66 research outputs found

    Credibility of Health Site Based on Design and Information Content

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    Websites technology make health information searching easier. It shifts the activity from conventional to online. Therefore, a websites crediblity becomes important since there is no guarantee for truthful information which may cause a malpractice. The credibility of seven health websites is assessed by focusing on the visual design and the information content. The data collection is conducted by applying a quasi-experiment which adopted Bipolar Emotional Response Testing (BERT). The result shows that health websites credibility is affected by the accuracy, authority, objective, and currency as information content. It is also influenced by concise, beautiful, elegant, friendly, fresh, futuristic, sharp and valuable visual design. This article to reveals that the website credibility is still contextual and can be applied to other websites

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Jigsaw pada Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar

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    The application of model learning jigsaw on the nature of science to improve the activity and results of the learning learners class IV MIS Ash halihin Ketapang. The application of model learning jigsaw on the nature of science to improve the activity and results of the learning learners class IV MIS Ash Shalihin Ketapang, Objectives expected of this class of action research is to increase the activity of learning to the learners, and to improve the learning results IPA subjects of students on class IV MIS Ash-Shalihin Ketapang. This research uses the class action research as much as two cycles. The methods used in this research is the deskriftif method. Data analysis of the results obtained that an increase in the activity of learning to the learners, learners are asked on a cycle I and cycle II 65% as much as 80%, the learners who answered on a cycle I and cycle II 45% as much as 75%, learners who delivered an opinion on the cycle I as much as 35% and cycle II as much as 55%, learners carry out commands in cycle I, as much as 65% and cycle II as much as 85%learning outcomes, and increased the value of an average class learners on a cycle I was 65, and cycle II was 74.25

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) Pada Platform Google Untuk Penanggulangan Kebakaran Di Jakarta Selatan

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk pengembangan sistem informasi geografis pada platform googlemengenai letak posisi daerah rawan kebakaran di wilayah Jakarta Selatan beserta titik-titik pendukungpenanggulangan dan juga sebagai alat analisis untuk pengembangan dan penambahan komponen pendukungdalam penanganan dan penanggulangan bencana kebakaran. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian inimenggunakan metodologi waterfall model yang terdiri berbagai tahapan seperti: requirements, analysis,design, coding, testing dan maintenance. Kesimpulan yang yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini antara lainadalah pemanfaatan aplikasi dari sistem informasi geografis (SIG) khususnya yang berbasis web berguna untukSUDIN pemadam kebakaran sebagai alat bantu untuk menanggulangi bahaya kebakaran khususnya di JakartaSelatan. Pemanfaatan SIG ini juga memberikan informasi yang berguna bagi masyarakat mengenai persebarantitik rawan kebakaran dan titik penanggulangan terdekat sehingga masyarakat harus tetap wasapada terhadappotensi kebakaran yang dapat terjadi setiap saat

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Angka Buta Huruf melalui Geographically Weighted Regression: Studi Kasus Propinsi Jawa Timur

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    Analysis of factors that influence the rate of illiteracy can provide important information for education. One such factor is the development of information and communication technology (ICT). Characteristics of illiteracy in East Java showes a spatial pattern. Therefore, to obtain the influencing factors Geographically Weighted Regression spatial modeling (GWR) is utilized. Modeling results indicate that the factors that influence the rate of illiteracy in every location are different. In general, factors influencing literacy rate is the percentage of households which have mobile phone and the percentage of households which access the internet at home

    Fisherman’s Social Network in Fish Marketing Activities during The Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study in Kampung Nelayan Untia, Makassar City)

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    This study aims to find out to determine the form of social network for Grouper (Epinephelus sp.) fishermen in Untia Fisherman Village, Makassar City before the Covid-19 pandemic period and to determine the ability of Grouper (Epinephelus sp.) fishermen in building social networks. during the covid-19 pandemic in the Untia Fisherman's Village, Makassar City. This study uses descriptive qualitative and data collection techniques are observation and interviews using questionnaires. The sampling technique used snowball sampling with a total sample of 10 people. This research was conducted in March-April 2021 in Untia Fisherman's Village, Biringkanaya District, Makassar City with data analysis methods, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, leveraging and affirmation of conclusions (drawing conclusions and verification). The results of this study indicate that (1) there are three forms of fishermen's social networks, namely vertical social networks, vertical social networks and diagonal social networks (2) The ability of fishermen to build social networks is still quite low
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