9 research outputs found

    Analysis of Composite Coating of Deep Drawing Tool

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    Modern coating methods have become an important part of industrial practice. For some materials and operations, the use of abrasion-resistant and hard coatings is an absolute necessity; for others, they are the key to greater efficiency and productivity. The aim of this work was to apply and subsequently analyze a new type of thin coating micro-layers TiAlN and TiAlCN, applied using HIPIMS coating technology from a physical point of view. In particular, chemical composition (EDS) and microstructure analyses were carried out in the area of applied coatings. Prepared cross-sectional metallographic samples were evaluated using electron microscopy. A detailed microstructural characterization of the individual elements was carried out on the lamellae of the investigated sample using transmission electron microscopy. It was found that this new multilayer micro-coating based on TiAlN + TiAlCN at a thickness of 5.8 µm increases the repeatability of production strokes by 200%. This finding was confirmed by testing the production of cartridges in the real operation of a large manufacturing company

    Design of cam driving test equipment

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    The work deals with the design of a test equipment designed for fatigue testing of the cutter bed. The disk cam drives the rocker, which is pressed against the cam surface by the coil spring. The test drum (buchar) copies the movement of the rocker to generate the exciting force that is loaded by the bed of the milling cutter. Based on unmatched data, the Wohler curve will be determined. This article deals only with parts of the design station. In particular, the design of the cam will be discussed here

    Analysis of torque cam mechanism

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    The article deals with the process of torque camshaft at a constant speed. The method of release was determined by the normal force acting between the cam and the tappet. Subsequently, was expressed torque. A prerequisite for the calculations are a constant friction coefficient between the components of the mechanism and constant speed of the camshaft. Cam used for the purposes of this study generated polynomial lifting dependence. Part of this work is the calculation methodology lifting addiction. Course of torque is the conclusion presented on the values of the corresponding measuring station, which is the result of previous work on the subject

    Comprehensive Research and Analysis of a Coated Machining Tool with a New TiAlN Composite Microlayer Using Magnetron Sputtering

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    The application of thin monolayers helps to increase the endurance of a cutting tool during the drilling process. One such trendy coating is TiAlN, which guarantees high wear resistance and helps to “smooth out” surface defects. For this reason, a new type of weak TiAlN microlayer with a new composition has been developed and applied using the HIPIMs magnetron sputtering method. The aim of this study was to analyze surface-applied micro coatings, including chemical composition (EDX) and microstructure in the area of the coatings. Microstructural characterization and visualization of the surface structures of the TiAlN layer were performed using atomic force microscopy. To study the surface layer of the coatings, metallographic cross-sectional samples were prepared and monitored using light and electron microscopy methods. The microhardness of the test layer was also determined. Analyses have shown that a 2-to-4-micron thick monolayer has a microhardness of about 2500 HV, which can help increase the life of cutting tools

    Analysis of torque cam mechanism

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    The article deals with the process of torque camshaft at a constant speed. The method of release was determined by the normal force acting between the cam and the tappet. Subsequently, was expressed torque. A prerequisite for the calculations are a constant friction coefficient between the components of the mechanism and constant speed of the camshaft. Cam used for the purposes of this study generated polynomial lifting dependence. Part of this work is the calculation methodology lifting addiction. Course of torque is the conclusion presented on the values of the corresponding measuring station, which is the result of previous work on the subject

    PTFE Based Multilayer Micro-Coatings for Aluminum AlMg3 Forms Used in Tire Production

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    The basic prerequisite for obtaining the coating of good quality is the production of a layer without the occurrence of surface defects. A possible solution to the occurrence of defects on the functional surface of the form is the application of a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-based coating. The coating helps to reduce surface roughness and “smooth” defects like pores and micro-shrinkage. For this reason, a new type and methodology of the coating were prepared to achieve more production cycles between the individual cleaning processes during the production of a tire. The subject of the study was the analysis of surface-applied micro-coatings, including the analysis of chemical composition by using energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and microstructure in the area of coatings. Detailed microstructural characterization of Alfipas 7818 and Alfiflon 39 and its imaging of surface structures were studied using atomic force microscopy. To examine the surface layer of the coatings, metallographic specimens of cross-sections (by means of a mold) were prepared and examined by light and electron microscopy. This new multilayer micro-coating with a thickness of 20–25 μm has been found to prevent form contamination during tire production and to extend production cycles by 200–400% between process cleanings. This finding was actually tested in the production of tires in the environment of a large manufacturing company

    Microstructural Characteristics of Al-Ti-B Inoculation Wires and Their Addition to the AlSi7Mg0.3 Alloy

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    Commercially supplied inoculation wires have a guaranteed chemical composition but not the size and distribution of individual phases, which are very important for nucleation. Therefore, two commercial alloys used for the inoculation of Al-Si alloys (AlTi3B1 and AlTi5B1) are investigated in this paper. The emphasis is placed on their structural analysis and the size and distribution of individual intermetallic phases. Furthermore, the grain refinement effect will be tested by adding these alloys to the AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy and testing the optimal amount of added inoculation wires. The results showed that the size and distribution of the individual phases in AlTi3B1 and AlTi5B1 meet the requirements for the successful inoculation of aluminum alloys, the intermetallic phases based on the TiAl3 phase are fine enough, and there is no agglomeration that would reduce the number of nuclei. This assumption was confirmed by adding these inoculants to the AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy, and it was found that the most ideal amount of inoculants added is 0.01 wt % when the structure was refined by approximately 32%

    Розробка методу визначення положення об'єкту з використанням типової форми його зображення

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    Violating the observation conditions for the investigated objects leads to the formation of diverse typical forms of objects throughout the frame in the series. As a consequence, determining the exact position of the object on the frame becomes difficult. To this end, a method was devised to determine the position of an object using the typical form of its image on a series of frames. This method is based on the formation of a typical form of a digital image of an object based on data from all frames of the series. This makes it possible to take into account the peculiarities of the very formation of the digital image of an object on each frame of the original series. Based on this, a more accurate assessment of the initial approximation of the parameters of all Gaussians of the object's image is performed. Adapting the method specifically for the typical form allows for a more accurate assessment of the positional parameters (coordinates) of the object in comparison with the analytically set profile. The estimation of the position of an object was obtained using the method of least squares. After that, minimization was performed using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Also, the use of the method makes it possible to improve identification with reference objects and reduce the number of false detections. The study showed a reduction in the standard deviation of frame identification errors by 7–10 times when using a typical digital image shape. The method devised for determining the position of an object using the typical form of its image was tested in practice within the framework of the CoLiTec project. It was implemented in the intraframe processing unit of the Lemur software to automatically detect new objects and track known ones. Owing to the use of Lemur software and the proposed computational method implemented in it, more than 700,000 measurements of various objects under study were successfully processed and identifiedПорушення умов зйомки досліджуваних об'єктів призводить до формування різноманітної типової форми об'єктів по всьому кадру серії. Наслідком цього визначення точного положення об'єкту на кадрі стає скрутним. Для цього було розроблено метод визначення положення об'єкту з використанням типової форми його зображення на серії кадрів. Даний метод заснований на формуванні типової форми цифрового зображення об'єкта на основі даних з усіх кадрів серії. Вона дозволяє врахувати особливості формування зображення об'єкта на кожному кадрі початкової серії.  Базуючись на цьому, виконується більш точна оцінка початкового наближення параметрів усіх гауссіан зображення об'єкта. Адаптація методу саме під типову форму дозволяє виконати більш точну оцінку позиційних параметрів (координат) об'єкту у порівнянні з аналітично заданим профілем. Оцінка положення об'єкта була отримана за допомогою методу найменших квадратів. Після цього була виконана мінімізація за допомогою алгоритму Левенберга-Марквардта. Також використання методу дозволяє покращити ототожнення з опорними об'єктами та скоротити кількість помилкових виявлень. Дослідження показало зменшення середньоквадратичного відхилення помилок ототожнення кадрів у 7‒10 разів при використанні типової форми цифрового зображення. Розроблений метод визначення положення об'єкту з використанням типової форми його зображення був апробований на практиці в рамках проекту CoLiTec. Він був впроваджений в блоці внутрішньокадрової обробки програмного забезпечення Lemur для автоматизованого виявлення нових та супроводу відомих об'єктів. Завдяки використанню програмного забезпечення Lemur та впровадженого в нього запропонованого обчислювального методу було успішно оброблено та ототожнено понад 700 000 вимірювань різних об'єктів, що досліджуютьс