29 research outputs found

    Field margins in Spain; proposal of common descriptors

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    Los márgenes de los campos reciben muchas denominaciones locales (linderos, ribazos, etc.) y pueden ser motivo de preocupación para los agricultores por albergar especies arvenses que pueden devenir infestantes del cultivo. Pero su estudio también ha reflejado que pueden ser beneficiosos si albergan diversidad vegetal, la que atraería a su vez diversidad animal. Estudios recientes realizados en España arrojan resultados aparentemente contradictorios y por este motivo se realiza una descripción de la tipología de márgenes existentes en España. Se constata que las diferencias de anchura, altura y pendiente entre márgenes, el tipo de vegetación cercano, así como la intensidad de la perturbación que se ejerce en ellos son posiblemente los principales factores que explican porqué algunos márgenes albergan especies potencialmente nocivas (malas hierbas) y otros no.The field margins receive many local names and can cause trouble to farmers if they host weeds that can infest the nearby fields. But their study has shown that they be beneficial if they harbor vegetal diversity, which can attract animal diversity. Recent studies conducted in Spain show apparently contradictory results an due to this, a description of the margin types found in this country is shown in this communication. We confirm that differences in margins width, height and slope, the type of natural vegetation in the area and the disturbance intensity on the margins are probably the main factors explaining why some margins host potentially harmful plant species (weeds) and others do not

    Fine tune control of dopamine neurotransmission by alpha-synuclein: down- and over-expression models

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    Póster presentado en el IX Simposi de Neurobiologia Experimental, celebrado los días 22 y 23 de octubre de 2014 en Barcelona y organizado por la Societat Catalana de Biologia del Institut d'Estudis CatalansAlpha-synuclein protein (α-syn) accumulates in the brain of patients with Parkinson´s disease (PD) and leaves a degeneration of midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons. However, the normal function of α-syn on DA neurotransmission in vivo remains poorly understood. Here, we used two mouse models with a) reduced α-syn expression in the substantia nigra compacta (SNc) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) induced by antisense oligonucleotide molecule (ASO) and, b) modest α-syn over-expression in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons in the absence of overt toxicity. ASO sequence against α-syn was conjugated to a cell-specific ligand, indatraline (monoamine transporter inhibitor), to promote its selective delivery into monoamine neurons after intranasal administration. Indatraline-α-syn-ASO conjugate (1233ASO) entered into midbrain DA cells followed by trafficking to deep endomembrane vesicles associated with Rab7 resulting in an efficient α-syn knockdown. Indeed, 4-day 1233ASO treatment (30µg/day) decreased α-syn mRNA and protein levels in SNc/VTA (84.1±1.7% and 57.7±7.8% of PBS-treated animals, respectively). Alpha-synuclein suppression displayed an enhancement striatal DA tone using intracerebral microdialysis. Local veratridine (50 µM) perfusion increased extracellular DA levels more efficient in 1233ASO-treated than PBS-treated mice. Similarly, nomifensine (1-10-50 µM) or amphetamine (1-10-100 µM) showed a marked doseeffect which phenotypic differences. Tetrabenazine (VMAT2 inhibitor, 100 µM) reduced striatal DA levels in 1233ASO-treated mice. This effect was lower than in control mice. Conversely, we found that over-expressed α-syn inhibits striatal DA release. Together, this evidence indicates a physiological role for a-syn as a >fine tune> modulator of nigroestriatal DA release and the effects depend on the a-syn expression levelsSpanish Ministery of Economy and Competitiveness, INNPACTO Subprogram IPT-2012-1208-300000; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) Grant PI13/01390. Some of these grants are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund “A way to build Europe”Peer Reviewe

    Impaired antigen-specific B-cell responses after Influenza vaccination in kidney transplant recipients receiving co-stimulation blockade with Belatacept

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    Inhibidores de la calcineurina; Vacunación antigripal; Trasplante de riñónCalcineurin inhibitors; Influenza vaccination; Kidney transplantationInhibidors de la calcineurina; Vacunació antigripal; Trasplantament de ronyóEmerging data suggest that costimulation blockade with belatacept effectively controls humoral alloimmune responses. However, whether this effect may be deleterious for protective anti-infectious immunity remains poorly understood. We performed a mechanistic exploratory study in 23 kidney transplant recipients receiving either the calcineurin-inhibitor tacrolimus (Tac, n=14) or belatacept (n=9) evaluating different cellular immune responses after influenza vaccination such as activated T follicular Helper (Tfh), plasmablasts and H1N1 hemagglutinin (HA)-specific memory B cells (HA+mBC) by flow-cytometry, and anti-influenza antibodies by hemagglutination inhibition test (HI), at baseline and days 10, 30 and 90 post-vaccination. The proportion of CD4+CD54RA-CXCR5+ Tfh was lower in belatacept than Tac patients at baseline (1.86%[1.25-3.03] vs 4.88%[2.40-8.27], p=0.01) and remained stable post-vaccination. At M3, HA+mBc were significantly higher in Tac-treated patients (0.56%[0.32-1.49] vs 0.27%[0.13-0.44], p=0.04) and correlated with activated Tfh numbers. When stratifying patients according to baseline HA+mBc frequencies, belatacept patients with low HA+mBC displayed significantly lower HA+mBc increases after vaccination than Tac patients (1.28[0.94-2.4] vs 2.54[1.73-5.70], p=0.04). Also, belatacept patients displayed significantly lower seroprotection rates against H1N1 at baseline than Tac-treated patients (44.4% vs 84.6%) as well as lower seroconversion rates at days 10, 30 and 90 after vaccination (50% vs 0%, 63.6% vs 0%, and 63.6% vs 0%, respectively). We show the efficacy of belatacept inhibiting T-dependent antigen-specific humoral immune responses, active immunization should be highly encouraged before starting belatacept therapy.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant numbers ICI14/00242 and PI16/01321, PI19/01710) and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and innovation program (grant agreement 754995). Also, this work was partly supported by the SLT002/16/00183 grant, from the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya by the call “Accioí instrumental de programes derecerca orientats en l’àmbit de la recerca i la innovacioí en salut.” The authors thank the Research Centers of Catalonia (CERCA) Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. OB was awarded with an intensification grant from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [INT19/00051]

    On the clinical relevance of using complete high-resolution HLA typing for an accurate interpretation of posttransplant immune-mediated graft outcomes

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    HLA typing; Donor-specific antibodies; Kidney transplantationTipificación de HLA; Anticuerpos específicos del donante; Trasplante de riñónTipificació de HLA; Anticossos específics del donant; Trasplantament de ronyóComplete and high-resolution (HR) HLA typing improves the accurate assessment of donor–recipient compatibility and pre-transplant donor-specific antibodies (DSA). However, the value of this information to identify de novo immune-mediated graft events and its impact on outcomes has not been assessed. In 241 donor/recipient kidney transplant pairs, DNA samples were re-evaluated for six-locus (A/B/C/DRB1/DQB1+A1/DPB1) HR HLA typing. De novo anti-HLA antibodies were assessed using solid-phase assays, and dnDSA were classified either (1) as per current clinical practice according to three-locus (A/B/DRB1) low-resolution (LR) typing, estimating donor HLA-C/DQ typing with frequency tables, or (2) according to complete six-locus HR typing. The impact on graft outcomes was compared between groups. According to LR HLA typing, 36 (15%) patients developed dnDSA (LR_dnDSA+). Twenty-nine out of 36 (80%) were confirmed to have dnDSA by HR typing (LR_dnDSA+/HR_dnDSA+), whereas 7 (20%) did not (LR_dnDSA+/HR_dnDSA−). Out of 49 LR_dnDSA specificities, 34 (69%) were confirmed by HR typing whereas 15 (31%) LR specificities were not confirmed. LR_dnDSA+/HR_dnDSA+ patients were at higher risk of ABMR as compared to dnDSA− and LR_dnDSA+/HR_dnDSA− (logRank < 0.001), and higher risk of death-censored graft loss (logRank = 0.001). Both LR_dnDSA+ (HR: 3.51, 95% CI = 1.25–9.85) and LR_dnDSA+/HR_dnDSA+ (HR: 4.09, 95% CI = 1.45–11.54), but not LR_dnDSA+/HR_dnDSA− independently predicted graft loss. The implementation of HR HLA typing improves the characterization of biologically relevant de novo anti-HLA DSA and discriminates patients with poorer graft outcomes.This work was supported by the Biomarker-Driven Immunosuppression Minimization (BIO-DRIM) Consortium (EU FP7-health, grant agreement number 305147; FP7/2012-2017) and by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant numbers ICI14/00242, PI16/01321, and PI19/01710), co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way to build Europe. Also, this work was partly supported by the SLT002/16/00183 grant, from the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya by the call “Acció instrumental de programes de recerca orientats en l’àmbit de la recerca i la innovació en salut”

    Tacrolimus CYP3A Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Preformed T- and B-Cell Alloimmune Memory Improve Current Pretransplant Rejection-Risk Stratification in Kidney Transplantation

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    Rechazo agudo; Genética; InmunobiologíaRebuig agut; Genètica; ImmunobiologiaAcute rejection; Genetics; ImmunobiologyAchieving fast immunosuppression blood exposure after kidney transplantation is key to abrogating both preformed and de novo anti-donor humoral and cellular alloresponses. However, while tacrolimus (TAC) is the cornerstone immunosuppressant inhibiting adaptive alloimmunity, its blood exposure is directly impacted by different single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CYP3A TAC-metabolizing enzymes. Here, we investigated how functional TAC-CYP3A genetic variants (CYP3A4*22/CYP3A5*3) influence the main baseline clinical and immunological risk factors of biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR) by means of preformed donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) and donor-specific alloreactive T cells (DSTs) in a large European cohort of 447 kidney transplants receiving TAC-based immunosuppression. A total of 70 (15.7%) patients developed BPAR. Preformed DSAs and DSTs were observed in 12 (2.7%) and 227 (50.8%) patients, respectively. According to the different CYP3A4*22 and CYP3A5*3 functional allele variants, we found 4 differential new clusters impacting fasting TAC exposure after transplantation; 7 (1.6%) were classified as high metabolizers 1 (HM1), 71 (15.9%) as HM2, 324 (72.5%) as intermediate (IM), and 45 (10.1%) as poor metabolizers (PM1). HM1/2 showed significantly lower TAC trough levels and higher dose requirements than IM and PM (p < 0.001) and more frequently showed TAC underexposure (<5 ng/ml). Multivariate Cox regression analyses revealed that CYP3A HM1 and IM pharmacogenetic phenotypes (hazard ratio (HR) 12.566, 95% CI 1.99-79.36, p = 0.007, and HR 4.532, 95% CI 1.10-18.60, p = 0.036, respectively), preformed DSTs (HR 3.482, 95% CI 1.99-6.08, p < 0.001), DSAs (HR 4.421, 95% CI 1.63-11.98, p = 0.003), and delayed graft function (DGF) (HR 2.023, 95% CI 1.22-3.36, p = 0.006) independently predicted BPAR. Notably, a significant interaction between T-cell depletion and TAC underexposure was observed, showing a reduction of the BPAR risk (HR 0.264, 95% CI 0.08-0.92, p = 0.037). Such variables except for DSAs displayed a higher predictive risk for the development of T cell-mediated rejection (TCMR). Refinement of pretransplant monitoring by incorporating TAC CYP3A SNPs with preformed DSAs as well as DSTs may improve current rejection-risk stratification and help induction treatment decision-making.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant numbers PI16/01321, PI19/01710, and PI18/P1740) (co-funded by European Regional Development Fund, ERDF, a way to build Europe). Also, this work was partly supported by the SLT002/16/00183 grant, from the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya by the call “Acció instrumental de programes de recerca orientats en l’àmbit de la recerca i la innovació en salut.” The authors thank the Research Centers of Catalonia (CERCA) Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. OB was awarded an intensification grant from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [NT19/00051]

    STECF Multiannual management plans SWW and NWW (STECF-15-08)

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    The STECF was tasked with an analysis of the likely effects of proposed management plans for the Southwestern (Bay of Biscay and Iberia) and Northwestern (Celtic sea) waters. Quantitative analyses were carried out to compare the likely effect of those management plans and of the direct application of the CFP on both stocks and fleets involved in these fisheries. Based on the results of simulations of the provisions of the proposed management plans, STECF concluded that, setting fishing opportunities in line with single-species FMSY ranges will provide managers with additional flexibility compared to the basic provisions of the 2013 CFP. Such flexibility is likely to help alleviate the problem of mismatches in quota availability in mixed-species fisheries thereby reducing the risk of early closure of some fisheries due to choke species. Adopting FMSY ranges will therefore increase the likelihood that desired exploitation rates will be achieved and will reduce the risk that some fishing fleets will go out of business. STECF considers that it is crucial that managers take note that persistent fishing at the upper limits of the FMSY ranges across all or most stocks simultaneously negates the flexibility introduced by the FMSY ranges and greatly increases the risk of overfishing. Such an approach will also increase the risk that the objectives of the CFP will not be achieved. STECF concludes that single species biomass safeguards for all stocks should be maintained to provide a basic level of protection. STECF notes that for the fleets affected by the SWW MAP, those providing the highest employment are generally not dependent to a great extent on the species that will be regulated through the MAP proposals. STECF notes that in the NWW there are some fleets which provide significant levels of employment and seem to be very dependent on the species that will be regulated through the MAP proposals. Nevertheless, there are a number of fleets in the NWW area that are not included in the employment analysis because of an absence of appropriate data. .Regarding the number and scope of MAPs as currently defined, STECF considers that a MAP covering a wider geographic area has advantages in terms of reducing management overheads and avoiding multiple regulations affecting the sector. A larger MAP area however, may have disadvantages associated with reducing the emphasis on local management measures and this may discourage the involvement of stakeholders, although this effect will depend on how the process of regionalization operates within the MAP. To evaluate the question of whether management of the species that drive the fisheries adequately allows for the management of by-catch species, the EWG carried out an analysis of correlations between catches of driver species identified in the plan and a variety of by-catch species. The analysis suggested only limited correlation. In view of this, the STECF notes that it is unlikely that relying on the TAC of the driver species to manage other species will be effective, in accordance with CFP requirements. STECF however notes that when analysis was performed at the fleet level, there were more obvious correlations, suggesting some scope to use fleet related management measures for the driver species as a way of managing some of the bycatch species. STECF therefore concludes that management of exploitation rates of non-driver (or bycatch) species is unlikely to occur as an automatic consequence of the management of the main (driver) stocks by TAC considered in the MAP.DG MAR

    Aula de innovación educativa

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    Se describe la experiencia pionera llevada a cabo entre 2008 y 2009 con el estudio Avall en 16 escuelas catalanas al objeto de analizar la efectividad de una intervención educativa en los hábitos alimentarios y la actividad física de los niños de primero de educación primaria. Se empleó la metodología IVAC (investigación, visión, acción y cambio), donde los escolares son los protagonistas al evaluar sus propios comportamientos e influir en las variables o indicadores determinantes de la obesidad..CataluñaConsejería de Educación, Formación y Empleo. Servicio de Publicaciones y Estadística; Avda. de la Fama, 15 - 1ª Planta; 30006 Murcia; Tel. +34968279685; Fax +34968279835; [email protected]