30 research outputs found

    Negotiation of Identities by International Teaching Assistants through the Use of Humor in University Classrooms

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    Research on international teaching assistants (ITAs) often highlights that ITAs have at least two identities, an identity of a teacher and a student (e.g., Jenkins, 2000). Since American classrooms foster a variety of behaviors that are negotiated by instructors and students, ITAs may identify themselves with students during behavior negotiation when building rapport, especially by exchanging jokes (Unger-Gallagher, 1991). Making their student identity relevant may distort the teacher-student relationship, which ITAs might need to renegotiate. Little research has been done to show whether ITA student identity actually emerges and if does, then how. This study addresses the questions of what attributes of ITA\u27s identities emerge during humorous exchanges with their students, how these attributes shape the teacher-student relationship, and what role humor plays in the identity negotiation process between the ITAs and their students in the university classroom. Four ITAs, all non-native English speakers, participated in this microethnographic study. This study informs research on social identity in that, most of the time, participants made the attributes of their teacher identity relevant, with teacher authority emerging as the most important attribute. While enacting their teacher identity through humorous exchanges, ITAs built rapport and created affiliation with their students. Although humor led to establishing good relationships, it did not lead to the emergence of ITA student identity. This study also contributes to research on humor in that it makes a distinction between the concepts of the target and the butt which allows for deeper understanding of how humor is used to negotiate identity. It also introduces the target switch, or a particular type of counter teasing, in which the initial target redirects humorous aggression to the teaser, thus making her/him the target and a potential butt of the tease. An optimistic finding for ITA research and research on the use of humor by non-native speakers is that even without extensive experience with American culture in general, ITAs can use humor rooted in the local context to negotiate different classroom behaviors and their identities with their students

    ESL teacher training in 3D virtual worlds

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    Differential equations. Stability theory

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    Конспект лекцій розрахований для іноземних студентів спеціальності 113 "Прикладна математика" денної форми навчання

    Геометрия и топология подмноговидов и анализ на многовидах

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    Найдено топологическое строение многомерного компактного многообразия с плоским слойки ковимирности один. Доказано, что если нормальные кривизны гиперповерхности отделены от единицы, то гиперповерхность в геометрии Гильберта является компактной. Доказано, что некомпактные финслеровы подмноговиды неотрицательной кривизны Риччи в пространствах Минковского являются цилиндрами, если подмноговиду принадлежит прямая объемного пространства Минковского. Найдены все возможные случаи строения многомерного компактного многообразия с плоским слоем ковимирности один. Доказано, что для регулярного вложения двумерной сферы в евклидово четырехмерное пространство, существует такая точка, что любая двумерная плоскость, проходящая через эту точку, пересекает сферу. Найдены критерии разрешимости интерполяционных задач в классах мероморфных функций в полуплоскости. Описаны линейные функционалы в классах целых функций конечного порядка

    Комплексний аналiз

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    Пiдручник написано вiдповiдно до дiючої програми курсу теорiї функцiй однiєї комплексної змiнної для студентiв математичних i фiзичних спецiальностей класичних унiверситетiв України. Вiн складається з теоретичної частини та вправ. Пiдручник буде корисний також студентам природничих i технiчних спецiальностей ЗВО, аспiрантам та науковцям

    Комплексний аналiз

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    Пiдручник написано вiдповiдно до дiючої програми курсу теорiї функцiй однiєї комплексної змiнної для студентiв математичних i фiзичних спецiальностей класичних унiверситетiв України. Вiн складається з теоретичної частини та вправ. Пiдручник буде корисний також студентам природничих i технiчних спецiальностей ЗВО, аспiрантам та науковцям

    Characteristics of COVID-19 in pediatric patients with hematological malignancies

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    Introduction: As more data is collected, hematologists will be able to gain more insight into the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on pediatric patients with hematological malignancies. Material and methods: We analysed 21 cases of COVID-19 in pediatric patients with onco-hematological diseases treated in the Western Ukrainian Pediatric Medical Center from March 2020 through May 2021. The majority of patients (71.4%) were diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. All patients from the analyzed cohort had an asymptomatic, mild or moderate course of coronavirus-19 infection. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 were fever, cough, gastrointestinal symptoms, and dermatitis. Severe severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 increased the risk of liver toxicity and venous thrombosis. Results and conclusion: Our analysis showed that pediatric patients with hematological malignancies need the same treatment approach for COVID-19 as for other infective complications