805 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Penanganan Tanah Terlantar Di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Dan Kabupaten Sukabumi Dalam Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    This research discusses the problems of: first, the implementation of the Government Regulation No 11 of 2010 on the Control and Utilization of Deserted Land in Tasikmalaya Regency and Sukabumi Regency; and second, the impact of the implementation of the Government Regulation No 11 of 2010 on the Control and Utilization of Deserted Land on the existence of agricultural land in Tasikmalaya and Sukabumi Regencies to realize the food security. This research used the normative juridical method and analytical descriptive research specification.The study concludes that: first, the Government Regulation No 11 of 2010 is not yet effective to resolve the cases existing in Tasikmalaya and Sukabumi Regencies. This results from the obstacles faced by the Government Regulation No. 11 of 2010 in mapping the land indicated as deserted land since, in fact, the identification and research do not involve the institution authorized forthe determination of the deserted land. Second, the utilization of the deserted land is not yet projected to add and optimize the procurement of agricultural land, so the control of the deserted land has no added value nor strengthens the food security in West Java Province

    Human-Oriented Leadership and Organizational Commitment in US Subsidiary Company Based in Sarawak

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    This article was conducted to examine the relationship between human-oriented leadership (HOL) and organizational commitment. A survey method was employed to obtain data from the employees of one US subsidiary companybased in Sarawak. Results of the Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS) model analysis confirmed that participative leadership, supportive leadership, and empowerment act as important antecedents of organizational commitment.These findings reveal that the capability of managers practicing HOL styles (supportive, participative, and empowerment) has enhanced employees' commitment to the organization

    Development of an automation and control design system for lowland tropical greenhouses

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    Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) analysis introduces an approach to develop a better basis for the control of the environment of lowland greenhouses in Malaysia. The study of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) is to show air moisture conditions for plant production while taking into account different temperature levels. The purpose of this project is to develop a real-time automatic temperature and relative humidity control system in the lowland tropical greenhouse using a PIC16f876A microcontroller. The controller will then be used to monitor the temperature, relative humidity and VPD in the planting of Chili Kulai (Titisan 15). The fertigation system was introduced to the greenhouse to fertilize and irrigate the plant as well as to provide moisture to the environment. A swamp cooler was used to bring down the temperature and increase moisture content in the greenhouse. Ventilators were installed to remove the heat in the greenhouse. The study was carried out in an experimental greenhouse located at the Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

    Genetic studies of the Asian subgenus Ceratotropis

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    The effect of sea water treatment on the impact and flexural strength of sugar palm fibre reinforced epoxy composites

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    Human safety and health and ‘green’ environmental sustainability are major concerns to the world community. To material scientists and engineers, these concerns meant that they have to device new ways of treating or producing materials. Over the last decade, natural fibres had been treated chemically to enhance fibre-matrix interfacial adhesion and this trend continues until today. The goal of this study is to find a suitable replacement for chemical treatment of natural fibres. The use of biological base treatment agent in the form of sea water to enhance fibre-matrix interfacial adhesion in sugar palm fibre reinforced epoxy composites was studied. Sugar palm fibre was soaked in the sea water for the duration of 30 days. Impact and flexural tests were carried out in order to examine the effectiveness of this treatment in accordance to the ASTM D256 and ASTM D790 respectively. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to analyse the surface fibres and fractured composites. It was experimentally proven that the sea water treated composites of 20% and 30% fibre content had higher impact value at 18.46 MPa and 14.16 MPa with 5.06% and 4.27% of improvements respectively, when compared to untreated composites. Similar result was reported for flexural strength of 30% fibre content which had higher impact value at 53.87 MPa with 7.35% of improvements. For the composite of 20% fibre content, reverse trend result was obtained at 54.22 MPa with decrease 8.12% compared to untreated composites. In conclusion, sea water treatment significantly improved surface characteristics of fibres by removal of the outer layer of hemicellulose and pectin and led to improve fibre-matrix interface. This caused a direct result of higher impact and flexural strength compared to untreated composites

    Realization of Circular Slot Frequency Selective Surfaces using Photoplotter and Wet Etching Technique for Terahertz Material Sensing Applications

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    This paper discusses on the analysis of band pass Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) for performance enhancement in material sensing application. Terahertz Spectroscopy has proved to be versatile tool for detection and sensing in measuring non-conductive materials. It is because most of the non-conductive materials have unique molecular resonance that may translate as transmission and absorption of signals within terahertz range. However, the most critical issue in detection and sensing is to improve its sensitivity therefore an extremely low concentration material still can be able to be detected in THz band. Hence, in this paper, a circular slot is modeled on a planar structure of Rogers Duroid 5880LZ substrate with thickness of 508µm using Computer Simulation Technology (CST). The simulation generates a band pass response with transmission magnitude of 0.95 at 0.66THz. Furthermore, photoplotter and wet etching fabrication process is used for the realization of terahertz FSS. Simulated and measured transmission shows a good agreement between 0.5THz to 0.7THz as only 1% shifts in frequency between simulated and measured results. Besides that, the fabrication of circular FSS shows narrower measured bandwidth as compared to its simulated counterpart. Hence, with the limitation of the wet etching to produce micron size structure both simulation and measured result shows good agreement for all the critical issues in this study

    Penerapan Solar Home System Bagi Keluarga Petani di Dusun Niskolen

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    Abstract - This activity tries to reveal the impact of installing a solar home system with energy-saving lamps on the social and economic benefits for farming families in Niskolen hamlet. The social and economic benefits are intended for continuity in efforts to expand access to electricity services in areas not yet covered by electricity, and to encourage economic development and growth as well as improve the welfare of farmers. These social and economic benefits have long-term effects, such as increasing reading and learning opportunities, improving people's health standards, and with electricity at night farmers can carry out social and economic activities, as well as facilitate and speed up information from electronic media. The existence of electric lighting will pave the way for the development of the various talents that exist for innovation and entrepreneurship. Abstrak – Kegiatan ini mencoba untuk mengungkapkan dampak pemasangan solar home system dengan lampu hemat energi terhadap manfaat social dan ekonomi bagi keluarga petani di dusun Niskolen. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi dimaksudkan untuk kelangsungan dalam upaya perluasan akses pelayanan listrik pada wilayah yang belum terjangkau listrik, dan mendorong pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta meningkatkan kesejateraan petani. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi ini berpengaruh secara jangka panjang, antara lain seperti, peningkatan kesempatan membaca dan belajar, peningkatan taraf kesehatan rakyat, dan dengan adanya listrik pada waktu malam hari petani dapat melakukan kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi, serta memudahkan dan mempercepat informasi dari media elektronik. Dengan adanya penerangan listrik akan membuka jalan kepada pengembangan berbagai bakat yang ada untuk inovasi dan kewirausahaan


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    In this paper, High Frequency Mechanical Impact (HFMI) using Pneumatic Impact Treatment (PIT) which can be applied for new or aging welded structure towards asset integrity will be discussed. The technology HFMI/PIT which falls under post weld treatment process is primarily aimed to enhance fatigue life and to strengthen welded joint. At first, the basic principle on fatigue of welded structure based on the IIW Recommendation will be briefly described. Further, various investigations conducted by prominent research universities or institutions and various industrial applications in European countries will be reviewed and discussed. Lastly, the current research on application of HFMI/PIT carried out under Advanced Manufacturing Technology Excellence Centre (AMTEx) at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UiTM Shah Alam will be presented. As conclusion, it is stated that HFMI/PIT can be applied for extending the structural life and also for design optimization


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    In this paper, High Frequency Mechanical Impact (HFMI) using Pneumatic Impact Treatment (PIT) which can be applied for new or aging welded structure towards asset integrity will be discussed. The technology HFMI/PIT which falls under post weld treatment process is primarily aimed to enhance fatigue life and to strengthen welded joint. At first, the basic principle on fatigue of welded structure based on the IIW Recommendation will be briefly described. Further, various investigations conducted by prominent research universities or institutions and various industrial applications in European countries will be reviewed and discussed. Lastly, the current research on application of HFMI/PIT carried out under Advanced Manufacturing Technology Excellence Centre (AMTEx) at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UiTM Shah Alam will be presented. As conclusion, it is stated that HFMI/PIT can be applied for extending the structural life and also for design optimization