715 research outputs found

    Radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres

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    Rheoretical techniques and observations at millimeter wavelengths are combined to study the atmosphere of planets and comets, planetary and satellite regoliths, and planetary rings. Analysis of the very high quality data on the 18 cm OH line observed in recent comets continued. The high spectral resolution and high signal-to-noise make these lines ideal for study of the kinematics in cometary comae. A model of the collisional quenching of the inversion of the lambda doublet responsible for the OH radio emission has been developed by P. Schloerb. For conditions appropriate to Halley's Comet, collisional quenching should lead radio observers to systematically underestimate the OH parent production rate by a factor of approximately 3 relative to its actual value, which is very consistent with differences observed between radio and ultraviolet-derived production rates. Modeling is likewise continuing for the profiles observed in the lowest rotational transition of HCN in Comet Halley in order to better estimate the excitation and hence the abundance of HCN, as well as the kinematics of parent molecules in the coma. A collaborative program to combine data from the 14 m antenna with interferometric data abtained at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory is allowing aperture synthesis mapping of Venus in the CO J=1-0 line

    Orientation-dependent handedness and chiral design

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    Chirality occupies a central role in fields ranging from biological self-assembly to the design of optical metamaterials. The definition of chirality, as given by Lord Kelvin, associates chirality with the lack of mirror symmetry: the inability to superpose an object on its mirror image. While this definition has guided the classification of chiral objects for over a century, the quantification of handed phenomena based on this definition has proven elusive, if not impossible, as manifest in the paradox of chiral connectedness. In this work, we put forward a quantification scheme in which the handedness of an object depends on the direction in which it is viewed. While consistent with familiar chiral notions, such as the right-hand rule, this framework allows objects to be simultaneously right and left handed. We demonstrate this orientation dependence in three different systems - a biomimetic elastic bilayer, a chiral propeller, and optical metamaterial - and find quantitative agreement with chirality pseudotensors whose form we explicitly compute. The use of this approach resolves the existing paradoxes and naturally enables the design of handed metamaterials from symmetry principles

    Boundary conditions for the paleoenvironment: Chemical and physical processes in the pre-solar nebula

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    Detailed study of the first interstellar hydrocarbon ring, cyclopropenylidene (C3H2), is continuing. The singly deuterated isotope of this molecule, C3HD, was observed in several cold interstellar clouds. The results of a large survey for C3H2 in galactic sources of various types will soon be completed. It appears that cyclopropenylidene is present in virtually all interstellar clouds of at least moderate density. In order to make the first determinations of the CO2/CO abundance ratio in interstellar sources, observations of protonated CO2 were pursued. The spectrum from 18.5 to 22 GHz for several interstellar clouds is being systematically measured. Particular attention is being given to the cold, dark clouds TMC-1 and L124N, which may be formation sites for solar mass stars. The phenomena of maser emission from molecules of methanol is being studied in certain interstellar clouds. A comparison of 1 millimeter continuum emission from dust with the column density of carbon monoxide as determined from the rare C(18)O isotope for 4 molecular clouds in the Galaxy is nearing completion. Papers published during the period of this report are listed

    Rectification of energy and motion in non-equilibrium parity violating metamaterials

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    Uncovering new mechanisms for rectification of stochastic fluctuations has been a longstanding problem in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Here, using a model parity violating metamaterial that is allowed to interact with a bath of active energy consuming particles, we uncover new mechanisms for rectification of energy and motion. Our model active metamaterial can generate energy flows through an object in the absence of any temperature gradient. The nonreciprocal microscopic fluctuations responsible for generating the energy flows can further be used to power locomotion in, or exert forces on, a viscous fluid. Taken together, our analytical and numerical results elucidate how the geometry and inter-particle interactions of the parity violating material can couple with the non-equilibrium fluctuations of an active bath and enable rectification of energy and motion.Comment: 9 Pages + S

    The Life of a Vortex Knot

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    The idea that the knottedness (hydrodynamic Helicity) of a fluid flow is conserved has a long history in fluid mechanics. The quintessential example of a knotted flow is a knotted vortex filament, however, owing to experimental difficulties, it has not been possible until recently to directly generate knotted vortices in real fluids. Using 3D printed hydrofoils and high-speed laser scanning tomography, we generate vortex knots and links and measure their subsequent evolution. In both cases, we find that the vortices deform and stretch until a series of vortex reconnections occurs, eventually resulting several disjoint vortex rings. This article accompanies a fluid dynamics video entered into the Gallery of Fluid Motion at the 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.Comment: Videos are included; this submission is part of the DFD Gallery of Fluid Motio

    Tying knots in light fields

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    We construct a new family of null solutions to Maxwell's equations in free space whose field lines encode all torus knots and links. The evolution of these null fields, analogous to a compressible flow along the Poynting vector that is both geodesic and shear-free, preserves the topology of the knots and links. Our approach combines the Bateman and spinor formalisms for the construction of null fields with complex polynomials on S3\mathbb{S}^3. We examine and illustrate the geometry and evolution of the solutions, making manifest the structure of nested knotted tori filled by the field lines.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure