14 research outputs found

    Towards Kyrgyz stop words

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    The concept of stop words introduced by H. P. Lun in the mid-20th century plays a huge role in today’s NLP practice. Stop words are used to reduce noisy text data, remove uninformative words, speed up text processing, and minimize the amount of memory required to store data.The Kyrgyz language is an agglutinative Turkic language for which no scientific study of stop words has been previously published in English. In our study, we combined frequency analysis with rule-based linguistic analysis. First, we found the most frequently used words, set a threshold, and removed words below the threshold. This way we got a list of the most frequently used words. Then we reduced the list by excluding from the list all words that do not belong to the category of function words of the Kyrgyz language. Finally, we got a list of 50 words that can be considered stop words in the Kyrgyz language. In our analysis, we used a single corpus of sentences collected and posted as an open source project by one of the local broadcasters

    Light bending in the galactic halo by Rindler-Ishak method

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    After the work of Rindler and Ishak, it is now well established that the bending of light is influenced by the cosmological constant {\Lambda} appearing in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime. We show that their method, when applied to the galactic halo gravity parametrized by a constant {\gamma}, yields exactly the same {\gamma}- correction to Schwarzschild bending as obtained by standard methods. Different cases are analyzed, which include some corrections to the special cases considered in the original paper by Rindler and Ishak.Comment: 15 page


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    HighlightsWe have described the outcomes of aortic valve replacement using autologous pericardium without special templates. Although S. Ozaki is considered by many to be the founder of neocuspidization technique, the methods for sizing of the neocusps were proposed long before him. The method of the Japanese professor involves using special templates. This article presents a mathematical formula to calculate neocusps` size, which significantly simplifies the procedure, and makes it possible to perform it in centers that do not possess Ozaki templates. Abstract Aim: To describe an original technique of aortic valve replacement using autologous pericardium without templates. The calculation of the neocusps` size is based on the diameter of aortic annulus, which can be estimated both intraoperatively and preoperatively, helps to reduce the duration of surgery, CPB time and myocardial ischemia, and lower the rates of late complications.Methods: The prospective study included 34 patients with aortic valve disease admitted to the Cardiac Surgical Department of the University Clinical Hospital No.1 of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Ministry of Health of Russia in the period from January 2020 to March 2023. The mean age of the patients was 51±17 years (from 19 to 78 years). Gender distribution in the total group was as follows: male 50% (n = 17), female 50% (n = 17). All patients underwent aortic valve replacement using autologous pericardium without templates (by calculating the neocusps` size). Isolated aortic valve replacement was performed in 17 patients (50%), ascending aorta replacement in 11 patients (32.3%), mitral valve intervention in 5 (14.7%), coronary artery bypass grafting in 3 (8.8%) cases. 11 patients (32.3%) had aortic valve stenosis, 4 patients (11.7%) had insufficiency, and 19 patients (55.8%) had both stenosis and insufficiency. Bicuspid aortic valve was detected in 18 patients (52.9%). All patients were divided into two groups: Komarov (aortic valve replacement only) and Komarov Plus (aortic valve replacement and treatment for concomitant cardiac pathology).Results: There were no cases of conversion to traditional aortic valve replacement using prosthetic valves. There were 2 cases of in-hospital mortality; according to medical records, death in both cases was due to complications provoked by double pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2. 1 patient required reoperation 4 months after the intervention due endocarditis caused by Streptococcus viridans. In the midterm follow-up period, hemodynamic parameters such as peak gradient, mean gradient, and peak velocity were 11.96±4.70 mm Hg, 5.88±2.07 mm Hg, 168.19±30.56 mm Hg.Conclusions: The obtained valve prosthesis is anatomically analogous to the native valve and provides reliable peak pressure reduction, no postoperative regurgitation, and increased effective orifice area. The proposed method is safe and can serve as an alternative to the Ozaki procedure, in which the neocusps are outlined using special templates.Основные положения Продемонстрированы результаты протезирования аортального клапана аутоперикардом без использования шаблонов. Родоначальником неокуспидизации принято считать S. Ozaki, однако методы расчета неостворки из перикарда предложены задолго до него. Методика японского профессора заключается в использовании специальных шаблонов. В данной статье представлен математический расчет створки, выполненный хирургами Сеченовского Университета, позволяющий не только существенно упростить процедуру, но и выполнять ее в тех центрах, где шаблонов Ozaki нет. Резюме Цель: Описана оригинальная методика полной реконструкции аортального клапана аутоперикардом. Расчет формы неостворок осуществлен на основании данных о диаметре фиброзного кольца, которые могут быть получены как во время, так и до операции, что позволяет сократить время вмешательства, искусственного кровообращения и ишемии миокарда, а в конечном итоге добиться снижения ишемии головного мозга и снизить вероятность поздних осложнений.Материалы и методы: Проведено проспективное исследование 34 пациентов, оперированных по поводу порока аортального клапана в кардиохирургическом отделении Университетской клинической больницы № 1 ФГАОУ ВО Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова Минздрава России (Сеченовский Университет) в период с января 2020 г. по март 2023 г. Средний период наблюдения для всей когорты составил 14,1±7,7 мес. Средний возраст больных – 51±17 лет (19–78 лет). Гендерное распределение в общей группе: мужской пол – 50% (n = 17), женский – 50% (n = 17). Всем пациентам выполнено протезирование аортального клапана аутоперикардом без использования шаблонов (расчетным способом). 17 (50%) больным проведена изолированная коррекция порока аортального клапана, 11 (32,3%) – протезирование восходящей аорты, 5 (14,7%) – вмешательство на митральном клапане, в 3 (8,8%) случаях выполнено коронарное шунтирование. Стеноз аортального клапана отмечен у 11 (32,3%) пациентов, недостаточность – у 4 (11,7%), стеноз и недостаточность – у 19 (55,8%). Двустворчатый аортальный клапан выявлен у 18 (52,9%) больных. Все пациенты разделены на две группы: Komarov (изолированная коррекция порока аортального клапана) и Komarov Plus (коррекция порока аортального клапана с сопутствующей кардиальной патологией).Результаты: Не зарегистрировано случаев конверсии в стандартное протезирование аортального клапана. Зафиксировано два случая госпитальной летальности; по данным патологоанатомического заключения, смерть в обоих случаях наступила из-за осложнений, спровоцированных двусторонней полисегментарной пневмонией, вызванной SARS-CoV-2. Одному пациенту через 4 мес. после вмешательства потребовалась повторная операция вследствие развившегося эндокардита, возбудитель Streptococcus viridans. В среднеотдаленном периоде гемодинамические показатели, такие как пиковый градиент, средний градиент и пиковая скорость, составили 11,96±4,70, 5,88±2,07 мм рт. ст. и 168,19±30,56 см/с.Заключение: Конечный вид протеза служит анатомическим аналогом нативного клапана и обеспечивает достоверное снижение пикового давления, отсутствие регургитации на клапане после операции и увеличение площади эффективного отверстия. Данный метод можно рассматривать как безопасную альтернативу процедуре Ozaki, при которой створки выкраивают с помощью специальных шаблонов

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    To the Question of Development Perspective of Kyrgyz Republic Electric Power Industry with Using of New Innovative Renewable Energy Technologies

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    This paper shows the possibilities of renewable energy application in Kyrgyz Republic. Among them are solar, wind, biomass, etc. Scientific studies show that existing power industry has already exhausted its resource. Kyrgyz system is economically inefficient. The fundamentally new approach to the organization of power supply technology, based on the use of modern IT technologies is proposed. In the future, the creation of such systems is very promising, especially for countries with large territories or mountainous countries. Today it is necessary to seriously consider the future development of the power supply system, taking into account advanced renewable energy technologies. To solve the set tasks and implement them, it is necessary to provide these studies with finances and investments. In this regard, the Kyrgyz Republic has developed and adopted a Law on Renewable Energy providing for certain preferences for investors and ensuring the return on investments. The paper suggests reducing of energy losses, increasing of transparency and parallel development of RES in Kyrgyz Republic

    Applying Machine Learning Analysis for Software Quality Test

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    One of the biggest expense in software development is the maintenance. Therefore, it is critical to comprehend what triggers maintenance and if it may be predicted. Numerous research have demonstrated that specific methods of assessing the complexity of created programs may produce useful prediction models to ascertain the possibility of maintenance due to software failures. As a routine it is performed prior to the release, and setting up the models frequently calls for certain, object-oriented software measurements. It is not always the case that software developers have access to these measurements. In this paper, the machine learning is applied on the available data to calculate the cumulative software failure levels. A technique to forecast a software`s residual defectiveness using machine learning can be looked into as a solution to the challenge of predicting residual flaws. Software metrics and defect data were separated out of the static source code repository. Static code is used to create software metrics, and reported bugs in the repository are used to gather defect information. By using a correlation method, metrics that had no connection to the defect data were removed. This makes it possible to analyze all the data without pausing the programming process. Large, sophisticated software`s primary issue is that it is impossible to control everything manually, and the cost of an error can be quite expensive. Developers may miss errors during testing as a consequence, which will raise maintenance costs. Finding a method to accurately forecast software defects is the overall objective.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures and 14 table

    Photoelectrocatalytic and Photocatalytic Oxidation of Azodye at High Oxygen Pressure

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    Influence of dissolved oxygen at different pressure to photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic azodye C.I. direct black 22 (DB) oxidation is investigated. It is shown, that at the presence of dissolved oxygen photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic DB oxidation rate on TiO 2 increases. The azodye decolouration higher than 98 % by photoelectrocatalytic oxidation at oxygen pressure was 0.42 MPa.Исследовано влияние давления кислорода на фотокаталитическое и фотоэлектрокаталитическое окисление красителя прямого черного 22 (ПЧ). Показано, что повышение давления кислорода приводит к росту скорости фотоэлектрокаталитического и фотокаталитического окисления ПЧ на диоксиде титана. Степень обесцвечивания раствора азокрасителя при фотоэлектрокаталитическом окислении при давлении 0,42 МПа достигает 98 %