14 research outputs found

    Paratextual subversion: Herrera and his poetry in the anotaciones

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    The year 1580 saw the publication of the Anotaciones a las obras de Garcilaso de la Vega by the critic and poet Fernando de Herrera (c. 1534–97). This study develops previous scholarship on the paratextual strategies employed by Herrera, especially with regard to the inclusion of his own poetry within the Anotaciones. Two Garcilasian sonnets, ‘D’aquella vista pura i ecelente’ (VIII) and ‘Si para refrenar este desseo’ (XII), in conjunction with Herrera’s poetic responses, lie at the heart of this investigation, representing two respectively dominant cultural currents of the period: Neoplatonism and Classical mythography. It will be shown how Herrera exploits Counter-Reformation attitudes towards secularity and mythography to engage in a critique that goes deeper than the attacks previously noted by Navarrete’s 1991 study. Indeed, Herrera’s lyric occupies a central role in a complete re-evaluation of Garcilasian lyric that not only moves to subvert the supremacy of the Toledan but also the hegemonic rule of intellectuals from Castile. Herrera presents himself as a learned Andalusian model for Neoplatonic poetics and as the model for imitation for Spanish letters in the wake of the Counter-Reformation. En 1580 el poeta y crítico Fernando de Herrera (c. 1534–97) publicó sus Anotaciones a las obras de Garcilaso de la Vega. Este artículo desarrolla estudios anteriores sobre esta obra en relación con las estrategias paratextuales empleadas por Herrera, sobre todo por lo que respecta a la inclusión de su propia poesía en el texto de las Anotaciones. Este trabajo se centra en dos sonetos de Garcilaso, ‘D’aquella vista pura i ecelente’ (VIII) y ‘Si para refrenar este deseo’ (XII), en conjunción con otros tantos textos poéticos de Herrera, teniendo en cuenta sus deudas con dos corrientes culturales contemporáneas: el neoplatonismo y la mitología clásica. Las actitudes hacia el amor neoplatónico y la mitología fueron explotadas por Herrera de una manera más profunda de lo que se suele creer. En efecto, la poesía de Herrera ocupa un papel central en la reevaluación completa de Garcilaso que no sólo subvierte la posición del poeta en el canon literario sino también la hegemonía de los intelectuales de Castilla. Herrera se presenta como un andaluz sabio y defensor de la poesía neoplatónica y como el modelo de referencia para la imitación poética en la nueva era que se abre con la Contrarreforma.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Maney via http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1468273715Z.00000000012

    Medical encounters for opioid-related intoxications in Southern Nevada: sociodemographic and clinical correlates

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    Despite today's heightened concern over opioid overdose, the lack of population-based data examining clinical and contextual factors associated with opioid use represents a knowledge gap with relevance to prevention and treatment interventions. We sought to quantify rates of emergency department (ED) visits and inpatient hospitalizations for harmful opioid effects and their sociodemographic differentials as well as clinical correlates in Southern Nevada, using ED visit and hospital inpatient discharge records from 2011 to 2013. Methods: Cases were identified by ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for opioid poisoning and opioid-type drug dependence and abuse as well as poisoning and adverse effect E-codes. Comorbid conditions, including pain-related diagnoses, major chronic diseases, affective disorders, sleep disorders, sexually transmitted infections and viral hepatitis were assessed from all available diagnosis fields. Counts by age-race per zip code were modeled by negative binomial regression. Opioid injuries were further examined as a function both of neighborhood income and individual characteristics, with mixed-effects logistic regression to estimate the likelihood for an adverse outcome. Results: Opioid intoxications and comorbidities were more common in low-income communities. The multivariable-adjusted rate for opioid-related healthcare utilization was 42 % higher in the poorest vs. richest quartile during the study period. The inter-quartile (quartile 1 vs. 4) rate increases for chronic bodily pains (44 %), hypertension (89 %), renal failure/ diabetes (2.6 times), chronic lower respiratory disease (2.2 times), and affective disorders (57 %) were statistically significant. Chronic disease comorbidity was greater among non-Hispanic blacks, whereas abuse/ dependence related disorders, alcohol or benzodiazepine co-use, chronic bodily pains, and affective disorders were more prevalent among non-Hispanic whites than nonwhites. Conclusions: There were consistent patterns of disparities in healthcare utilization across sociodemographic groups for opioid-associated disorders. Further initiatives to evaluate the determinants of overdose and abuse and to implement targeted response efforts are needed

    How to Do Things with Words and Texts: Literature and Rewriting as Performance in Lloyd Jones' Mister Pip

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    Ever since J. L. Austin drew attention to the distinction between constatives and performatives in language, speech-act theory has provided significant insights into literary studies. Exploring the performative quality of language as it is employed in literature has introduced new perspectives on issues like the relationship between literary and non-literary language, the nature and ontological status of literary discourse, and the power and potential of literature to influence events. Motivated by such possibilities of interpretation and analysis, this essay approaches New Zealand author Lloyd Jones' recent award-winning novel Mister Pip (2006) from the perspective of studies in performative language. By exploring the way Jones' novel presents literature and rewriting as speech acts, the essay emphasizes the power of the literary text to refer to "reality'' and transform it seriously in both positive and negative ways. In doing so, the essay also aims to demonstrate how the diversity of ways in which speech-act theory has been approached by literary scholars is an indication of the wide-ranging possibilities the theory affords for literary studies

    Suffering, Misunderstanding, and Suffering Misunderstanding: The Markan Misunderstanding Motif as a Form of Jesus’ Suffering

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