136 research outputs found

    Sexuality in the Therapeutic Relationship: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experiences of Gay Therapists

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health on 17/10/2014 date, available online: DOI: 10.1080/19359705.2014.957882Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) clients have reported experiencing heterosexist/homophobic attitudes from heterosexual therapists, but this has seldom been discussed for gay therapists. Such experiences could impact the therapeutic process and a gay therapist’s willingness to self-disclose their sexuality. Self- disclosure of sexuality can be therapeutically beneficial for LGBTQ or heterosexual clients. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven gay male therapists and analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Five themes emerged: affinity for work- ing with LGBTQ clients, heterosexual males’ resistance to the therapeutic process, the impact of homophobia within the therapeu- tic relationship, empathy through shared humanity, and utilizing therapist sexuality as a tool within the therapeutic relationship


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    The article notes that the Family Justice Courts (FJC) and The Counselling and Psychological Services were created in Singapore as a result of the comprehensive adoption of laws governing the process of considering and resolving family disputes. The Family Court system is formed by the Family Division of the High Court, Family Courts and Youth Courts. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the model of “the active role of a judge” (judge-led approach) when considering family cases, which, according to the author, is a justified partial departure from the adversarial model of justice.В статье отмечено, что в 2014 г. в Сингапуре в результате комплексного принятия законов, регулирующих процесс рассмотрения и разрешения семейных споров, созданы Семейные суды (Family Justice Courts), а также Консультативно-психологическая служба (The Counselling and Psychological Services), оказывающая социальную помощь сторонам семейных споров. Систему Семейных судов образуют: Отделение по семейным делам Высокого Суда Сингапура (Family Division of the High Court), Суды по семейным делам (Family Courts) и Суды по делам молодежи (Youth Courts). Особое внимание уделено реализации модели «активной роли судьи» (judge-led approach) при рассмотрении семейных дел, которая, как полагает автор, является оправданным частичным отступлением от состязательной модели правосудия

    Controversies in Gender Diagnoses

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