167 research outputs found

    Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures

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    ZnO-based nanomaterials have been proven to be of great use for several leading applications since the beginning of nanoscience due to the abundance of zinc element and the relatively easy conversion of its oxide to nanostructures. Nowadays, ZnO as nanoparticles, nanowires, nanofibers as well as plenty of other sophisticated nanostructures takes place among the pioneer nanomaterials employed in the photovoltaic systems, fuel cells, and biomedical fields. Nevertheless, optimizing energy consumption and being eco-friendly are the challenging requirements that are still to be overcome for their synthesis. Green chemistry has been strongly presented recently in the scientific arena as an adequate potential alternative; worldwide investigations have been held on subjects involving bacteria, fungus, or algae-based synthesis as efficient options, and some of the intriguing scientific findings on this subject are reported hereafter

    Monthly Electricity Generatıon Forecast in Solar Power Plants with LSTM

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    Today, with the intensive use of electrical devices, the need for electricity has increased. Fossil fuels are generally used to meet this need. However, considering the damage caused by fossil fuels to the environment, governments make various incentives for renewable energy sources. The incentives of countries for solar power plants are quite large. Recently, there are many investors who want to build solar power plants. The sunshine duration of our country is quite high. And the fact that the climatic conditions are efficient for the generation of electricity attracts many investors. However, the installation of these power plants is quite costly. It is possible to predict the amortization periods of these costs with the ever-developing artificial intelligence technology. In this study, the energy data to be produced in the future is estimated by using real solar power plant data with machine learning algorithms. Data, take from solar power plants owned by HumartaƟ Energy company. In the study, predictions and analyses were made using the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) method, which is one of the artificial neural networks. The error rate of the study between 1% and 15%. It is foreseen that studies will also be implemented with other renewable energy sources such as wind, geothermal, hydraulic energy data in the coming stages

    Anatomically Corrected Malposition of the Great Arteries with Atrioventricular Concordance and Left Juxtaposition of the Atrial Appendages

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    Anatomically corrected malposition of the great arteries is a rare cardiac malformation. In this condition the great arteries are abnormally related to each other and to the ventricles, but arise from the anatomically correct ventricles. In patients with atrioventricular concordant and the absence of associated anomalies, the circulation is physiologically normal. However, ventricular septal defect and right ventricular outflow tract stenosis are the most common accompanying pathologies that require surgical intervention. Here, we present a 9-day-old female with anatomically corrected malposition of the great arteries with wide atrial septal defect, mild right ventricular outflow tract stenosis, left juxtaposition of the atriums, and wide malalignment subaortic ventricular septal defect that required aortotomy to close the defect

    Generalized Lymphadenopathy: Unusual Presentation of Prostate Adenocarcinoma

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    Generalized lymphadenopathy is a rare manifestation of metastatic prostate cancer. Here, we report the case of a 59-year-old male patient with supraclavicular, mediastinal, hilar, and retroperitoneal and inguinal lymphadenopathy, which suggested the diagnosis of lymphoma. There were no urinary symptoms. A biopsy of the inguinal lymph node was compatible with adenocarcinoma, whose prostatic origin was shown by immunohistochemical staining with PSA. The origin of the primary tumor was confirmed by directed prostate biopsy. We emphasize that a suspicion of prostate cancer in men with adenocarcinoma of undetermined origin is important for an adequate diagnostic and therapeutic approach

    Hayvancılıkta Robotik Sistemler ve Yapay Zekù Uygulamaları

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    Hayvancılık, nesillerdir devam eden ve insanoğlunun temel gıda ihtiyacını karĆŸÄ±lamasını sağlayan tarımın bir alt koludur. Ekonomik değer taĆŸÄ±yan hayvanların beslenmesi, bakımı ve ĂŒretimi yapılmaktadır. BĂŒyĂŒkbaƟ, kĂŒĂ§ĂŒkbaƟ, tavukçuluk ve arıcılıkta hayvancılık kapsamında yer almaktadır. Temelinde hayvanların bakımı ve beslenmesi gibi gereksinimlerini karĆŸÄ±layarak insanların gıda ihtiyaçlarının sağlanması amaçlanmÄ±ĆŸtır. Bu ihtiyaçları karĆŸÄ±lamak için hayvan çiftlikleri kurulmaktadır. Çiftliklerde hayvanların gereksinimlerinin sağlanması insan gĂŒcĂŒne dayalı olarak sĂŒrdĂŒrĂŒlmektedir. Ancak gĂŒnĂŒmĂŒzde teknolojinin geliƟmesiyle insan gĂŒcĂŒnĂŒn yerine makineler geçmektedir. GömĂŒlĂŒ sistemler, robotik ve yapay zeka gibi konu alanlarının hayatımıza girmesiyle beraber karĆŸÄ±laĆŸÄ±lan sorunlara daha kapsamlı çözĂŒmler bulunmaktadır. Ä°nsan hatasından kaynaklanan ve kullanılan iƟ gĂŒcĂŒnĂŒ azaltarak en doğru bir Ɵekilde mevcut teknolojiden faydalanılarak hayvancılık yapılması önerilmiƟtir. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmamızda, literatĂŒrde bulunan hayvancılık kapsamında yapay zeka uygulamaları, görĂŒntĂŒ iƟleme tabanlı sistemler, otonom çiftlik sistemleri incelenmiƟtir. Ä°ncelemelerden yola çıkarak insan hatasını minimize ederek yapay zeka tabanlı bir çiftliğin ĂŒretim kalitesi ve hızı yĂŒksek oranda arttığı sonucuna varılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Mevcut çiftliklerde kendi kararını verebilen yapay zekaya sahip sistemlerin kullanılması ĂŒretim ve beslemenin yanı sıra hastalık tespiti de yapabilmektedir. Tamamen sayısal verilerden yola çıkarak maksimum verim elde etmek hedeflenmektedir

    Hareket Yakalama ve Sanal Gerçeklik Teknolojileri Kullanarak Oyun Tabanlı Rehabilitasyon

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    Ä°nsanların kas ve sinir sisteminin tahribatı ile ortaya çıkan hastalıklar hayat kalitesi ĂŒzerinde ciddi etkiler göstermektedir. Bu hastalıklardan en önemlilerden biri hemiplejidir. Hemipleji, diğer bir adıyla kısmi felç, vĂŒcudun sol ve sağ bölgelerini etkileyen sinir sistemi hastalığıdır. Söz konusu hastalıkta, bireylerin beyinlerinde meydana gelen hasarlardan dolayı hareket edememe veya hareket etmekte gĂŒĂ§lĂŒk yaƟanılması gibi sorunlar oluƟmaktadır. Bu hastalıkta tedavi ve rehabilitasyon aƟaması son derece önemlidir. Hastalığı erken teƟhis ederek rehabilitasyon sĂŒreci hemen baƟlatılmalıdır. Diğer vĂŒcut fonksiyonlarına zarar verilmeden iyileƟme sağlanması tedavinin temel amacıdır. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmamızda, rehabilitasyon sĂŒreci aƟamasındaki hastaların hareketlerini algılayarak, oyun tabanlı bir sanal gerçeklik uygulaması geliƟtirilmiƟtir. Hastanın parmaklarına 10 adet esneklik sensörĂŒ ve eklemlerine 13 adet MPU9250 eğim sensörĂŒ olmak ĂŒzere toplamda 23 adet sensör yerleƟtirilmiƟtir. Sensörlerden alınan veriler öncelikle kalibre edilmiƟtir. Kalibre edilmiƟ sensörlerden, sanal gerçeklik gözlĂŒÄŸĂŒne gelen gerçek zamanlı veriler ile hemipleji hastalarının hareketleri algılanmÄ±ĆŸtır. Hemipleji hastalarına uzman fizyoterapistler tarafından verilen hareketlere uygun oyun modu tasarlanmÄ±ĆŸtır. Sanal gerçeklik gözlĂŒÄŸĂŒ takılı olan hasta, oyun moduna göre oyun oynayabilmektedir. GözlĂŒkte gösterilen ve uygulanması istenilen oyun, fizyoterapistler tarafından belirlenmiƟ hareketlere bağlı bir oyundur. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmanın hemipleji hastalarının iyileƟme sĂŒrecine önemli katkı sağlayacağı dĂŒĆŸĂŒnĂŒlmektedir

    Experiences of Infant and Child Care of Mothers with Disabilities in Turkey: A Qualitative Study

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    Mothers with disabilities have difficulties fulfilling their gender and motherhood roles. The purpose of this study was to determine the infant and child care-related experiences of mothers with disabilities in Turkey. A conventional content analysis was used in this qualitative design. Fourteen mothers with disabilities participated in semi-structured in-depth interviewsconsisting of open-ended questions about their infant and child care experiences. Three themes and eight subthemes emerged from the data analysis. The themes were: role fulfillment, barriers, and coping and support. All of the women said that they wanted to become mothers, and when they did so, they felt they had fulfilled their roles in society. However, there was a societal misconception that woman with disabilities ‘could not give birth to children or would not properly care for them. Measures should be taken to eliminate negative social perceptions of mothers with  disabilities. Public support should be provided to meet the needs of mothers with disabilities. (Afr J Reprod Health 2018; 22[4]: 81-91).Keywords: Mothers with disabilities; child care; infant care; qualitative research, Turke


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    The title compound, C14H12INO, adopts the phenol–imine tautomeric form. The dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 20.6 (3)°. The mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bond while in the crystal, weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into a zigzag chain parallel to the b axis
