19 research outputs found

    Berberine Disrupts Staphylococcal Proton Motive Force to Cause Potent Anti-Staphylococcal Effects

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    The presence of antibiotic resistance has increased the urgency for more effective treatments of bacterial infections. Biofilm formation has complicated this issue as biofilm bacteria become tolerant to antibiotics due to environmental factors such as nutrient deprivation and adhesion. In septic arthritis, a disease with an 11% mortality rate, bacteria in synovial fluid organize into floating, protein-rich, bacterial aggregates (mm-cm) that display depressed metabolism and antibiotic tolerance. In this study, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), which is the most common pathogen in septic arthritis, was tested against different inhibitors that modulate bacterial surface protein availability and that should decrease bacterial aggregation. One of these, berberine, a quaternary ammonium compound, was found to reduce bacterial counts by 3–7 logs in human synovial fluid (aggregating medium) with no effect in tryptic soy broth (TSB, non-aggregating). Unlike traditional antibiotics, the bactericidal activity of berberine appeared to be independent of bacterial metabolism. To elucidate the mechanism, we used synovial fluid fractionation, targeted MRSA transposon insertion mutants, dyes to assess changes in membrane potential (DiSC3(5)) and membrane permeability (propidium iodide (PI)), colony counting, and fluorescence spectroscopy. We showed that berberine\u27s activity was dependent on an alkaline pH and berberine killed both methicillin-sensitive S. aureus and MRSA in alkaline media (pH 8.5–9.0; p \u3c 0.0001 vs. same pH controls). Under these alkaline conditions, berberine localized to S. aureus where berberine was isolated in cytoplasmic (∼95%) and DNA (∼5%) fractions. Importantly, berberine increased bacterial cell membrane permeability, and disrupted the proton motive force, suggesting a mechanism whereby it may be able to synergize with other antibacterial compounds under less harsh conditions. We suggest that berberine, which is cheap and readily available, can be made into an effective treatment

    Microbubble Cavitation Restores Staphylococcus Aureus Antibiotic Susceptibility in Vitro and in a Septic Arthritis Model

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    Treatment failure in joint infections is associated with fibrinous, antibiotic-resistant, floating and tissue-associated Staphylococcus aureus aggregates formed in synovial fluid (SynF). We explore whether antibiotic activity could be increased against Staphylococcus aureus aggregates using ultrasound-triggered microbubble destruction (UTMD), in vitro and in a porcine model of septic arthritis. In vitro, when bacterially laden SynF is diluted, akin to the dilution achieved clinically with lavage and local injection of antibiotics, amikacin and ultrasound application result in increased bacterial metabolism, aggregate permeabilization, and a 4-5 log decrease in colony forming units, independent of microbubble destruction. Without SynF dilution, amikacin + UTMD does not increase antibiotic activity. Importantly, in the porcine model of septic arthritis, no bacteria are recovered from the SynF after treatment with amikacin and UTMD-ultrasound without UTMD is insufficient. Our data suggest that UTMD + antibiotics may serve as an important adjunct for the treatment of septic arthritis

    True Hermaphroditism with characteristics of Klinefelter's syndrome: A rare presentation

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    True hermaphroditism, a very rare cause of intersex, is usually diagnosed during the newborn period in the course of evaluating ambiguous genitalia. As an exception we report an unusual case of a 14.5 year-old boy with phenotypically near-normal male genitalia and bilaterally descended gonads, who was seen for evaluation of gynecomastia and hematuria. His eunuchoid body habitus and mild mental retardation were compatible with Klinefelter's syndrome. He had a low level of free testosterone (15.2 pmol/l), and high level of estradiol (264.3 pmol/l) for his age. The patient was diagnosed as true hermaphroditism with 46,XX /47,XXY karyotype causing an ovotestis with inguinal uterus hernia in the left scrotum and a dysgenetic testis in the right scrotum

    Berberine disrupts staphylococcal proton motive force to cause potent anti-staphylococcal effects in vitro

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    The presence of antibiotic resistance has increased the urgency for more effective treatments of bacterial infections. Biofilm formation has complicated this issue as biofilm bacteria become tolerant to antibiotics due to environmental factors such as nutrient deprivation and adhesion. In septic arthritis, a disease with an 11% mortality rate, bacteria in synovial fluid organize into floating, protein-rich, bacterial aggregates (mm-cm) that display depressed metabolism and antibiotic tolerance. In this study, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), which is the most common pathogen in septic arthritis, was tested against different inhibitors that modulate bacterial surface protein availability and that should decrease bacterial aggregation. One of these, berberine, a quaternary ammonium compound, was found to reduce bacterial counts by 3–7 logs in human synovial fluid (aggregating medium) with no effect in tryptic soy broth (TSB, non-aggregating). Unlike traditional antibiotics, the bactericidal activity of berberine appeared to be independent of bacterial metabolism. To elucidate the mechanism, we used synovial fluid fractionation, targeted MRSA transposon insertion mutants, dyes to assess changes in membrane potential (DiSC3(5)) and membrane permeability (propidium iodide (PI)), colony counting, and fluorescence spectroscopy. We showed that berberine's activity was dependent on an alkaline pH and berberine killed both methicillin-sensitive S. aureus and MRSA in alkaline media (pH 8.5–9.0; p < 0.0001 vs. same pH controls). Under these alkaline conditions, berberine localized to S. aureus where berberine was isolated in cytoplasmic (∼95%) and DNA (∼5%) fractions. Importantly, berberine increased bacterial cell membrane permeability, and disrupted the proton motive force, suggesting a mechanism whereby it may be able to synergize with other antibacterial compounds under less harsh conditions. We suggest that berberine, which is cheap and readily available, can be made into an effective treatment

    Adult type granulosa cell tumor causing precocious pseudopuberty in a 6 year-old girl

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    Malignant ovarian tumors are responsible for 2-3% of all cases of precocious pseudo-puberty (PP) in girls. The most common forms of ovarian tumors presenting as PP are the granulosa cell tumors (GCT). The clinical and pathological features of granulosa cell tumors that occur frequently in young girls, so-called juvenile granulosa cell tumors (JGCT), differ histologically from those occurring in adults. As a cause of PP in young girls, adult type granulosa cell tumors (AGCT) are extremely rare. We report a 6 year-old girl presenting with early breast development and vaginal bleeding due to a well encapsulated ovarian tumor. Microscopic features of the resected tumor were characteristic of AGCT

    Reevaluation of growth hormone deficiency during and after growth hormone (GH) treatment: Diagnostic value of GH tests and IGF-I and IGFBP-3 measurements

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    Retesting of patients with growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD), especially those with idiopathic GHD, has yielded normalization of the results in several studies. The aim of this study was to reevaluate patients diagnosed as GHD at completion or reconfirm the diagnosis before completion of GH treatment by retesting with provocative tests, and to evaluate the value of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels in the diagnosis of GHD. Fifty (33 M, 17 F) patients with GHD (peak GH level <0.46 pmol/l (10 ng/ml]) in two pharmacological tests were retested and IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels measured. The age of the patients at retest was 15.2 +/- 5.0 yr. Thirteen of 50 patients (26%) normalized their GH secretion. According to the initial diagnosis, 69% of those with partial GHD (peak GH level 0.32-0.46 pmol/l [7-10 ng/ml]), 43% with isolated GHD, 33% idiopathic and 11% of those with complete GHD (peak GH level <0.32 pmol/l [7 ng/ml]) normalized their GH level at retesting. None of the patients with multiple hormone deficiency and none with small pituitary on MRI normalized GH levels at retest. The sensitivities of IGF-I and of IGFBP-3 were 70% and 67%, respectively, and the specificities were 100%, when peak GH cutoff is taken as 0.46 pmol/l (10 ng/ml) for the diagnosis of GHD. The sensitivities of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 increased to 76.5% and 73.5% when the cutoff level for GHD is taken as 0.32 pmol/l (7 ng/ml). Those patients who normalized their GH levels at retest showed a satisfactory height velocity when GH therapy was discontinued. In conclusion, reevaluation of GH status may also be undertaken while patients are still on treatment as well as at completion of treatment, especially in patients with idiopathic, partial and isolated GHD, by retesting and by IGF-I and IGFBP-3 measurements. Lowering the cutoff level of GH peak at pharmacological tests to 0.32 pmol/l (7 ng/ml) will lower the number of false positive results in the diagnosis of GHD