19 research outputs found

    Methods to prevent silken powder collapsing and clushing during storage

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    The article is devoted to the current problem of increasing the nutritional value and safety of flour confectionery products. The possibility of using white mulberry powder as a sugar substitute in the formulation of this type of product has been revealed. The analysis of the chemical composition of the powder has been carried out. It has been found to be prone to caking and clumping, making it difficult to dose. The expediency of using additives with a high content of dietary fiber (cellulose) as anti-caking agents has been substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the plant fibers "Sanacel Wheat 90" and "Vitazel", wheat bran and germ product. On the example of two-phase free-flowing systems, the possibility of controlling the structural and mechanical properties of dispersed systems has been proved. The ratio of the ingredients of the mixture was established, proposals for their use in the production of flour confectionery were developed.&nbsp

    Study of technology to reduce formation of collector-soil water in saline soil conditions

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    This article presents the results of scientific research aimed at the rational use of water resources in the Khorezm region under the conditions of water shortage, prevention of secondary salinization of irrigated areas, reduction of water wastage from irrigation networks, and improvement of efficient water use technologies in reducing the water formed in collector-sink networks

    Some Aspects of Emotional Functioning in Hard-of-Hearing Students

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    Input at early ages, hearing loss can compromise emotional health and cause learning difficulties. Nonetheless, there are relatively few relevant investigations addressing emotional development in hearing-impaired students. The current research intended to compare the self-reported emotional functioning in hearing and hearing-impaired students in order to examine whether there are differences between them. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 94 hard-of-hearing individuals and 104 typical hearing subjects between 16 and 24 years of age from three institutions in Kazakhstan. The overall happiness, life satisfaction, level of anxiety, and emotional preferences were assessed with the Subjective Happiness Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and a questionnaire developed by Dodonov, respectively. The data were subjected to the multivariate analysis of variance. Children and adolescents with hearing loss are reportedly more likely than typical hearing peers to experience various psychosocial difficulties, antisocial disorders, and reactions. However, in the present research, both groups were similar regarding the emotional preferences, apart from the altruistic scale, which was significantly higher (P <0.001) in hearing-impaired participants relative to their hearing counterparts. When compared to normal-hearing persons, hard-of-hearing respondents had higher scores (P <0.001) for trait and state anxiety while having lower scores (P ≤0.001) for satisfaction with life and overall happiness, which could be seen as a matter of concern. As a potential future line of research, throwing more light on other aspects of emotional functioning in learners with hearing loss might be necessary. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory performed on hearing-impaired youth. The findings from this investigation could be of practical help to practitioners working with hard-of-hearing students, providing additional information on their emotional well-being

    Features of flax seeds and their use in the production of “Tahini”

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    Research on the use of natural enrichment additives from vegetable raw materials is becoming increasingly important in solving the problem of providing the population with a complete and nutritionally balanced diet. The article covers a method for solving this urgent problem on the example of “Tahini” sesame paste, characterized by a reduced content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the ω-3 family, in particular, αlinolenic acid. Authors used non-traditional raw materials for this product in order to enrich the paste. The purpose of research was to develop a recipe and technology for the production of sesame paste with the additional use of oil flax seeds to increase the nutritional value of the product. The task of research was to determine the possibility of using oil flax seeds for partial replacement of sesame seeds in the recipe of Tahini paste to enrich its chemical composition with essential fatty acids of the ω-3 family and minor biologically active nutrients. The objects of research were sesame seeds of the variety “Tashkentsky – 122” (GOST 12095-76. Sesame for processing. Specifications), flax seeds of the oilseed variety “Bakhmalsky – 2” (GOST 10582-76. Oil flax seeds. Industrial raw materials. Specifications), “Tahini” sesame paste (TS 10.39.22-2019. “Tahini” sesame paste, peanut butter, and other nut butters. Specifications). The experimental part of the work was carried out in the laboratories of the “Food technology” Department of the Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute. The dependence of the influence of oil flax seeds on the quality and nutritional value of the finished product has been described. During the research, traditional methods for the laboratories of food production enterprises in order to study the properties of raw materials and finished products have been used. Effectiveness of the use of this additive to increase the nutritional value of the pasta has been substantiated. The authors consider it possible jointly using sesame seeds and oil flax in the production of “Tahini” sesame paste

    Usbekistans Politik gegenüber Afghanistan: Ein neuer Ansatz für ein altes Problem?

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    Neben umfassenden Reformen im Innern hat der Machtwechsel in Usbekistan Ende 2016 auch zu einer Revision der Außenpolitik des Landes geführt. Seitdem ist Usbekistan von seiner traditionell die Eigenständigkeit betonenden außenpolitischen Haltung zu einer proaktiven Politik übergegangen. Dieser Paradigmenwechsel ist am deutlichsten an der Politik Taschkents gegenüber seinen Nachbarn erkennbar. Das seit langem bestehende Muster usbekischer Außenpolitik, mit der Begriffe wie Skepsis, Isolationismus und Arroganz assoziiert wurden, hat sich gewandelt zu intensivem Dialog, gegenseitigem Verständnis und enger Zusammenarbeit. Dieser neue Ansatz hat auch Auswirkungen auf die Beziehungen zu Afghanistan. Usbekistans von Sicherheitsüberlegungen dominierte Politik hat sich in Richtung eines verstärkten politischen Dialogs, intensiveren Handels und humanitärer Zusammenarbeit verändert und steht damit in einem eindeutigen Kontrast zur früheren Praxis. Gleichzeitig ist die usbekische Afghanistanpolitk, deren Wurzeln bis in die frühen 1990er Jahren zurückreichen, im Kern die gleiche geblieben. Nach wie vor nimmt das Land einen äußerst wichtigen Platz auf der usbekischen außenpolitischen Agenda ein

    Correction of the fatty acid composition of purpose dietary fats

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    It has been indicated that, according to very numerous studies, substantial indicators of the functionality of fatty products are the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of ω6 and ω3 families, as well as the ratio of the sum of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (SFA:MUFA:PUFA). Points related to the fortification of the functional properties of fat products of a target (special) purpose by combining their composition with the use of crushed non-defatted (full-fat) masses of oily flax and sesame seeds have been considered. The biological potential of the crushed non-defatted mass of oil flax seeds as a promising component for the enrichment of PUFA of ω3 group of new food vegetable-fat composite mixtures for special purposes have been theoretically substantiated. Insofar as margarines, which are often not balanced in terms of the ratio of fatty acids ω6 and ω3, are usually included as a fat component in the recipes of many bakery and flour confectionery products, this article proposes pre-mixing margarine with non-defatted crushed mass of oil flax and sesame seeds, without extracting the oil from their composition, before adding it to the dough

    Features of flax seeds and their use in the production of “Tahini”

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    Research on the use of natural enrichment additives from vegetable raw materials is becoming increasingly important in solving the problem of providing the population with a complete and nutritionally balanced diet. The article covers a method for solving this urgent problem on the example of “Tahini” sesame paste, characterized by a reduced content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the ω-3 family, in particular, αlinolenic acid. Authors used non-traditional raw materials for this product in order to enrich the paste. The purpose of research was to develop a recipe and technology for the production of sesame paste with the additional use of oil flax seeds to increase the nutritional value of the product. The task of research was to determine the possibility of using oil flax seeds for partial replacement of sesame seeds in the recipe of Tahini paste to enrich its chemical composition with essential fatty acids of the ω-3 family and minor biologically active nutrients. The objects of research were sesame seeds of the variety “Tashkentsky – 122” (GOST 12095-76. Sesame for processing. Specifications), flax seeds of the oilseed variety “Bakhmalsky – 2” (GOST 10582-76. Oil flax seeds. Industrial raw materials. Specifications), “Tahini” sesame paste (TS 10.39.22-2019. “Tahini” sesame paste, peanut butter, and other nut butters. Specifications). The experimental part of the work was carried out in the laboratories of the “Food technology” Department of the Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute. The dependence of the influence of oil flax seeds on the quality and nutritional value of the finished product has been described. During the research, traditional methods for the laboratories of food production enterprises in order to study the properties of raw materials and finished products have been used. Effectiveness of the use of this additive to increase the nutritional value of the pasta has been substantiated. The authors consider it possible jointly using sesame seeds and oil flax in the production of “Tahini” sesame paste

    Development of scientific-based irrigation systems on hydromodule districts of ghoza in irrigated areas of bukhara region based on computer technologies

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    Аbstract. In this article, due to year-by-year global climate change and the increase in water shortage, the water demand for cotton in the Bukhara region was developed based on FAO methodology, i.e., CropWat 8.0 model program, taking into account soil-hydrogeological conditions the results of scientific research are presented. Water-saving, scientifically based irrigation procedures for cotton irrigation were developed according to the generally accepted scale of hydromodular regions N.F. Bespalov. The seasonal irrigation norms of cotton in the Bukhara region by hydromodule regions were 3900 (VIII) - 7200 (I) m3/ha