10 research outputs found
Time‐lapse photogrammetry reveals hydrological controls of fine‐scale High‐Arctic glacier surface roughness evolution
In a warming Arctic, as glacier snowlines rise, short- to medium-term increases in seasonal bare-ice extent are forecast for the next few decades. These changes will enhance the importance of turbulent energy fluxes for surface ablation and glacier mass balance. Turbulent energy exchanges at the ice surface are conditioned by its topography, or roughness, which has been hypothesized to be controlled by supraglacial hydrology at the glacier scale. However, current understanding of the dynamics in surface topography, and the role of drainage development, remains incomplete, particularly for the transition between seasonal snow cover and well-developed, weathered bare-ice. Using time-lapse photogrammetry, we report a daily timeseries of fine (millimetre)-scale supraglacial topography at a 2 m2 plot on the Lower Foxfonna glacier, Svalbard, over two 9-day periods in 2011. We show traditional kernel-based morphometric descriptions of roughness were ineffective in describing temporal change, but indicated fine-scale albedo feedbacks at depths of ~60 mm contributed to conditioning surface topography. We found profile-based and two-dimensional estimates of roughness revealed temporal change, and the aerodynamic roughness parameter, z0, showed a 22–32% decrease from ~1 mm following the exposure of bare-ice, and a subsequent 72–77% increase. Using geostatistical techniques, we identified ‘hole effect’ properties in the surface elevation semivariograms, and demonstrated that hydrological drivers control the plot-scale topography: degradation of superimposed ice reduces roughness while the inception of braided rills initiates a subsequent development and amplification of topography. Our study presents an analytical framework for future studies that interrogate the coupling between ice surface roughness and hydro-meteorological variables and seek to improve parameterizations of topographically evolving bare-ice areas
Glacier algae accelerate melt rates on the western Greenland Ice Sheet
Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is the largest single contributor to eustatic sea level and is amplified by the growth of pigmented algae on the ice surface that increase solar radiation absorption. This biological albedo reducing effect and its impact upon sea level rise has not previously been quantified. Here, we combine field spectroscopy with a novel radiative transfer model, supervised classification of UAV and satellite remote sensing data and runoff modelling to calculate biologically-driven ice surface ablation and compare it to the albedo reducing effects of local mineral dust. We demonstrate that algal growth led to an additional 5.5–8.0 Gt of runoff from the western sector of the GrIS in summer 2016, representing 6–9 % of the total. Our analysis confirms the importance of the biological albedo feedback and that its omission from predictive models leads to the systematic underestimation of Greenland’s future sea level contribution, especially because both the bare ice zones available for algal colonization and the length of the active growth season are set to expand in the future
Biogeochemistry and dissolved oxygen dynamics at a subglacial upwelling, Midtre Lovénbreen, Svalbard
Recent High-Arctic glacial sediment redistribution: A process perspective using airborne lidar
Original article can be found at : http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Copyright Elsevier [Full text of this article is not available in the UHRA]Progressive glacier thinning, retreat and mass loss in the High-Arctic is increasingly exposing forefield sediments to processes of mobilisation and redistribution. In this paper, we quantify forefield sediment redistribution at Midtre Lovénbreen, Svalbard, using repeat light detection and ranging (lidar) surveys conducted in 2003 and 2005 in combination with field-based observations. Average surface lowering of the forefield over the observation period identified from lidar surveys is −0.05 ma−1; and two primary areas of sediment reworking are identified: active fluvial incision of proglacial streams by ~ 2 m and lateral moraine downwasting of similar magnitude. Multivariate analysis of fluvial and climatological field data indicates that observed forefield sediment mobilisation is driven primarily by discharge forcing, but with contributions from thermoerosive processes and stochastic, autogenic sediment supply. During the period of observation, disparity between sediment loss in forefield fluvial systems as calculated from lidar data (3000–4000 × 103 kg) and monitoring of fluvial sediment load (1600–3500 × 103 kg) suggests the likely presence of significant quantities of buried ice beneath a thick debris mantle, as evidenced by field observations. Relatively uniform lowering of the moraine crest identified from our repeat lidar surveys indicates thermoerosion of an ice core. However, simple debris layer thickness modelling indicates an increase in variation of debris layer thickness at lower elevations, providing support for the assertion that moraine disintegration is driven by complex combinations of both thermal and mechanical processes. This study demonstrates the viability of using lidar in conjunction with field monitoring to better understand sedimentary deglaciation dynamics and processes, and also highlights the significance of forefield areas in controlling the sediment yield from deglaciating catchments.Peer reviewe
Integrating historical, geomorphological and sedimentological insights to reconstruct past floods: Insights from Kea Point, Mt. Cook Village, Aotearoa New Zealand
Flood reconstruction is essential for establishing magnitude-frequency relationships and assessments of contemporary geohazards and risks. Traditionally, flood reconstructions rely upon the analysis of evidence acquired from a single discipline. This lack of integration limits the insights into a flood's source, pathway, and receptors (i.e. impacts). Here, our aim is to test the integration of qualitative historical documentary material with quantitative geomorphological and sedimentological evidence to reconstruct glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in 1913 at Kea Point, Mount Cook National Park, Aotearoa New Zealand. Written documentary records show that, following heavy rainfall, GLOF events occurred in January and March, after the temporary impoundment of water between the glacier surface and lateral moraine. Peak flood discharge was estimated from slope-area and exposed boulder measurements as 316–1077 m3s−1 and 496–1622 m3s−1 respectively. Sedimentological information, combined with geomorphic mapping, a DEM derived from Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry, and satellite imagery was used to describe the overall physical impact of the GLOF. Information from written documentary records, however, enabled a more detailed reconstruction of the timeline of the two floods and their impacts proximate to the original ‘Hermitage Hotel’, which was subsequently relocated. Our integrated approach exemplifies the informative level of multi-faceted detail that can be retrieved for historical flood events. We propose a framework for future studies that seek to reconstruct flood events and their source, pathway and receptors through combining evidence from historical documents/artefacts, sedimentological/geomorphological data, and integration with environmental monitoring/modelling outputs
Contrasts between the cryoconite and ice-marginal bacterial communities of Svalbard glaciers
Cryoconite holes are foci of unusually high microbial diversity and activity on glacier surfaces worldwide, comprising melt-holes formed by the darkening of ice by biogenic granular debris. Despite recent studies linking cryoconite microbial community structure to the functionality of cryoconite habitats, little is known of the processes shaping the cryoconite bacterial community. In particular, the assertions that the community is strongly influenced by aeolian transfer of biota from ice-marginal habitats and the potential for cryoconite microbes to inoculate proglacial habitats are poorly quantified despite their longevity in the literature. Therefore, the bacterial community structures of cryoconite holes on three High-Arctic glaciers were compared to bacterial communities in adjacent moraines and tundra using terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Distinct community structures for cryoconite and ice-marginal communities were observed. Only a minority of phylotypes are present in both habitat types, implying that cryoconite habitats comprise distinctive niches for bacterial taxa when compared to ice-marginal habitats. Curiously, phylotype abundance distributions for both cryoconite and ice-marginal sites best fit models relating to succession. Our analyses demonstrate clearly that cryoconites have their own, distinct functional microbial communities despite significant inputs of cells from other habitats