26 research outputs found

    Interpretasi Sebaran Mineralisasi Logam Emas Berdasarkan Nilai Resistivity Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Konfigurasi Wenner

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    The limitation of data and information about distribution of gold mineralization based on the value of resistivity in the hosted rock on WIUP exploration PT. Indi Karya Anugerah which is located in Long Iram, West Kutai, East Borneo becomes the background of this study. The purpose of this study is expected to find the indications of gold mineralization anomalies based on the geophysical data of geoelectrical resistivity value hosted rock, rock contacts, mineralization and the sub-surface distribution. Vertical geoelectrical resistivity inversion using Wenner configuration for eight line of one with the position of the potential electrode and current electrode arranged from C1-P1-P2-C2. Based on the result of resistivity interpretation using software RES2Dinv showed that the lowest resistivity value of materials is 1.23Ωm till the highest one is 119085Ωm with rocks encountered indicated as Latite which was exposed, had a high resistivity. Outcrop of alteration area was found with relatively low resistivity and based on its physical characteristics as well as indication of gold occurrences in rock samples with grade of 2.01 ppm on line 01-line 02 and 2.27ppm on line 08 which were the analysis result in laboratory

    The Effect USAge of Cryoprotective Types on the Quality of Surimi Fish Siamese (Pangasius Hypophthalmus)

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    This research aimed to determine USAge effect of types cryoprotective on the surimi quality of fish siamese. The method used in this research is the conduct the surimi making of fish siamese with the addition of different cryoprotective. The cryoprotective ingredients used in this research is the S0 = (sucrose 4% + polyphosphate 0,3%), S1 = (sorbitol 4% + polyphosphate 0,3%), S2 = (sucrose 4% + 4% sorbitol + polyphosphates 0, 3%). Parameters tested were physical analysis consists of fold test, bite test and chemical analysis consists of moisture content and protein content. The average value surimi of fish siamese with the addition of cryoprotective ingredients S0, S1 and S2 respectively for fold test was 4,63, 4,81, 6,33, bite test 5,11, 5,00, 5,35, moisture content 68.19%, 70.26%, 71.63%, and the protein content of 9.27%, 11.70%, 13.26%. The results showed that surimi of fish siamese with the addition of cryoprotective on the treatment S2 is the best treatment. The value of folding test, bite test, moisture and protein content of surimi are 6.33, 5.35, 71.63% and 13.26%

    Utilization of Marine Fungal Nodulisporium SP. Kt29 Metabolites to Improve the Production Performance of Marine Culture of White Shrimp

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    This study aimed to determine the best dose of administration of marine fungal Nodulisporium sp. KT29 metabolites to improve the production performance of marine culture of white shrimp. The experimental animals used were white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei post larvae 12, which were reared in the sea using floating net cages with a stocking density of 700 post larvae/net. Experimental design used was a completely randomized design consisting of 3 treatments with 3 replications; control without the administration of Nodulisporium sp. KT29 metabolites, dietary of feed containing Nodulisporium sp. KT29 metabolites at doses of 20 mL/kg of feed and 40 mL/kg of feed. The results showed that survival rate, absolute length growth, weight gain, daily growth rate and feed conversion ratio in treatment groups were better than the control (P<0.05). The administration of marine fungal Nodulisporium sp. KT29 metabolites at a dose of 20 mL/kg of feed could improve the production performance of white shrimp cultivated in the sea with survival rate, daily growth rate and feed conversion ratio: 66.61±6.94%, 20.18±0.39 %/day and 3.20±0.22, respectively

    Placement of Floating Net Cages Cultivation System Based on Current Dynamics Model in the Semak Lagoon, Indonesia

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    This research examines the dynamics of 3-dimensional flow and the placement of floating cages in the Semak Daun Lagoon (SDL). The research was carried out using 3-dimensional current modeling process, which is designed in four tidal conditions model in accordance with the wind and tidal pressure generation. Furthermore, this research used the discretization method to vertically determine the finite volume and sigma coordinates, therefore, the whole domain was 43,575 triangular elements. The acuration of model showed by a MAPE value of 9.9%, its shows model is a very good category. The results of the model showed that the monsoons do not have a significant effect on the current pattern and velocity in SDL, however, the dominant current dynamics are influenced by tides. In addition, the current pattern in SDL waters generally moves from the Southwest to the Northeast at low tides and vice versa. In all tidal conditions, downwelling and upwelling occurred in the middle of the lagoon, with the current pattern and velocity significantly affected by Bathymetry. Surface and vertical current velocities range from 0.002 - 0.600 m/s. However, the current velocities of 0.10 - 0.20 m/s were only found at -2 m depth. Meanwhile, the optimum current velocity for marine cultivation activities is 0.10 - 0.50 m/s, therefore the utilization of SDL waters for floating net cage system cultivation is more optimal at a depth of -2.3 m