22 research outputs found
Digitalno modelovanje objekata kulturnog nasleđa - HBIM na primeru manastira Studenice
Studenica Monastery is the Serbian medieval monument of highest architectural and cultural value, also enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. This paper presents the role of architectural knowledge and sophisticated measuring tools and technologies supporting Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) as innovative, sustainable, and non-invasive method of historic conservation and maintenance of the katholikon (major church) of the Studenica Monastery. This pilot model has a potential to be used for other cultural heritage sites in the region, often in dire need for continual and proper maintenance
Deliberate tail loss in Dolichophis caspius and Natrix tessellata (Serpentes: Colubridae) with a brief review of pseudoautotomy in contemporary snake families
Deliberate tail loss was recorded for the first time in three large whip snakes (Dolichophis caspius) and one dice snake (Natrix tessellata). Observations were made in different years and in different locations. In all cases the tail breakage happened while snakes were being handled by researchers. Pseudoautotomy was confirmed in one large whip snake by an X-Ray photo of a broken piece of the tail, where intervertebral breakage was observed. This evidence and literature data suggest that many colubrid species share the ability for deliberate tail loss. However, without direct observation or experiment it is not possible to prove a species' ability for pseudoautotomy, as a broken tail could also be evidence of an unsuccessful predator attack, resulting in a forcefully broken distal part of the tail.North-Western Journal of Zoology (2016), 12(2): 367-37
Some examples of interactions between certain rare earth elements and soil
The rare earth elements represent an increasingly more and more
important industrial resource. The increased use may result in waste generation, and their impact upon the environment quality has not been studied
sufficiently. Their interaction with soil has been studied in this paper. The
Freundlich adsorption isotherm has been determined for lanthanum, erbium
and gadolinium at three different soil types (humus, clay and sand type),
whereas the sequential extraction at these soil types has been applied for lanthanum and neodymium. The interaction of certain rare earth elements with
soil components has been tested as well as the quantity in which these elements
are bound to soil and later on extracted in solutions. The objective was to determine the soil capacity for disposal, first of all, of the electronic waste that contains these elements and to assume their fate in the environment.Supplementary material: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5139
Contribution to the knowledge of spatial movements of adult Hermann’s tortoises
We recorded the movements of adult Eastern Hermann's tortoises (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in a local population situated in a complex forested habitat system. The average total movement range size (TMRS) calculated over three consecutive years was 4.56 ha and 7.53 ha for males and females, respectively. The largest estimated TMRS of male and female tortoises was 27 ha and 90 ha, respectively. Six females and three males (or 9% and 4%, respectively, of the overall sample) had a movement range size (MRS) greater than 10 ha. Significant differences between male and female MRS were not detected. Body size had no influence on the MRS of individuals in the sample, except on the core movement range size (CMRS) in males. Although the collected data did not enable calculation of the home range in the studied population, the results indicate that the calculated average TMRS of local Hermann tortoises is larger than the average home range in some other populations. Therefore, in the absence of information on the home range size of local adult tortoises, the MRS could be a suitable alternative for planning local species reserves.Archives of Biological Sciences (2017), 69(4): 671-67
Sorpcioni kapacitet različitih tipova zemljišta za neke elemente retkih zemalja
Zbog mogućnosti zadržavanja, samim tim i potrebe da se smanji potencijalno zagađenje elementima retkih zemalja, koji su u životnu sredinu najčešće dospeli iz elektronskog otpada, eksperimentalno je određivan sorpcioni kapacitet zemljišta za elemente: lantan, erbijum i gadolinjum.
Određene su karakteristike za sva tri tipa zemljišta, sadržaj higroskopne vlage, sadržaj humusa, gline i peska. Potom je određivan sorpcioni kapacitet ovih zemljišta za tri elementa retkih zemalja, kako bi se utvrdilo da li na datom zemljištu takav otpad može da se odlaže i u kojoj količini
Frojndlihove adsorpcione izoterme za neke elemente retkih zemalja na različitim tipovima zemljišta
Nedovoljno je istražen naĉin deponovanja elektronskog otpada i sa njim elemenata retkih zemalja, koji u životnu sredinu dospevaju poreklom iz ovog otpada. Elementi retkih zemalja imaju mogućnost da se zadržavaju, samim tim koncentruju u zemljištu, pa tako iz razliĉitih izvora dospevaju u ljudski organizam, kojem mogu da naštete. Eksperimentalno su odreĊivane Frojndlihove sorpcione izoterme, grafiĉke zavisnosti adsorbovane mase metalnog jona po masi adsorbenta u odnosu na poĉetnu masu metalnog jona iz rastvora, kao i sorpcioni kapaciteti zemljišta za elemente: lantan, erbijum i gadolinjum.
Kako bi mogla da se pravi paralela izmeĊu razliĉitih tipova zemljišta i njihove sposobnosti adsorpcije, odreĊene su karakteristike za sva tri zemljišta: pH, sadržaj higroskopne vlage, minerološki sastav, kao i sadržaj humusa, gline i peska. Eksperimentalno je, potom, odreĊivan sorpcioni kapacitet i Frojndlihove sorpcione izoterme zemljišta za tri tipiĉna elementa retkih zemalja (lantan, erbijum i gadolinijum), kako bi se utvrdilo da li na ovakvim tipovima zemljišta može da se odlaže elektronski otpad i u kojoj koliĉini
Aspects of thermal ecology of the meadow lizard (Darevskia praticola)
We studied the thermal biology of the meadow lizard (Darevskia praticola) in the peripheral part of its distribution range (westernmost edge of the distribution area). We assessed whether these lizards actively thermoregulate, estimated the accuracy and effectiveness of thermoregulation, and evaluated the thermal quality of the habitat using the standard thermal parameters: body (Tb), preferred (Tpref) with set-point range (Tset) and operative temperatures (Te). Tset of the meadow lizard under controlled laboratory conditions was between 27.8°C and 31.4°C. In the field Tb and Te averaged 29.0°C and 26.1°C, respectively. A large proportion of Tes fell below the Tset range of the meadow lizard, and lizard Tbs were substantially closer to the species’ Tset range. Obtained values of thermoregulatory indices suggested that the meadow lizard thermoregulated actively, with a rather high accuracy (d¯b=0.8) and effectiveness (E=0.8 and d¯e−d¯b=2.6), and that their habitat at this locality was thermally favourable during the spring. Our results suggest that thermal requirements of the meadow lizard resemble those of alpine lacertids, while their Tbs and Tset are lower than in most lacertid lizards. Further thermoregulation studies could be an important step in predicting the impact of the global climate change on the meadow lizard and the risks of local extinctions of its peripheral populations
New record of a Dalmatolacerta oxycephala (Duméril & Bibron, 1839) population in the northern part of Montenegro
Two previously known northernmost localities of Sharp-snouted rock lizard in Montenegro were the entrance of the Komarnica Canyon (Nevidio), and the middle part of the Tara River Canyon (village Tepca). It was presumed that Komarnica and Piva canyons were once corridors for the spreading of this species from the Eastern Adriatic sub-Mediterranean area to the Tara River Canyon in the north. However, it had not been hitherto known if there were any other relict populations in the area. In the autumn of 2019 a localized population of D. oxycephala was discovered in the middle part of the Komarnica Canyon
Deliberate tail loss in Dolichophis caspius and Natrix tessellata (Serpentes: Colubridae) with a brief review of pseudoautotomy in contemporary snake families
Deliberate tail loss was recorded for the first time in three large whip snakes (Dolichophis caspius) and one dice snake (Natrix tessellata). Observations were made in different years and in different locations. In all cases the tail breakage happened while snakes were being handled by researchers. Pseudoautotomy was confirmed in one large whip snake by an X-Ray photo of a broken piece of the tail, where intervertebral breakage was observed. This evidence and literature data suggest that many colubrid species share the ability for deliberate tail loss. However, without direct observation or experiment it is not possible to prove a species' ability for pseudoautotomy, as a broken tail could also be evidence of an unsuccessful predator attack, resulting in a forcefully broken distal part of the tail.North-Western Journal of Zoology (2016), 12(2): 367-37
Биоугаљ из пољопривредне биомасе: зелени материјал као еколошка алтернатива чврстим фосилним горивима
The stalks left after harvesting corn, tomatoes, and tobacco have nofurther use and are usually burned on agricultural land. In our work samples ofthis waste were collected and pyrolyzed at 400 ℃ for 30 min in a nitrogenatmosphere. The solid residue (biochar) obtained by pyrolysis was analyzed,and the results were compared with widely used solid fuels such as wood, coal,coke and charcoal. The heat values of biochar from tomato, tobacco, corn ZP6263, and corn BC 398 stalks were 24.12, 23.09, 26.24 and 25.78 MJ kg-1, respectively.These values are significantly higher than the heat value of wood,which is about 12.50 MJ kg-1. The ash content of biochar was 12–20 %, whichis consistent with the ash content of solid fuels. No heavy metals were found inbiochar samples. The results show that biochar obtained from the pyrolysis ofagricultural waste, such as tomatoes, tobacco and corn stalks, has good potentialfor use as a solid fuel.Стабљике које остају након жетве кукуруза и дувана, као и брања парадајза,немају даљу употребу и обично се спаљују на пољопривредном земљишту. Унашем раду узорци овог отпада су прикупљени и пиролизовани на 400 ℃ у атмо-сфери азота током 30 min. Анализиран је чврсти остатак (биоугаљ) добијен пиро-лизом, а резултати су упоређени са широко коришћеним конвенционалним чврс-тим горивима као што су дрво, угаљ, кокс и дрвени угаљ. Калоријске вредностибиоугља из стабљика парадајза, дувана, кукуруза ZP 6263 и кукуруза BC 398 билесу 24,12, 23,09, 26,24 и 25,78 МЈ kg-1. Ове вредности су знатно веће од калоријскевредности дрвета која износи око 12,50 МЈ kg-1. Садржај пепела у биоугљу је био12–20 %, што је у складу са садржајем пепела код чврстих горива. У узорцима био-угља нису пронађени тешки метали. Резултати показују да биоугаљ добијен пиро-лизом пољопривредног отпада, као што су стабљике парадајза, дувана и кукуруза,има добар потенцијал за употребу као чврсто гориво