1,467 research outputs found

    Effects of Various Combinations and Numbers of Lead: Iron Pellets Dosed in Wild-Type Captive Mallards

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    Final Report, Contract No. 14-16-0008-914INHS Technical Report prepared for unspecified recipien

    Hierarchical galaxy formation and substructure in the Galaxy's stellar halo

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    We develop an explicit model for the formation of the stellar halo from tidally disrupted, accreted dwarf satellites in the cold dark matter (CDM) framework, focusing on predictions testable with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and other wide-field surveys. Subhalo accretion and orbital evolution are calculated using a semi-analytic approach within the Press-Schechter formalism. Motivated by our previous work, we assume that low-mass subhalos (v < 30 km/s) can form significant populations of stars only if they accreted a substantial fraction of their mass before the epoch of reionization. With this assumption, the model reproduces the observed velocity function of galactic satellites in the Local Group, solving the ``dwarf satellite problem'' without modifying the popular LCDM cosmology. The disrupted satellites yield a stellar distribution with a total mass and radial density profile consistent with those observed for the Milky Way stellar halo. Most significantly, the model predicts the presence of many large-scale, coherent substructures in the outer halo. These substructures are remnants of individual, tidally disrupted dwarf satellite galaxies. Substructure is more pronounced at large galactocentric radii because of the smaller number density of tidal streams and the longer orbital times. This model provides a natural explanation for the coherent structures in the outer stellar halo found in the SDSS commissioning data, and it predicts that many more such structures should be found as the survey covers more of the sky. The detection (or non-detection) and characterization of such structures could eventually test variants of the CDM scenario, especially those that aim to solve the dwarf satellite problem by enhancing satellite disruption.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to Ap

    MRI-based Surgical Planning for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

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    The most common reason for spinal surgery in elderly patients is lumbar spinal stenosis(LSS). For LSS, treatment decisions based on clinical and radiological information as well as personal experience of the surgeon shows large variance. Thus a standardized support system is of high value for a more objective and reproducible decision. In this work, we develop an automated algorithm to localize the stenosis causing the symptoms of the patient in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). With 22 MRI features of each of five spinal levels of 321 patients, we show it is possible to predict the location of lesion triggering the symptoms. To support this hypothesis, we conduct an automated analysis of labeled and unlabeled MRI scans extracted from 788 patients. We confirm quantitatively the importance of radiological information and provide an algorithmic pipeline for working with raw MRI scans

    Corrugated Silicon Platelet Feed Horn Array for CMB Polarimetry at 150 GHz

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    Next generation cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization anisotropy measurements will feature focal plane arrays with more than 600 millimeter-wave detectors. We make use of high-resolution photolithography and wafer-scale etch tools to build planar arrays of corrugated platelet feeds in silicon with highly symmetric beams, low cross-polarization and low side lobes. A compact Au-plated corrugated Si feed designed for 150 GHz operation exhibited performance equivalent to that of electroformed feeds: ~-0.2 dB insertion loss, <-20 dB return loss from 120 GHz to 170 GHz, <-25 dB side lobes and <-23 dB cross-polarization. We are currently fabricating a 50 mm diameter array with 84 horns consisting of 33 Si platelets as a prototype for the SPTpol and ACTpol telescopes. Our fabrication facilities permit arrays up to 150 mm in diameter.Comment: 12 pages; SPIE proceedings for Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V (Conference 7741, June 2010, San Diego, CA, USA

    Development and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Science Communication Module

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of an undergraduate final year science communication module for the Science Faculty at the University of East Anglia. The module focuses specifically on science communication and aims to bring an understanding of how science is disseminated to the public. Students on the module are made aware of the models surrounding science communication and investigate how the science culture interfaces with the public. During the module they learn how to adapt science concepts for different audiences and how to talk confidently about science to a lay-audience. Student motivation for module choice centres on the acquisition of transferable skills and students develop these skills through designing, running and evaluating a public outreach event at a school or in a public area. These transferable skills acquired include communication, interaction with different organisations such as museums and science centres, developing understanding of both the needs of different audiences and the importance of time management. They also develop skills relating to self-reflection and how to use this as a tool for future self development. The majority of students completing the module go on to further study, either a PhD, MSc or teacher training. The module can be sustained in its present formed if capped at 40 students, however it is recognised that to increase cohort size, further investment of faculty time and resources would be required

    Tidal stirring and the origin of dwarf spheroidals in the Local Group

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    N-Body/SPH simulations are used to study the evolution of dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs) entering the dark matter halo of the Milky Way or M31 on plunging orbits. We propose a new dynamical mechanism driving the evolution of gas rich, rotationally supported dIrrs, mostly found at the outskirts of the Local Group (LG), into gas free, pressure supported dwarf spheroidals (dSphs) or dwarf ellipticals (dEs), observed to cluster around the two giant spirals. The initial model galaxies are exponential disks embedded in massive dark matter halos and reproduce nearby dIrrs. Repeated tidal shocks at the pericenter of their orbit partially strip their halo and disk and trigger dynamical instabilities that dramatically reshape their stellar component. After only 2-3 orbits low surface brightness (LSB) dIrrs are transformed into dSphs, while high surface brightness (HSB) dIrrs evolve into dEs. This evolutionary mechanism naturally leads to the morphology-density relation observed for LG dwarfs. Dwarfs surrounded by very dense dark matter halos, like the archetypical dIrr GR8, are turned into Draco or Ursa Minor, the faintest and most dark matter dominated among LG dSphs. If disks include a gaseous component, this is both tidally stripped and consumed in periodic bursts of star formation. The resulting star formation histories are in good qualitative agreement with those derived using HST color-magnitude diagrams for local dSphs.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear on ApJL. Simulation images and movies can be found at the Local Group web page at http://pcblu.uni.mi.astro.it/~lucio/LG/LG.htm

    Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars IV: The Extended Structure of the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal

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    We present a large area photometric survey of the Ursa Minor dSph. We identify UMi giant star candidates extending to ~3 deg from the center of the dSph. Comparison to previous catalogues of stars within the tidal radius of UMi suggests that our photometric luminosity classification is 100% accurate. Over a large fraction of the survey area, blue horizontal branch stars associated with UMi can also be identified. The spatial distribution of both the UMi giant stars and the BHB stars are remarkably similar, and a large fraction of both samples of stars are found outside the tidal radius of UMi. An isodensity contour map of the stars within the tidal radius of UMi reveals two morphological peculiarities: (1) The highest density of dSph stars is offset from the center of symmetry of the outer isodensity contours. (2) The overall shape of the outer contours appear S-shaped. We find that previously determined King profiles with ~50' tidal radii do not fit well the distribution of our UMi stars. A King profile with a larger tidal radius produces a reasonable fit, however a power law with index -3 provides a better fit for radii > 20'. The existence of UMi stars at large distances from the core of the galaxy, the peculiar morphology of the dSph within its tidal radius, and the shape of its surface density profile all suggest that UMi is evolving significantly due to the tidal influence of the Milky Way. However, the photometric data on UMi stars alone does not allow us to determine if the candidate extratidal stars are now unbound or if they remain bound to the dSph within an extended dark matter halo. (Abridged)Comment: accepted by AJ, 32 pages, 15 figures, emulateapj5 styl

    Arteriovenous fistulae complicating cardiac pacemaker lead extraction: Recognition, evaluation, and management

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    AbstractTransvenous pacemaker lead extraction has become a commonly performed procedure that is associated with a small but significant risk. We report two cases where lead extraction was complicated by arteriovenous fistulae between branches of the aortic arch and the left brachiocephalic vein. Presenting signs and symptoms included severe chest or back pain, persistent or copious bleeding from the venous puncture site, unexplained hypotension or anemia, superior vena cava syndrome, and signs of central venous hypertension or acute heart failure. One patient whose injury was not recognized immediately and who did not undergo repair died rapidly, whereas the other patient who was diagnosed quickly underwent successful repair. Immediate diagnosis with arteriography and rapid intervention with surgery or percutaneous techniques are indicated and may prevent mortality. (J Vasc Surg 2000;32:1225-8.

    Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars. VI. Extended Distributions of Giant Stars Around the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy -- How Reliable Are They?

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    The question of the existence of active tidal disruption around various dSph galaxies remains controversial. That debate often centers on the nature (bound vs. unbound) of extended populations of stars. However, the more fundamental issue of the very existence of the extended populations is still contentious. We present an evaluation of the debate centering on one particular dSph, Carina, for which claims both for and against the existence of stars beyond the King radius have been made. Our review includes an examination of all previous studies bearing on the Carina radial profile and shows that the survey method which achieves the highest detected dSph signal-to-background in the outer parts of the galaxy is the Washington M, T2 + DDO51 (MTD) filter approach from Paper II in this series. We then address statistical methods used to evaluate the reliability of MTD surveys in the presence of photometric errors and for which a new, a posteriori statistical analysis methodology is provided. Finally, these statistical methods are tested by new spectroscopy of stars in the MTD-selected Carina candidate sample. Of 74 candidate giants with follow-up spectroscopy, the MTD technique identified 61 new Carina members, including 8 stars outside the King radius. From a sample of 29 stars not initially identified as candidate Carina giants but that lie just outside of our selection criteria, 12 have radial velocities consistent with membership, including 5 extratidal stars. Carina is shown to have an extended population of giant stars extending to a major axis radius of 40' (1.44x the nominal King radius).Comment: 56 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journal, 2004 Sep 2

    The Metamorphosis of Tidally Stirred Dwarf Galaxies

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    We present results from high-resolution N-Body/SPH simulations of rotationally supported dwarf irregular galaxies moving on bound orbits in the massive dark matter halo of the Milky Way.The dwarf models span a range in disk surface density and the masses and sizes of their dark halos are consistent with the predictions of cold dark matter cosmogonies. We show that the strong tidal field of the Milky Way determines severe mass loss in their halos and disks and induces bar and bending instabilities that transform low surface brightness dwarfs (LSBs) into dwarf spheroidals (dSphs) and high surface brightness dwarfs (HSBs) into dwarf ellipticals (dEs) in less than 10 Gyr. The final central velocity dispersions of the remnants are in the range 8-30 km/s and their final v/σv/\sigma falls to values <0.5< 0.5, matching well the kinematics of early-type dwarfs. The transformation requires the orbital time of the dwarf to be \simlt 3-4 Gyr, which implies a halo as massive and extended as predicted by hierarchical models of galaxy formation to explain the origin of even the farthest dSph satellites of the Milky Way, Leo I and Leo II. Only dwarfs with central dark matter densities as high as those of Draco and Ursa Minor can survive for 10 Gyr in the proximity of the Milky Way: this is naturally achieved within hierarchical models, where the densest objects should have small orbital times due to their early formation epochs. Part of the gas is stripped and part is funneled to the center due to the bar, generating one strong burst of star formation in HSBs and smaller, multiple bursts in LSBs. Extended low-surface brightness stellar and gaseous streams originate from LSBs and, when projected along the line of sight, can lead to overestimate the mass-to-light ratio of the bound remnant by a factor \simlt 2,Comment: 29 pages, 34 figures, submitted to ApJ. Figures 5,11 and 32 are given as separate GIF files. Other figures and the movies of the simulations can be found at http://pcblu.mib.infn.it/~lucio/LG/LG.htm
