23 research outputs found

    Overview of New Forms of Employment - 2018 Update

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    Across Europe, new forms of employment are emerging that differ significantly from traditional employment. Some of these forms of employment transform the relationship between employer and employee while others change work organisation and work patterns. They often involve locations other than the usual employer’s premises, and or extensive use of information and communications technology. This report identifies nine forms of employment that are either new or have become increasingly important in Europe since the year 2000. All of the nine forms discussed are aimed at increasing flexibility for employers and/or employees. Some may benefit employers and employees equally, but in a few cases there are concerns regarding their impact on working conditions and the labour market. The report highlights the need for awareness of potential problems and of safety nets for workers

    Das Gegenteil als ästhetisches Mittel

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    Mitte der 1990er Jahre entstand in Dänemark ausgehend von vier Regisseuren eine Bewegung, die den zukünftigen Film von jeglicher technischer Illusion befreien wollte. Die in dem so genannten Dogma 95-Manifest schriftlich fixierten zehn Regeln, sollten bei der Umsetzung dieses Vorhabens helfen. Als erster Film der Dogma-Bewegung erlangte Festen des dänischen Regisseurs Thomas Vinterberg internationale Bekanntheit. Der Film, der vorrangig durch seine Bildästhetik und den reduzierten Umgang mit Technik auffiel, erlebte innerhalb nur weniger Jahre zahlreiche Bühnenadaptionen. Anhand der Inszenierungen von Michael Thalheimer (Dresden 2000) und Philip Tiedemann (Wien 2007) wird der Frage nachgegangen, mit welchen Mitteln Theater diesen Dogma-Film umsetzt. In der Beantwortung dieser Frage rücken Raum und Darsteller in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Die Dogma 95-Filmästhetik wird besonders von der Verwendung der Handkamera geprägt. Diese avancierte zum Erkennungsmerkmal von Dogma 95-Filmen und beeinflusste auf Grund ihrer Mobilität und Handlichkeit auch die Nähe des Kameramannes zu den Darstellern. Genau mit diesem Spezifikum wird in den beiden Bühneninszenierungen sehr unterschiedlich umgegangen. Auf diesen Grundlagen verdeutlicht die Arbeit Schnittmengen und Differenzen von Filmvorlage und Bühnenadaption am Beispiel von Festen.In the middle of the 1990s four film directors from Denmark aspired to extract technical illusions from the film. They defined their so called Dogma-Manifesto containing ten rules to implement and realize their intentions. One of the first films that gained international acknowledgement for this realization was Festen from the young Danish director Thomas Vinterberg. This film that mainly attracted attention for the reduced handling with the technique became a very popular and often considerated option for adaptations on stage within the following years. Based on the staging by Michael Thalheimer and based on extracts of the staging by Philip Tiedemann I try to ascertain the instrumentality that the theatre is devoted to by presenting a Dogma-film on stage. This will be less focused on dramaturgy than on space and the actors within it. The portable camera is a filmographic tool particularly associated with the Dogma 95 movement. It evokes characteristic aesthetics which, over time, evolved into a well-known trait of Dogma 95. Also, its uncomplicated and manageable use provides a high degree of proximity between the cameraman and the actors. This particular trait is applied to drama in different ways. This paper will therefore demonstrate overlaps and differences between them

    Overview of New Forms of Employment - 2018 Update

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    Across Europe, new forms of employment are emerging that differ significantly from traditional employment. Some of these forms of employment transform the relationship between employer and employee while others change work organisation and work patterns. They often involve locations other than the usual employer’s premises, and or extensive use of information and communications technology. This report identifies nine forms of employment that are either new or have become increasingly important in Europe since the year 2000. All of the nine forms discussed are aimed at increasing flexibility for employers and/or employees. Some may benefit employers and employees equally, but in a few cases there are concerns regarding their impact on working conditions and the labour market. The report highlights the need for awareness of potential problems and of safety nets for workers.EF_Overview_of_new_forms_of_employment_2018.pdf: 790 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Measuring the Impact of Forest Edges on the Highly Arboreal Sahamalaza Sportive Lemur, Lepilemur Sahamalaza, in North-Western Madagascar

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    The progressive fragmentation of forest habitat is causing an increase in edge areas that may differ structurally and in quality from forest interiors. We investigated the impact of edge effects on habitat structure, behaviour, and ecology of the small, nocturnal, and highly arboreal Sahamalaza sportive lemur, Lepilemur sahamalaza. To understand edge effects, we established edge-to-interior gradients using temperature, humidity, and light intensity measurements along transects. From 773 h of behavioural observations on 14 individual sportive lemurs between 2015 and 2016, we compared home range sizes, activity budgets, and habitat use of animals inhabiting the edge area and those in the core forest. We found that microclimatic edge effects penetrated the forest up to 165 m, but that there was no significant edge effect on vegetation; forest vegetation was structurally variable throughout. Individual sportive lemurs living in the edge area used more trees with a diameter at breast height of less than 5 cm but showed no other behavioural differences to individuals inhabiting the core forest. The study shows that this species may not be impacted by edge effects, at least in situations in which vegetation structure is not affected, despite microclimatic differences.</p

    No evidence of contagious yawning in the red-footed tortoise Geochelone carbonaria

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    Three hypotheses have attempted to explain the phenomenon of contagious yawning. It has been hypothesized that it is a fixed action pattern for which the releasing stimulus is the observation of another yawn, that it is the result of non-conscious mimicry emerging through close links between perception and action or that it is the result of empathy, involving the ability to engage in mental state attribution. This set of experiments sought to distinguish between these hypotheses by examining contagious yawning in a species that is unlikely to show nonconscious mimicry and empathy but does respond to social stimuli: the red-footed tortoise Geochelone carbonaria. A demonstrator tortoise was conditioned to yawn when presented with a red square-shaped stimulus. Observer tortoises were exposed to three conditions: observation of conditioned yawn, non demonstration control, and stimulus only control. We measured the number of yawns for each observer animal in each condition. There was no difference between conditions. Experiment 2 therefore increased the number of conditioned yawns presented. Again, there was no significant difference between conditions. It seemed plausible that the tortoises did not view the conditioned yawn as a real yawn and therefore a final experiment was run using video recorded stimuli. The observer tortoises were presented with three conditions: real yawn, conditioned yawns and empty background. Again there was no significant difference between conditions. We therefore conclude that the red-footed tortoise does not yawn in response to observing a conspecific yawn. This suggests that contagious yawning is not the result of a fixed action pattern but may involve more complex social processes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR