20 research outputs found

    Import test questions into Moodle LMS

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    The purpose of the study is to highlight the theoretical and methodological aspects of preparing the test questions of the most common types in the form of text files for further import into learning management system (LMS) Moodle. The subject of the research is the automated filling of the Moodle LMS test database. The objectives of the study: to analyze the import files of test questions, their advantages and disadvantages; to develop guidelines for the preparation of test questions of common types in the form of text files for further import into Moodle LMS. The action algorithms for importing questions and instructions for submitting question files in such formats as Aiken, GIFT, Moodle XML, "True/False" questions, "Multiple Choice" (one of many and many of many), "Matching", with an open answer - "Numerical" or "Short answer" and "Essay" are offered in this article. The formats for submitting questions, examples of its designing and developed questions were demonstrated in view mode in Moodle LMS

    Digital Humanities Event Horizon

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    This is an introductory text to a collection of selected papers from the Digital Humanities Workshop (DHW 2021), held in Kyiv, Ukraine, on the December 23, 2021. It consists of short introduction, papers’ review and some observations about the event and its future.Це вступний текст до збірки вибраних робіт з семінар цифрових гуманітарних наук (ЦГС 2021), що відбувся в Києві, Україна, 23 грудня 2021 року. Він складається з короткого вступу, огляду доповідей та деяких спостережень щодо події та її майбутнього

    Requirements for the content and training of PhD in the specialty of automation and computer-integrated technologies

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    Метою статтi є розкриття вимог до змiсту та пiдготовки докторiв фiлософiї зi спецiальностi 151 Автоматизацiя та комп’ютерно-iнтегрованi технологiї, виконання яких сприятиме успiшнiй акредитацiї освiтньо-наукових програм iнших спецiальностей закладiв вищої освiти України. Методи дослiдження. Пiд час проведення дослiдження здiйснено аналiз нормативної бази документiв для пiдготовки докторiв фiлософiї, стандартiв вищої освiти, науково-методичної лiтератури, освiтньо-наукових програм закладiв вищої освiти. Результати дослiдження полягають у висвiтленнi основних аспектiв, на якi слiд звернути увагу задля успiшної акредитацiї освiтньо-наукових програм.The aim of the article is to disclose the requirements for the content and training of PhDs in the specialty 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies, the implementation of which will contribute to the successful accreditation of educational and scientific programs of other specialties of higher educational institutions in Ukraine. Research Methods. The study involved the analysis of the regulatory framework of documents for the training of doctors of philosophy, standards of higher education, scientific and methodological literature, educational and scientific programs of higher educational institutions. The results of the study consist in highlighting the main aspects that should be taken into account for the successful accreditation of educational and scientific programs

    AREdu 2021 – Імерсивні технології сьогодні

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    This is an introductory text to a collection of papers from the AREdu 2021: The 4th International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education, which was held in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, on the May 11, 2021. It consists of short introduction, papers’ review and some observations about the event and its future.Це вступний текст до збірника статей з AREdu 2021: 4-того Міжнародного семінар з питань доповненої реальності в освіті, який відбувся 11 травня 2021 року в Кривому Розі, Україна. Він складається з короткого вступу, огляду статей та деяких спостереження щодо події та її майбутнього

    Design methodology for immersive educational resources

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    Based on the analysis of sources on the problem of research, the article defines types of electronic educational resources (EER), general requirements for them, focuses on didactic and methodological requirements and existing holistic systems of psychological and pedagogical requirements for EER, presents the main types of parameters that can be used to evaluate the quality of EER, analyzes the typical structure of EER and characterizes its components. The analysis of approaches to defining the concepts of ``immersiveness'', ``immersive educational environment'', ``immersive approach in education'', ``immersive educational resources'' (IER) was carried out, on the basis of which the relationship between the virtual environment and immersive learning environment was determined, the pedagogical aspects of learning in immersive environments were considered, the classification of IER was made. The main components of IER design and implementation are analyzed, and the essence of IER design and IER design methodology is determined.In the main part of the proposed general model of the methodology of IOR design and analyzed the goals, subjects of methods, stages, and content of training, forms of organization of the educational process, methods, teaching tools, and predicted results of the methodology.In the conclusion the elements of the methodology of IЕR design are presented, in particular, a complex IЕR in the form of a distance learning course, examples of designing prototypes of immersive teaching materials, etc. are considered.Based on the analysis of sources on the problem of research, the article defines types of electronic educational resources (EER), general requirements for them, focuses on didactic and methodological requirements and existing holistic systems of psychological and pedagogical requirements for EER, presents the main types of parameters that can be used to evaluate the quality of EER, analyzes the typical structure of EER and characterizes its components. The analysis of approaches to defining the concepts of ``immersiveness'', ``immersive educational environment'', ``immersive approach in education'', ``immersive educational resources'' (IER) was carried out, on the basis of which the relationship between the virtual environment and immersive learning environment was determined, the pedagogical aspects of learning in immersive environments were considered, the classification of IER was made. The main components of IER design and implementation are analyzed, and the essence of IER design and IER design methodology is determined.In the main part of the proposed general model of the methodology of IOR design and analyzed the goals, subjects of methods, stages, and content of training, forms of organization of the educational process, methods, teaching tools, and predicted results of the methodology.In the conclusion the elements of the methodology of IЕR design are presented, in particular, a complex IЕR in the form of a distance learning course, examples of designing prototypes of immersive teaching materials, etc. are considered