the findings of the study which aims to determine the main facet affecting employees’ job contentment level based on Job Satisfaction Index [1] such as pay, promotion, supervision, benefit, contingent reward, operating condition, co-workers, nature of work and communication. It is also aimed to determine whether gender could influence job contentment level in a higher learning institution

    Kepimpinan dan hubungan interpersonal dalam organisasi

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    Manusia menjalinkan hubungan interpersonal dengan orang lain setiap hari dan sentiasa memikirkan cara terbaik dalam melakukannya. Kepimpinan pula adalah antara perkara yang perlu diberi perhatian dalam hubungan interpersonal. Pemimpin yang mengamalkan pendekatan yang baik akan mewujudkan hubungan interpersonal yang baik dengan pengikutnya. Hubungan interpersonal antara pemimpin dengan pengikut yang amat penting dalam organisasi kerja. Setiap organisasi inginkan matlamatnya tercapai. Ini tidak akan berlaku jika hubungan antara pemimpin organisasi dengan pekerja sering bermasalah, menyebabkan pekerja tidak dapat menerima kehadiran pemimpin dan sering bertingkah laku yang boleh merugikan organisasi. Buku ini diharapkan sedikit sebanyak boleh memberi panduan kepada pemimpin organisasi tentang hubungan interpersonal mereka dengan pekerja

    Pengenalan psikologi industri dan organisasi

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    Buku ini menerangkan penggunaan kaedah, prinsip, dan pengetahuan psikologi dalam pekerjaan. Setiap industri menekankan pekerjaan yang berkesan supaya produktiviti boleh dipertingkatkan. Namun, matlamat ini tidak akan tercapai sekiranya pekerjanya tidak efektif. Oleh itu, keberkesanan pekerjaan memerlukan pekerja yang dapat memenuhi keperluannya. Buku ini turut mengenengahkan pandangan ahli psikologi, serta cadangan penyelesaian ke arah peningkatan keberkesanan pekerjaan. Pembaca boleh menjadikan buku ini sebagai panduan dalam kerja-kerja pengurusan industri. Oleh itu, buku ini bukan sahaja sesuai di baca oleh pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi, juga untuk mereka yang terlibat dalam pengurusan industri

    Psikologi industri & organisasi jilid 2

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    Buku ini adalah lanjutan daripada buku Pengenalan Psikologi Industri & Organisasi. Buku Psikologi Industri & Organisasi Jilid II memfokus kepada kaedah, prinsip, dan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan pekerja dalam industri. Pekerja yang berkesan ada hubungannya dengan peningkatan prestasi industri. Terdapat beberapa aspek dalam organisasi yang boleh diguna untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan pekerja dibincangkan dalam buku ini seperti motivasi, kepimpinan, kelompok dan pengurusan konflik, pengurusan tekanan, persekitaran kerja dan sebagainya. Buku ini sesuai dijadikan sebagai bahan bacaan umum, khususnya kepada pelajar dan mereka yang terlibat dalam pengurusan industri dan organisasi. Buku ini membantu pembaca memahami masalah pekerja dalam industri dan memikirkan kaedah penyelesaiannya