8 research outputs found

    In vivo evaluation of the protein quality of lyophilized egg white as substitute for casein in elaboration of an experimental diet based on AIN93.

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar in vivo la calidad de la proteína de la clara de huevo liofilizada como sustituta de la caseína en la dieta AIN93. Se separaron ratones Wistar machos según las dietas: caseína (CS), clara de huevo (EW) y sin proteína (PF). Se evaluó el crecimiento somático y la ingesta de alimentos. Se midieron la relación de eficiencia de proteína, la relación neto de proteína, el perfil bioquímico, los pesos de los órganos y de los tejidos. La relación de eficacia de proteína muestra que EW presenta un alto valor biológico. Sin embargo, EW mostró un crecimiento menor que el CS. El peso relativo de los órganos y la creatinina se elevaron en el grupo EW. Por lo tanto, EW promueve la reducción del crecimiento, a pesar de la mayor ingesta.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar in vivo la calidad de la proteína de la clara de huevo liofilizada como sustituta de la caseína en la dieta AIN93. Se separaron ratones Wistar machos según las dietas: caseína (CS), clara de huevo (EW) y sin proteína (PF). Se evaluó el crecimiento somático y la ingesta de alimentos. Se midieron la relación de eficiencia de proteína, la relación neto de proteína, el perfil bioquímico, los pesos de los órganos y de los tejidos. La relación de eficacia de proteína muestra que EW presenta un alto valor biológico. Sin embargo, EW mostró un crecimiento menor que el CS. El peso relativo de los órganos y la creatinina se elevaron en el grupo EW. Por lo tanto, EW promueve la reducción del crecimiento, a pesar de la mayor ingest

    Murinometric evaluations and feed efficiency in rats from reduced litter during lactation and submitted or not to swimming exercise

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Excesso de alimentação no início da vida pode modificar persistentemente consumo e peso corporal. Adoção de exercício físico é uma estratégia útil para evitar excessivo ganho de peso. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o crescimento corporal e a eficiência alimentar em ratos provenientes de ninhada reduzida no aleitamento. MÉTODOS: Ao terceiro dia de vida, ninhadas foram formadas com quatro (GN4) ou 10 animais (GN10), (n = 25). Ao desmame, ratos machos Wistar permaneceram em gaiolas individuais, e, aos 60 (± 2) dias foram subdivididos em sedentários (SED) e exercitados (NAT), formando quatro grupos: GN4SED, GN10SED, GN4-NAT e GN10NAT. Avaliou-se o peso, ganho de peso e taxa específica de ganho de peso, gordura epididimal, índices de massa corporal e Lee, consumo e eficiência alimentar, glicemia e lactemia. RESULTADOS: Aos 21 dias, o GN4 apresentava peso corporal 52% acima do GN10 (P = 0,001). Contudo, aos 30 e 60 dias os pesos não diferiram. Ao final do período, GN10NAT demonstrou menor peso (356,82 ± 23,04) que GN10SED (409,28 ± 17,30). Mas GN4NAT possuía maior peso (417,85 ± 37,91) que GN4SED (413,69 ± 57,45) e GN10NAT. O GN4 exibiu elevada taxa de ganho de peso na lactação, mas, redução da mesma pós-desmame. Independente do tamanho da ninhada, a taxa de ganho de peso reduz com o aumento da idade. Ao final do período, glicemia, gordura epididimal total e relativa, e os índices de Lee e IMC não diferiram entre os grupos. Os valores de lactato antes e após o exercício condizem com esforço de intensidade moderada. Na periadolescência, GN4 apresentou menor ingestão de alimentos, mas sem diferenças na vida adulta. CONCLUSÃO: A redução da ninhada no aleitamento não alterou o peso corporal ou ingestão alimentar persistentemente. Entretanto, o protocolo de natação foi eficaz em reduzir o ganho de peso em animais controles, mas não naqueles de ninhada reduzida.INTRODUCTION: Overfeeding in early life can persistently modify consumption and body weight. Adoption of exercise is one useful strategy to prevent excessive weight gain. OBJECTIVE: to assess body growth and feed efficiency in rats from reduced litters during lactation. METHODS: On day 3 of life, litters were formed with 4 (GN4) or 10 animals (GN10) (n = 25). When weaned, Wistar male rats were kept in individual cages and at day 60 (± 2) they were divided into sedentary (SED) and exercised (NAT), forming thus four groups: GN4SED; GN10SED; GN4NAT and GN10NAT. Assessment consisted of weight, weight gain and specific rate of weight gain, epididymal fat, Body Mass and Lee Indices, consumption and feed efficiency, blood glucose and lactemia. RESULTS: At day 21, GN4 had body weight 52% above GN10 (P = 0.001). However, at days 30 and 60, their weight was not different. At the end of the period, GN10NAT showed lower weight (356.82 ± 23.04) that GN10SED (409.28 ± 17.30), but GN4NAT was heavier (417.85 ± 37.91) than GN4SED (413.69 ± 57.45) and GN10NAT. GN4 presented higher rate of weight gain during lactation, but slower after weaning. Regardless of litter size, rate of weight gain reduces as age progresses. At the end of this period, blood glucose, total and relative epididymal fat, and Lee and BMI indices did not differ between groups. Pre and post-exercise lactate values are consistent with moderate effort. In periadolescence, GN4 showed lower food intake, but with no differences in adulthood. CONCLUSION: Reduced litter during lactation did not affect body weight or food intake persistently. However, the swimming protocol was effective in reducing weight gain in control animals, but not in animals from reduced litters

    Evaluación in vivo de la calidad proteica de la clara de huevo liofilizada como sustituto de la caseína de una dieta experimental basada en la AIN93

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar in vivo la calidad de la proteína de la clara de huevo liofilizada como sustituto de la caseína en la dieta AIN93. Se separaron ratones Wistar machos (n= 30) según las dietas: caseína (CS), clara de huevo (EW) y sin proteína (PF). Se evaluó el crecimiento somático y la ingesta de alimentos. Se midieron la relación de eficiencia de proteína, la relación neto de proteína, el perfil bioquímico en suero, los pesos de los órganos y de los tejidos. La relación de eficacia de proteína, muestra que EW presenta un alto valor biológico. Sin embargo, EW mostró un crecimiento menor que el CS. El peso relativo de los órganos y la creatinina sérica se elevaron en el grupo EW. Por lo tanto, EW promueve la reducción del crecimiento, a pesar de la mayor ingestaThe aim of the study was to evaluate in vivo the quality protein of lyophilized egg white as a substitute for casein in the AIN93 diet. Male Wistar rats (n= 30) were separated according to diets: casein (CS), egg white (EW) and without protein (PF). Somatic growth and food intake were assessed. Protein Efficiency Ratio, Net Protein Ratio, serum biochemical profile, organs and tissue weight were measured. Protein efficacy assessment shows that EW presents high biological value. However, EW group showed lower growth than the CS. The relative weight of organs and serum creatinine were elevated in the EW. Thus, EW promotes reduced growth and changes the weight of organs and tissues, despite the higher relative food intake

    Neonatal fluoxetine exposure modulates serotonergic neurotransmission and disturb inhibitory action of serotonin on food intake

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    The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) acts as an important regulator of the critical neurodevelopmental processes and thus alterations in 5-HT signaling early promotes permanent structural and functional changes in brain. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), as fluoxetine and citalopram, blocking serotonin transporter (SERT) at the presynaptic neuron, which regulates extracellular 5-HT levels. Evidence suggests that the exposure to SSRIs in the neurodevelopmental period may alters 5-HT signaling sensitivity on food intake control. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of neonatal exposure to fluoxetine on molecular and cellular components of the serotonergic system and food intake control in young animals. Methods: The animals were divided according to experimental manipulation, Fluoxetine Group (FG): male pups received application of fluoxetine (10 mg/kg, 10 mu L/g) and Saline Group (SG): male pups received saline application (0.9% NaCl, 10 mu L/g), both throughout lactation (PND1-PND21). They evaluated body weight, food intake, SERT gene and protein expression, serotonin content in the hypothalamus. The neonatal exposure to fluoxetine promoted reduction in body weight, disturb the serotonin hypophagic response, and increase the serotonin and SERT hypothalamic in young animals. We conclude that the changes of components of the serotonergic system by neonatal exposure to fluoxetine may be responsible for disturb the inhibitory action of serotonin on food intake3576570CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNP