5,837 research outputs found

    Calycanthne. Distillation with Zinc Dust

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    Efficient algorithms for generalized Stable Marriage and Roommates problems

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    We consider a generalization of the Stable Roommates problem (SR), in which preference lists may be partially ordered and forbidden pairs may be present, denoted by SRPF. This includes, as a special case, a corresponding generalization of the classical Stable Marriage problem (SM), denoted by SMPF. By extending previous work of Feder, we give a two-step reduction from SRPF to 2-SAT. This has many consequences, including fast algorithms for a range of problems associated with finding "optimal" stable matchings and listing all solutions, given variants of SR and SM. For example, given an SMPF instance I, we show that there exists an O(m) "succinct" certificate for the unsolvability of I, an O(m) algorithm for finding all the super-stable pairs in I, an O(m+kn) algorithm for listing all the super-stable matchings in I, an O(m<sup>1.5</sup>) algorithm for finding an egalitarian super-stable matching in I, and an O(m) algorithm for finding a minimum regret super-stable matching in I, where n is the number of men, m is the total length of the preference lists, and k is the number of super-stable matchings in I. Analogous results apply in the case of SRPF

    Progress in building an International Lattice Data Grid

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    We report on progress in setting up the International Lattice Data Grid. We describe the aims and objectives of the ILDG, what has been achieved during its first year of activity and invite feedback from the community.Comment: Lattice2003(activity), 5 pages 2 figures. Edinburgh address correcte

    Stable marriage and roommates problems with restricted edges: complexity and approximability

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    In the Stable Marriage and Roommates problems, a set of agents is given, each of them having a strictly ordered preference list over some or all of the other agents. A matching is a set of disjoint pairs of mutually acceptable agents. If any two agents mutually prefer each other to their partner, then they block the matching, otherwise, the matching is said to be stable. We investigate the complexity of finding a solution satisfying additional constraints on restricted pairs of agents. Restricted pairs can be either forced or forbidden. A stable solution must contain all of the forced pairs, while it must contain none of the forbidden pairs. Dias et al. (2003) gave a polynomial-time algorithm to decide whether such a solution exists in the presence of restricted edges. If the answer is no, one might look for a solution close to optimal. Since optimality in this context means that the matching is stable and satisfies all constraints on restricted pairs, there are two ways of relaxing the constraints by permitting a solution to: (1) be blocked by as few as possible pairs, or (2) violate as few as possible constraints n restricted pairs. Our main theorems prove that for the (bipartite) Stable Marriage problem, case (1) leads to View the MathML source-hardness and inapproximability results, whilst case (2) can be solved in polynomial time. For non-bipartite Stable Roommates instances, case (2) yields an View the MathML source-hard but (under some cardinality assumptions) 2-approximable problem. In the case of View the MathML source-hard problems, we also discuss polynomially solvable special cases, arising from restrictions on the lengths of the preference lists, or upper bounds on the numbers of restricted pairs

    Modeling Stable Matching Problems with Answer Set Programming

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    The Stable Marriage Problem (SMP) is a well-known matching problem first introduced and solved by Gale and Shapley (1962). Several variants and extensions to this problem have since been investigated to cover a wider set of applications. Each time a new variant is considered, however, a new algorithm needs to be developed and implemented. As an alternative, in this paper we propose an encoding of the SMP using Answer Set Programming (ASP). Our encoding can easily be extended and adapted to the needs of specific applications. As an illustration we show how stable matchings can be found when individuals may designate unacceptable partners and ties between preferences are allowed. Subsequently, we show how our ASP based encoding naturally allows us to select specific stable matchings which are optimal according to a given criterion. Each time, we can rely on generic and efficient off-the-shelf answer set solvers to find (optimal) stable matchings.Comment: 26 page

    Immediate On-Demand Emergent Administrative Training Program for First-Time Respiratory Therapy Supervisors with Little or No Prior Supervisory Experience

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    First-time frontline clinical supervisors, such as Respiratory Therapy (RT) supervisors are management officials that are often hired with little or no prior supervisory experience, and the administrative duties required of an RT supervisor are not taught as part of a clinical RT college program. This project is designed to provide an overview and an immediate on-demand emergent administrative training program for the administrative responsibilities required of a first-time RT supervisor with little or no prior supervisory experience, that are required to supervise respiratory therapists that provide critical patient care, and ensure that these respiratory therapists do not harm patients. It can take several years supervising a respiratory therapy department to learn and become proficient with the required administrative responsibilities, in conjunction with the completion of professional development courses to learn how to supervise an RT department in the most effective manner. This dissertation project will help them deal with issues when supervising an RT department for the first time, and transition into RT management as smoothly as possible

    Rank Maximal Matchings -- Structure and Algorithms

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    Let G = (A U P, E) be a bipartite graph where A denotes a set of agents, P denotes a set of posts and ranks on the edges denote preferences of the agents over posts. A matching M in G is rank-maximal if it matches the maximum number of applicants to their top-rank post, subject to this, the maximum number of applicants to their second rank post and so on. In this paper, we develop a switching graph characterization of rank-maximal matchings, which is a useful tool that encodes all rank-maximal matchings in an instance. The characterization leads to simple and efficient algorithms for several interesting problems. In particular, we give an efficient algorithm to compute the set of rank-maximal pairs in an instance. We show that the problem of counting the number of rank-maximal matchings is #P-Complete and also give an FPRAS for the problem. Finally, we consider the problem of deciding whether a rank-maximal matching is popular among all the rank-maximal matchings in a given instance, and give an efficient algorithm for the problem

    A comparison of the influence of hormones, vitamins, and other dietary factors upon the formation of bone, dentine, and enamel

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